How Many Hindus, Sikhs & Muslims in U.S.?

How Many Hindus, Sikhs & Muslims in U.S.?

It’s safe to assume that the majority of people of Indian origin living in the United States are either Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims. After all, these three religions account for about 97% of India’s population. And most people of Indian origin in America have come primarily from India (along with small numbers from Uganda, UK, […]

Pssst, Tamil Crook’s ‘Wife’ Wants Your Help

Tamil Crook Raj Rajaratnam, who’s serving time in a Massachusetts prison, has made it big time. Even e-mail fraudsters are starting to trade on Rajaratnam’s ill-fame and trying to make money off the man’s miserable plight. You see, a little while ago we received the following obviously fake e-mail from ‘Asha Rajaratnam’: Namaste, My name […]

Agneepath – A Blazing Bollywood Bonanza

By Sonny Chatrath Occasional Actor If you have been noticing, remakes of successful Bollywood movies from the 80s and 90s is on the rise. Some are extremely successful, and some are terrible flops. If you have watched RGVs Sholay, or the new Umrao Jaan with Aishwarya Rai you know what I am talking about. Some […]

Cali-Pornia is America’s Sex Offender Capital

We knew that there had to be a special meaning behind the name of America’s third largest state Cali-Pornia aka California. Eureka, we just found out why. Cali-Pornia, it seems, has the dubious distinction of being America’s Sex Offender capital. The un-godly state has 106,216 Registered Sex Offenders. This means for every 100,000 people in […]

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