I believe in walking alone. I came alone in this world, I have walked alone in the valley of the shadow of death, and I shall quit alone, when the time comes. – Mohandas Gandhi, echoing words from a song by the poet Rabindranath Tagore, quoted in Great Soul by Joseph Lelyveld p.7 By now, […]
No Indian is a coolie by birth – M.K.Gandhi Source: Great Soul by Joseph Lelyveld, p.9 Many of you coolies have directed your ire at us when we hurled the epithet coolie at y’all. Your anger has been gnawing at our vitals since. So in our search for answers, we did what a lot of […]
We all know how Gandhi used to sleep naked with young girls at his ashram as part of his ‘experiments.’ Of course, if any of us tried those, ahem, ‘experiments’ we’d be carted off to prison or hauled off to a mental ward. But how many of us know that the Mahatma might have […]