With our hearts in our mouth, we gingerly stepped into a theater on the East Coast to watch the first show of Dum Maro Dum. Given Abhishek Bachchan’s pitiful record at delivering entertainers, our caution and hesitation was understandable. Except for us, the 106-seat theater for the opening show of Dum Maaro Dum (directed by […]
Folks, Abhishek Bachchan’s Dum Maaro Dum has received a poor response from the U.S. audience. The response was pitiful for the opening show at a theater on the East Coast with 98% of the seats remaining empty. Yes, we ( i.e SI) were the only members of the audience. Did we tell y’all that today […]
If there’s one thing that critics can be sure of with an Abhishek Bachchan movie lately, it’s that they’re garbage. The Bollywood buffoon’s latest crap-show Dum Maro Dum released today and movie critics are already panning it. Here’s a sample of reviews for Dum Maro Dum: IndiaFM: DUM MAARO DUM lacks dum….the content fails to […]
OMG, we haven’t stopped laughing at the box office numbers of Abhishek Bachchan’s new film Game. Laughed so much till our sides split. When Bollywood’s pall-bearer features in a movie, you know the inevitable outcome – A Box Office Disaster. Here are SI’s three laws of Abhishek Bachchan: * Another Abhishek Bachchan movie releases. […]
Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha SI ROFL. Which Bollywood idiot’s movie debuts on April Fools’ Day – Of course, our favorite buffoon Abhishek Bachchan’s movie. Who else deserves that dubious honor. Folks, Abhishek Bachchan’s new movie Game released today and if the critics’ visceral reaction against it is any indication this bloke […]