Rajinikanth – Nothing He Can’t

(Courtesy: Sonny Chatrath) If you still haven’t heard of the phenomenon that’s Rajinikanth, you’re likely an alien or a retard. Here are a few pointers to Rajinikanth’s fame: 1. If Rajinikanth were to be shot today, tomorrow would be the bullet’s funeral 2. Rajinikanth killed a terrorist in Pakistan via Bluetooth. 3. When Rajinikanth was […]

Poor Response to Enthiran Premiere in U.S.

Enthiran Box Office – Unimpressive Average Gross Enthiran Review – Orgy of Stupidity For all the hype, there are no crowds at all for the premiere show of Enthiran at a theater on the U.S. East Coast. There are just about 50 people in the queue. That is nothing considering the enormous publiShitty the movie […]

Rajinikanth’s Moondru Mugam – Garbage

A few years back, one of our friends from Chennai got us a bunch of DVDs including one featuring three Rajinikanth films Thillu Mullu, Ranga and Moondru Mugam. For some reason, the DVD wouldn’t play in our Panasonic home-theater. So we kept it aside and completely forgot about it until we recently got an Acer […]

Endhiran Music Review – If Rahman Farts, is it Still Music?

Enthiran Box Office – Unimpressive Average Gross Enthiran Review – Orgy of Stupidity Emmathitanga Ayyo, Emmathitanga (they’ve cheated us, God, they’ve cheated us). A BIG disappointment. 🙁 A.R.Rahman and Shankar have taken Tamil music fans for a ride with the Endhiran album. Endhiran’s music is nowhere in the class of Rahman’s Slumdog Millionaire or his […]

Rajinikanth vs King Cobra & Other Facts of Life

A short while ago, we got the following e-mail joke from our sick oops Sikh friend in the U.S. Jeete raho puttar but if you value your life learn to spell Rajinikanth right. 😉 ——————————– You want to know who is Rajinikanth….here are the facts: * Rajinikanth makes onions cry * Rajinikanth can delete the […]

Muthu – What are the Japanese Drinking?

Surely, the Japs have taken leave of their senses or perhaps it’s the delayed effect of the nuclear bomb we dropped on their parents’ heads back in 1945. We think the decline of Japan (the stagflation and all that) and their fascination for Muthu and its protagonist Rajnikanth is all of a piece. Decline of […]