Obama is a Shameless Hussy; Accepts Nobel
U.S. President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize leaving us baffled and irritated.
Barack Obama
Announcing the decision earlier today, the Norwegian Nobel Committee highlighted Obama’s extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples and special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.
But Why
While we do like our President, we are puzzled by this award because Obama has few concrete achievements to his record other than being the first black to become the President of the United States.
Both in the domestic and international arena, Obama is still groping his way toward solutions for vexing problems.
If mere efforts are the yardstick for bestowing high accolades like the Nobel, then every Clinton, Bush and Ford deserve this honor.
It’s also timely for us to remember that the Nobel Committee’s decision making is extremely weird when it comes to the Peace Prize.
For instance, Mahatma Gandhi never got the Nobel Peace prize despite being more worthy of it than anyone else in the 20th century.
Obama is the third sitting U.S. President to win the Nobel Peace Prize after Theodore Roosevelt (1906) and Woodrow Wilson (1919).
On the domestic front, Obama faces tremendous resistance from the crackpots a.k.a. Republicans.
We hope the Nobel Peace Prize strengthens Obama’s hands as he tries to usher in reform like healthcare for the 75 million uninsured and inadequately insured Americans.
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oh, I thought your title was a joke.. baffling.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Obama has been in office for less than a year (37 weeks to be precise), has little achievements to his credit other than bringing some sanity to the administration, civility to politics and taking some steps in the right direction (healthcare proposal et al). And you get a Nobel for that?
When I read the news on rediff.com, I thought they were joking. Some sites do that.
I have nothing against Obama, but the folks who decided that Obama should be awarded Nobel have some serious explaining to do, rather than than throwing world-peace jargon at us.
Most winners of Nobel prize have a solid body of work to show, along with some impact-making work, something that has important consequences, or something that makes a difference to people.
This holds for all categories of Nobel.
To get a Nobel peace prize, one must have struggled for a fair amount of time in solving a vexing issue.
Obama, likable though he is, is not even a contender for Nobel let alone a winner, based on what he has done.
Granted that he has emerged as a star statesman at the global level.
But imagine Obama having got a prize that Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa were once awarded.
Is it that the award is more for what the world expects him to do, rather that what he has already done ?
Is it that merely pulling out of Iraq has got him the Nobel ?
Or is it that even the Nobel prize is not above the all-pervading influence of America (whatever that means) ?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Most winners of Nobel prize have a solid body of work to show, along with some impact-making work, something that has important consequences, or something that makes a difference to people.
Our thoughts exactly.
That’s why we wrote:
2. You write: Is it that the award is more for what the world expects him to do, rather that what he has already done ?
Most likely, it is aimed at strengthening his hands given the tremendous resistance he faces (particularly from inside the U.S.) from a lot of Whites as well as entrenched corporate interests and pigs like doctors, large insurance firms et al.
When I saw your article on FB I actually thought it was some kinda joke.
Maybe he could give it up, like Sonia gave up the PM’s chair.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Maybe, Obama will decline.
Let’s see what he has to say at the
10:30 AM ET11.00AM ET press conference.all 3 great minds (so far) thought it was a joke.. this grossly insults the other Nobel winners. Stupid!
but Obama won’t get another chance.. it will probably be best if declines it.. or he and his prize will be ridiculed forever.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Yes, we’re hoping Obama declines it like Jean Paul Sartre did in 1964.
This is a wrong choice and world will witness it.
The person who is keeping Economy over Peace and Harmony, could not be adjudged as the recepient of such prize. Hardly a week before he has refused to meet His Holiness Dalai Laama under the Chinese Pressure.
It seems that with times the parameters of selection has also changed.
If they think Bapu Gandhi wasn’t deserving a recognition, and “OH-SO-DRAMA-OBAMA” shd get the diploma, speaks tons for the prize’s merit….goras and their mentality!
Alfred Nobel stipulated that the peace prize should go “to the person who shall have DONE THE MOST or the best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of peace congresses.” I believe he was Not the right choice AS HE JUST HAD SPOKEN GOOD, NOT DONE ANYTHING SERIOUS
Look at problems 1 . ISRAEL Palestine dispute , he even didnt utter a word when Gaza was attacked. 2. AFGAN WAR STILL ON .. 3.where are exemptions if he really what to support islamic countries spcly poor ones in africa. 4. how he is preventing other countries from american genrtd recession 5 ABOVE HE STILL FUNDING TERROR BASE CAMP OF WORLD “PAKISTAN” knowing that fund would b used against indian peace.
THIS is the second biggest mistake ever committed by noble committee, the BIGEST EVER WAS NOT Giving “PEACE” prize to GANDHJI.
COMPARE PEOPLE LIKE NELSON MANDELA, MOTHER TERESA Contribution to mr.Obamas who is a master orator, have empathy of being black… now this incident shows he has GREAT PR TOO…….
Excellent move! now during the regime of Obama, America can’t attack any nation.
Isn’t this a big joke, a person is getting this award just for his speeches.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
The honorable way is for Obama to decline the prize.
Let’s see if he’s man enough to do that.
Disappointing. I too hope he declines.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Let’s see.
Waiting for the
10:30 AM ET11.00AM ET press conference.This shows that nobel peace committee is a bunch of the biggest cocks***ers.
My guess is Obama won’t reject it. For all I know he is one hell of a smart guy to let go a nobel prize that easily
Wanna bet
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: My guess is Obama won’t reject it
We’ll know in about 12 minutes (at the
10:30 AM ET11.00AM ET press conference).Not sure if our Indian readers can see the press conference live.
I think he’s just a muppet in the hands of shadowy guys who have already destroyed some parts of the world. I mean the Bush’s think Tanks who are still wandering around the pentagon and white house like haunted by ghosts.
He can do much much better, maybe he’s scared of losing his postion. Poor Man…ooops..not a real man actually.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Two minutesto go for the press conference. Looks like it’s going to be at 11.00 AM ET now.You may be able to see it in the Gulf too if you have CNN or any of the other major American news channels.
they changed it to 11am ET
http://cspan.org/Watch/C-SPAN_wm.aspx will be watchable by Indians too, I think.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Fixed it in some of our responses to the comments. Will fix in others as well.
Were are ur darlings buddy? A.k.a Boopoolan ,Strynglad (must be referring to his penis), ask them to go and hide some where Diwali is near by its gonna be tough time for Street Stray Dogs like them and you
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Strynglad (must be referring to his penis)
Here’s Strynglad explaining his ID last year:
2. Most of the SI readers are not stray dogs and most certainly none of the ones you mention.
Exceptions of stray, rabid dogs do exist here, of course (hint: the user name has the following letters S W A G A T).
These things happen. We have to just make our selves believe that we can’t do anything other than saying ” oh ! is it ? but why ?” , though I like Obama.
The last time I felt in the same way for an international award ceremony was when ‘Slum dog Millionaire’ won 8 awards. Fine, movie was good. But Why 8?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
With Slumdog Millionaire, the awards were for different aspects of the movie. Best picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Sound Mixing, Editing, Best Original Score and Best Original Song and Cinematography.
Plus, a Nobel has a higher global standing than an Oscar.
Finally, Slumdog Millionaire got the Oscars for the end-result not for work in progress like Obama did with the Nobel.
Obama humbly accepted it, yet he’s got a long way to go.
In my humble opinion, Nobel for peace should have gone to Tamil soil Chief Minister Karunanidhi for his outstanding effort in bringing out ‘Peace’ among his family clowns – Azhagiri, Marans, KaniMozhi, Stalin, and his countless wives, thus maintaining peace in the party and TN.
Oh, the dick-less guy is back again. Each time we cut your dick and throw you out, and you come back making up a fake bulge in your pants. You have not got balls to stand up against us kiddo, have you?
“Were are ur darlings buddy? ”
Will respond to you when you learn the difference between “were” and “where”.
“ask them to go and hide some where Diwali is near by its gonna be tough time for Street Stray Dogs like them and you”
Do you know the existence of “.” (dot) or “,” (comma), or any punctuation characters? Don’t you take water between your feces meal, you dirty pig?
In a blog post, try to discuss something related to the topic. If you don’t have anything to say or do, go shave heads and earn. Don’t show up here again with another name, for wasting our time.
Now get back to watch the orgy that happens in your home and continue your feces meal, you ‘swine’gat!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write above: Nobel for peace should have gone to Tamil soil Chief Minister Karunanidhi for his outstanding effort in bringing out ‘Peace’ among his family clowns – Azhagiri, Marans, KaniMozhi, Stalin, and his countless wives, thus maintaining peace in the party and TN.
Nobel Piss Prize is all that Loose Paiya deserves.
Any idiot who describes the late LTTE terrorist leader Prabhakaran as his good friend (even if he did not mean it) is unworthy of being a leader of the Tamils.
We should all (that includes us too) move beyond things like Swagat. In future, we plan to just delete the registration without processing the comment. Needless distraction and irritation to all.
Mea culpa. We should’ve known better when it registered the second time. Won’t happen again.
@nisha.gupta27, who says
“If they think Bapu Gandhi wasn’t deserving a recognition, and “OH-SO-DRAMA-OBAMA†shd get the diploma, speaks tons for the prize’s merit….goras and their mentality!”
I’m a gora, actually, the gora, and I don’t have this mentality. If you are a regular follower of this blog and not some johnny-come-lately, you would know I have been a staunch opponent of all things Obama since well before last year’s election.
What I don’t understand is why people are in such an uproar about this, especially SI.
SI writes, “While we do like our President, we are puzzled by this award because Obama has few concrete achievements to his record…”
That’s funny because I was puzzled by his election win since he had few concrete achievements to his record when he was campaigning. But you trumpeted his brilliance during his campaign even though he had few concrete achievements to his record. Now you say he should not have won this award because he has few concrete achievements to his record. So doing nothing is good enough to win a US Presidential election, but doing nothing is not good enough to win the Nobel Peace Prize? I HOPE that this will CHANGE the way people think about Obama, making them come to their senses to see the fraud he is and always has been.
For the record, Yasir Arafat, one of history’s most accomplished terrorists, won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. That’s all you need to know about this award.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. nisha.gupta27 – Yes, this is a real gora. Your goose is cooked.
Not the Indian Fair & Lovely kind.
2. You write above: he had few concrete achievements to his record when he was campaigning.
That’s hardly a surprise in politics. George W.Bush, Gerald Ford, that B-grade Hollywood star Ronald Reagan (staunchly opposed Medicare, by the way)…all had little to crow about before entering the White House.
3. We were eager about Obama’s candidacy because he promised change, change from the usual style of politics.
Also, Obama’s speeches indicated that his heart was in the right place.
Did we drink the Obama kool aid?
But we’ll reserve final judgment until he’s had another year or two.
Soon he will get an Oscar and Grammy too. I am sure that Kanye West will not be allowed for both functions :))
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Sad day for America and the world.
Classic example of manipulating mentality of europe. I think France and other countries would have something to cheer about.
One reader points out a very interesting thing – “Hardly a week before he has refused to meet His Holiness Dalai Laama under the Chinese Pressure.”
Chinese pressure is sure building up. As India is also facing regular intrusions on the eastern border.
He refused to meet Dalai Lama who was himself awarded a nobel peace prize. Now that’s a shame and sham.
Atleast India is giving him refuge. Something to cheer about our “incredible india”. Obama should show some guts do decline the award.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Many of the countries of old Europe that Donald Rumsfeld once derided have chosen a left of center path in governance that’s more appropriate than the extreme Right disastrous course of our country from 2000 to 2008.
2. The other day we read that Indians from Jammu and Kashmir are issued Chinese visas on loose sheets of paper, and not stamped on their passports.
3. The mindset of the Chinese monkeys is a thuggish, brutish mentality. You cannot appease this dragon.
Thanks to bush n his daddy…
I have read that piece. It’s a matter of serious concern. India is feeling helpless i guess, and anxious too that what would be China’s next move.
Hope, they don’t kill us.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
The problem is that beneath all the bombast Indians are for the most part pussies, who get pushed around by every passing dickhead.
Which ‘superpower’ gets pushed around by the likes of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka et al.
Just a question of time before China annexes more Indian territory.
That’ll probably happen when that bachcha Rahul Gandhi takes over as Prime Minister.
karupiah’s rule !
SearchIndia.com Responds:
As long as it doesn’t turn into Karappan Poochi (cockroach) rule.
SI: “As long as it doesn’t turn into Karappan Poochi rule”
We can’t predict the future.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We’d still give Obama some more time.
Let’s wait and see if he buckles completely to the lobbyists and crooks.
yup, he needs time, if he is effective, we can see some results by the end of his tenure.
hillary is very quiet these days !
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Hillary has been emasculated.
– “Just a question of time before China annexes more Indian territory.
That’ll probably happen when that bachcha Rahul Gandhi takes over as Prime Minister.”
A defence report says that China would attack India, before 2012 to prove its superiority over India, and to be an undisputed leader in Asia.
One of the articles explaining the same can be found here: [Probably you have gone through it already]
And, there was an astonishing (the largest of its kind) military show put up by China, last week, over its 60th anniversary. Number of tankers outnumbers US and India (this case is for sure). It almost equals US in the case of Missiles, and war ships. India’s number was meager. This show is seen as a alarm to India.
Every year, there is some kind of tension in arunachal pradesh border. Last month, it was said that some Chinese spying plane was flying over India’s territory. And in another case, Chinese army occupies some area in Assam.
Here is one more, to add up to your list of the nations that hit ‘Super power’ from sides – http://www.expressindia.com/latest-news/Bangladesh-occupies-Assams-land-Minister/519139/
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Indian Defence Review Editor Bharat Verma makes a plausible argument in your first link.
If China attacks India, it’ll be 1962 redux.
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones” -Albert Einstein
hope u know the quote before.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Yes, this one we are familiar with.