Friend’s Father – Hanna, what did your mother die of? Hanna – Three bullets. Who needs Bourne when you got Hanna? Yeah, who needs Jason Bourne when you have a pretty young gal with a doctorate in Bournology. New Kick-Ass It’s been some time since we watched a nice action film starring a young girl. […]
No, Source Code has nothing at all to do with the underlying code beneath all your software programs. No, Source Code is not time travel. Nooo, Source Code is not virtual reality either. To compound your misery, we’ll give you a tiny unhelpful clue here – the movie is about a different kind of reality. […]
(For SI blog reader Gandhiji & his/her/their many avatars) We live in an age when the trivial, insignificant, repetitive and talentless often triumphs over talent, the original and the substantive. And never more so than in the movie business. Movie after movie (be it Indian or Hollywood) has either love or action as their raison […]
Given their hideous quality, we’ve always viewed the release of every Bollywood film with mucho fear, as an apocalyptic event if you will. Well, maybe somebody invaded our mind and poked into our thoughts a la the Inception. You see, the other day Manan Singh Katohora, a U.S.-based Hindi film director and producer, sent […]
After leading a fairly dissolute life for the most part of our life, we’re belatedly discovering the virtues of good health. Oh well, better late than never. So, it was from the perspective of boosting our flagging health that we purchased the top-of-the-line Breville 800JXEXL 1000-watt juicer (there are two other less-pricier versions). We all […]
If we’ve said it once, we’ve said a gazillion times. Most Pakistanis are monsters vaguely resembling humans. Now some of these Paki pigs in UK have made a profession out of abusing White Girls. How long before these swines bring their dirty practices to America. Here, read this excerpt from the UK’s Daily Mail: A […]