Somebody, Stop that Nigger

Now, now before y’all politically correct folks get your knickers in a twist, the above headline is borrowed from a scene in Chris Rock: Kill the Messenger. We just watched the DVD (thank you, RedBox). A HBO presentation, the DVD features Black comedian Chris Rock’s live performances in Johannesburg, London and New York City. This […]

Rewatching Slumdog Millionaire

We first watched Slumdog Millionaire in December last year. And liked it immensely. We predicted it would walk away with a big haul of awards and indeed it did. We’d been waiting for the DVD to watch the movie again and the Slumdog DVD arrived three or four days ago. Cheapos But we were reluctant […]

Krishna – Auto-Rickshaw Driver; Salim – CycleRicksaw Puller?

Dreams die fast for India’s poor. Shafiq Syed, who played Krishna, the adorable chaipau kid in Mira Nair’s 1988 film Salaam Bombay, is now a grownup driving an auto-rickshaw in Bangalore. Apparently, the success of Salaam Bombay did not do much for Shafiq Syed’s prospects in Bollywood, according to a TOI story. Wonder what will […]

Watching Lost in Translation

We went to our local library a short while ago to pick up The Talented Mr.Ripley. The libray didn’t have the DVD (they had only the VHS cassette) and being the greedy desis that we are, we didn’t want to return empty-handed. So, we picked up two other DVDs – Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation […]

Thrilled, Thrilled, Thrilled – Slumdog Millionaire Wins Best Picture Oscar

Uncork the Champagne, folks. Right now. And that is an order.  In the ultimate insult to the know-nothing cretins of Bollywood, the hugely entertaining movie Slumdog Millionaire won the Best Picture Oscar at the 81st Annual Academy Awards this evening. Slumdog Millionaire beat out The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon, Milk and The Reader to […]

Billu Barber Review – Triumph of Mediocrity

Billu Barber Crashes 86% Billu Barber – Shaved at the Box Office Friends, Indians, desis around the world, lend us your ears: There’s absolutely no reason to see this piece of crap a.k.a. Billu Barber unless money is burning a hole in your pocket, time hangs too heavily on your hands or you come in your […]

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