Our President Barack Obama disappointed us all mightily today.
At a morning press conference in the White House Rose Garden, President Obama said he’d accept the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
In his remarks, Obama justified his acceptance on the ground that the Nobel Prize is sometimes a means to give momentum to a set of causes.
Disappointed us all
Here’s what Obama said in his statement to reporters:
To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honored by this prize.
Correct, Obama. You are nowhere in the league of the great leaders.
Obama also did not have the cojones to take questions from the press corps. Pussy.
Just as there’s little doubt that Obama is a welcome change in the White House after the eight years of misrule by the Republican idiot George W.Bush, there’s also little doubt that Obama has few achievements to his credit to merit the Nobel.
As many have pointed out, the Nobel is usually given to a person with a rich track record, not to an arriviste.
Obama has been in office for less than a year. Other than changing the tone of discussion, there’s been little concrete action so far that has significantly changed the lives of many for the better.
We are dismayed beyond belief.
Shame on you, Obama.
Related Stories:
Obama gets Nobel Peace Prize. Why?
Barack Obama is Here; Bush Nightmare Ends
Barack Obama – Inaugural Address
there is no precedent for declining because of unworthiness.. Jean-Paul Sartre declined because he was an eccentric, not because he didn’t think he was deserving.. And the Swedish Academy’s decisions are apparently irrevocable. He clearly stated that he does not deserve..
so, although it would have been cooler if he had declined it, I feel that we have to cut him some slack. Nobel committee’s fault.. not his.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: there is no precedent for declining because of unworthiness..
Great men create precedents, not follow precedents.
That’s what makes them great.
Well, he didn’t deserve it! But since he’s accepted it anyways, let him work truly for World Peace and ensure that he atleast has the satisfaction of justifying this prize.
But first, let him stop supporting Pakistan, and allocating funds to increase the already huge nuclear arsenal. let him also put an end to the greedy medicos in America by providing affordable healthcare to most of US citizens.
To be frank, he just seems now to be an over-hyped individual, talks a lot, but has achieved very very less.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Obama is not a lost cause yet.
Let’s see if the prize inspires him to deliver the goods to the people.
Quoting Obama:
“I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformative figures that have been honored by this prize”
“I know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honour specific achievements; it’s also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. And that is why I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st Century.”
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Actions speak louder than words.
Obama still has more than three years left of his term. Let’s see what he delivers.
In our not-so-humble view, the worst Democrat is always infinitely better than the best Republican.
He deserves the prize just for kicking the Republicans out of power, thereby making the world safer and a peaceful place.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
After eight years of Bush and given the Republican candidates John McCain (this senile dodo didn’t even know how many homes he has) and that blithering idiot Sarah Palin, even Vadivelu would have won had he been the Democrats’ nominee.
That said, there’s a special place reserved in hell for the Republican scumbags.
Le Duc Tho, awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. They were awarded the Prize for negotiating the Vietnam peace accord. Le Doc Tho said that he was not in a position to accept the Prize, citing the situation in Vietnam as his reason.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Yeah. Russian writer Boris Pasternak too couldn’t accept the Nobel.
SI Wrote: Yeah. Russian writer Boris Pasternak too couldn’t accept the Nobel.
Never heard of this writer before, but I really appreciate his decision to refuse the nobel. Not many people do it for the sake of their country.
Wish sense prevails when such prestigious awards are being given. In spite of all unnecessary negative publicity that it has gained, the prestigious “Nobel” still remains to be one of the most coveted awards in history. Wish it retains its sanctity.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
It’s a sign of the times that everything is getting devalued.
An Obama gets the Nobel, a Sonia rules India, an Aishwarya reigns over Bollywood….
Offtopic: We’ve just discovered Tang and are liking it.
Well there are several ways to think about it. Here are some of my views:
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Except for your point on Guantanamo Bay (and even that is work in progress), your other positive points about Obama are far too insignificant.
Don’t tell me you never drank Rasna.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We did but remember making Rasna as a far more cumbersome process than just adding five spoons of Tang to water.
BTW, we’re speaking of the version of Rasna from early 80s. They may have a different technique now.
They do. Its the same as Tang. It supposedly contains the same nutrients(calcium etc) and is cheaper too.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
So they have changed. We remember the old process kinda like a squash. You made a syrup with the Rasna powder/extract and then stored them in bottles. Then you mixed the syrup with cold water.
We haven’t had Rasna in decades. Will see if we can find it in Subzi Mandi or Apna Bazaar this weekend.
Maybe we’ll review it too. Tang vs Rasna
Obama says
“To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honored by this prize.”
Ah there we go….Obama at his rhetorical best. Is there a Nobel prize for BS talk? Probably they will start it next year and confer obama with the first ever such prize.
Seriously this award puts obama in a bind. He will have to live up to it in his tenure. Lets hope he will resolve thorny Palestine issue (though it is highly unlikely given that there are enough nuts on both sides).
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write above: Is there a Nobel prize for BS talk? Probably they will start it next year and confer obama with the first ever such prize.
Well said.
2. It also puts him in a bind over the troop increase in Afghanistan, a land where the tribes are in the same state and mindset as they were when Alexander invaded the country in 330BC.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We like the following paragraph from the above piece:
Off the topic:
I’m going to watch ‘schindler’s list’. Have you reviewed it earlier?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Not reviewed here.
have you watched it?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Yes. We have the DVD with us.
Maybe, we’ll re-watch some bits tonight.
Aswin_Kini says, “To be frank, he just seems now to be an over-hyped individual, talks a lot, but has achieved very very less.”
Just now? Have you been living under a rock for the last five years?
Obama has been an over-hyped individual, talking a lot and achieving nothing since he gave his speech at the DNC in 2008.
SI is committing blasphemy today. For someone who preaches against religion, few have bowed down more often at the altar of Obama.
It’s okay SI. I forgive you. Better late than never for you to come to your senses.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: It’s okay SI. I forgive you. Better late than never for you to come to your senses.
When the healthcare bill passes, as it most likely will before Christmas we’ll have the last laugh.
How does that old saying go?
He who laughs last, laughs the heartiest/the longest.
Firstly I am not a Republican or any kind of politician. but this is an insult to the the other laureates who won it this year.
By giving to someone who is yet to accomplish anything and putting him along with people who have worked their asses off for their causes is one of the most idiotic things to do.
Velaiye seiyama, appraisal vangitar Obama. Award kudutha thaan world peace kku velai seivaru na, every year kudukka vendiyathu varum (Without working one bit, Obama got his appraisal. If he will work for world peace only after he is given such awards, then every year, he will need an award).
I seriously doubt the swedish council now of deliberating Nobel laureates. Comparing to Nelson Mandela, I do not think Obama has achieved anything but high percentages in popularity charts. For a person who stood up against apartheid, this is really setting a bad example for all here in the states.
I am really sad that this happened. Kadavul thaan kapathanam (Only god should save everyone)
SearchIndia.com Responds:
A reflection of the depressing times that the award was give and that the award was accepted.
“When the healthcare bill passes, as it most likely will before Christmas we’ll have the last laugh.”
Before Christmas, eh. Don’t you mean, before December 25th?
Certainly for someone who espouses anti-religious views, you wouldn’t acknowledge “Christmas” as having any secular significance in terms of a date to pass a bill by?
Your favorite Chi-town charlatan also pledged to close Gitmo before the end of the year.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. The reason we used Christmas was because if the health care bill passes, it’ll most likely be sometime around Mid-December (exact date unknown) given the many versions of the bill floating around in the various committees and the need to reconcile the House and Senate versions.
Christmas was just a marker like you tell people Akshay Kumar’s Blue is releasing for Diwali. You don’t say Blue is releasing on October 16.
We’ll leave the religious drivel to the right-wing Christian ‘I believe in intelligent design’ nuts that’s the only constituency the Republicans can claim as their own these days.
2. On Gitmo, the first steps have already been taken. Dec 31 is still 73 days away.
Now Nobel has become a joke. What a shame!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Just finished watching Schindler’s list. Profoundly disturbing most of the times. Got emotional(ok, i cried) towards the end. That its COMPLETELY true was unexpected. Had shades of District 9 at someplaces although to watch it done to aliens was much less disturbing. I hope something like this never happens even to my worst enemies.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We rewatched for about 45 minutes unitl sleep closed our eyelids….till Oskar thanks Ben Kingsley’s character in the office for helping the business to succeed, offers him a drink and then asks him to get out.
Recommend William Shirer’s Rise and Fall of Third Reich to get an overview of the Nazi era. Easily available in most Indian libraries.
I remember watching (when Aktar was still a toddler) Schindler’s list with 20 people in the 1000-seat Sathyam theater.. They had hiked the ticket price just for this movie.. don’t remember why. Very powerful movie.. but araj wasn’t impressed.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
While Schindler’s List is not a bad movie, it most certainly doesn’t rise to great heights.
Given the extraordinary subject/story and the actors, one expects so much more.
Not once did we feel aroused by the movie as we should have been given the brutality of these Nazi animals and Oskar Schindler’s odd humane behavior.
The screenplay, dialogs, photography et al are a few notches above mediocre while the acting is solid.
Thanks. Will try to get to it. I have Mein kampf which was gifted to me. Reads like propaganda. I have read it in places. Although I had a time when I (mistakenly) looked up (without understanding the depth or extent of his cruelty) to “Führer”, I have steadily grown out of it. There are still a lot of people who due to ignorance do that. On top of that there are neo-nazis. And did you know some people accuse Indians of Nazism since we use the swastika (I have seen this in many web forums. Just burns me up)? Why the HELL did he have to use it? Now, forever, that innocent symbol will be associated with evil.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: And did you know some people accuse Indians of Nazism since we use the swastika (I have seen this in many web forums. Just burns me up)? Why the HELL did he have to use it? Now, forever, that innocent symbol will be associated with evil.
1. Of course, a lot of Indians are no better than Nazis. It’s a hallmark of Incredible India that Injustice, crime and encounters has been turned into a banality.
The spread of Maoist movement in India to over 20 states is an offspring of the enormous injustice that gets no attention from the official media who see only the beheadings and lynchings of the rebels.
2. Nazism stands out merely because it was state-sanctioned and Hitler’s expansionist policies.
Stalin was likely responsible for more deaths than Hitler but since they all happened inside the borders of the Soviet Union (Ukraine, the various Gulags et al), the world pays more attention to Hitler’s evil. Our hypothesis is that if Hitler had gassed all the Jews in Germany without his expansionist policies, no one would have cared.
3. With few exceptions, man everywhere is evil.
Beasts in polyester, as we like to call them.
4. If you have a Max Mueller Bhavan in your city, they’ll most definitely have Shirer’s book on the Third Reich. It’s about 1,000 pages but worth the effort.
There are so many interesting tidbits: horrendous medical experiments on the Jews, how the fat was extracted from Jews’ bodies to make soap, how the Jews in the camps were forced to write letters to their relatives in other countries of how jobs were aplenty, life was wonderful et al and when the relatives came they were put to work in the camps till they grew weak and gassed.
i had the DVD, but couldn’t watch Schindler’s List.
Same with Aviator.
dont know whats wrong, found them boring.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You are not the only one.
BTW, where were you all these days?
“Stalin was likely responsible for more deaths than Hitler but since they all happened inside the borders of the Soviet Union (Ukraine, the various Gulags et al), the world pays more attention to Hitler’s evil.”
World pays more attention to Hitler’s evil because of the holocaust, a genocide, systematic killing aimed at more than seven millions of Jews. History had not witnessed such an extreme point of cruelty, before.
On the other hand, Stalin was not responsible for a massive killing of people belonging to a race in millions, but initiated “the Great Purge” [Like, SI often exterminates people
]. The great purge had initially started with the other party members, who opposed communism, and spread to the inner levels of communist party, who opposed stalin as a leader, and finally people who opposed the dictator. So Hitler is the greatest evil.
In fact, Russia got into the era of rapid industrialization and development in Stalin’s reign.
The same was with the case of Hitler’s rule. He made arrangements to manufacture cars at the cost of merely some 800+ german currency those days. [Probably it went like Reliance’s 500 Rs CDMA mobile
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: The great purge had initially started with the other party members, who opposed communism, and spread to the inner levels of communist party
Those were all show trials where party leaders confessed to opposing Stalin and the Communist party because of merciless beatings and torture.
Stalin was indiscriminatory in his victims.
2. You write: On the other hand, Stalin was not responsible for a massive killing of people belonging to a race in millions,
More nonsense.
By your logic, Stalin was the lesser evil merely because he was completely agnostic in his choice of victims.
3. You write: Russia got into the era of rapid industrialization and development in Stalin’s reign.
Sanjay Gandhi was also merely trying to beautify Turkman Gate.
And Mussolini made the trains run on time.
4. Ignorance is not as big a sin as flaunting it.
A sample:
Odessa massacre
“In the afternoon, more than 25,000 Jews were assembled and taken out to the gates of Dalnik. When they reached the gates, 50 people were moved into the trenches and shot by Lieutenant-Colonel Nicolae Deleanu himself. The Romanians were concerned that the killing would take too long a time and moved the rest of the Jews (approximately 22,000) inside four large storage buildings in which they made holes for machine guns. The doors were closed and Lieutenant-Colonel Nicolae Deleanu ordered the soldiers to fire into the buildings. In order to make sure that nobody had survived, they set the buildings on fire at 17:00 hours. The next day grenades were thrown into one of the buildings. Other Jews were herded into the harbor square, sprinkled with gasoline, and set on fire. Over 22,000 corpses were found in mass graves after the war.”
SearchIndia.com Responds:
The Jews have paid a heavy price in the 20th Century.
if you thought Schindler’s list was boring, you should probably try
SearchIndia.com Responds:
No, we wouldn’t go so far as to say Schindler’s List is boring but the hype is way ahead of the movie.
Kung Fu Hustle could be interesting.
“BTW, where were you all these days?”
celebs have tough life, got into some scandal.
but, was laughing all time at UPO fights !
it was amazing fight between u and kamal fans.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: celebs have tough life, got into some scandal.
If only you were what your e-mail address (don’t worry, it’s a secret) claims you to be, we’d have asked you to review a Bollywood movie.
Alas, you are just a fan-boy.
why r u accessing my pers info, like ip, email, pw etc.
i feel scared.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: why r u accessing my pers info…..i feel scared
You should’ve stopped at one drink.
That’s more than you can handle.