U.S. Auto Industry Screwed – Hope, India is Next

Cars are a curse, the spawn of the Devil himself. Cars are not liberating but incredibly suffocating. After the stress of driving several lakh KM over many years, you have no idea of how much schadenfreude we derive from the current dismal state of the auto industry. To say that GM, Ford and Chrysler are […]

As U.S. Doctors/Hospitals get Screwed, Will India Gain?

Next in line to get screwed big time in the U.S. is the healthcare system, by which we mean the American doctors and hospitals. The big question is will India stand to gain from the collapse of the American healthcare system or will other nations like Singapore, Mexico, Israel, Phillipines or Poland reap the benefits. As […]

American Crook Expands Indian Operations

One of America’s most crooked software companies CA (previously known as Computer Associates) is expanding its operations in the South Indian city of Hyderabad. CA’s former top executives are in prison and the company was notorious for filing false reports with the U.S. regulatory agencies like the SEC and obstructing government investigations into its shenanigans. […]

Fake Encounter, Fake Presence but Real Awards

As anyone even remotely familiar with India knows, most of the so-called ‘encounters’ in which the police kill their victims are fake. Encounters are a shame and a blot on the Indian justice system in which the policemen go scotfree because they falsely justify killings on the grounds of self-defense. But some Indian policemen seem […]

Desi Butcher Vikram Pandit Loses Battle for Wachovia

Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit has lost the battle for Wachovia’s banking assets and will not come in the way of Wells Fargo acquiring all of Wachovia. It’s of course possible that the U.S. government may have pressured Citi and the Desi butcher Vikram Pandit to shut up or promised Citi some other candy later in exchange […]

Wachovia, Wells Fargo Tell Vikram Pandit: Screw You

Just days after Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit was gloating about picking up the banking business of Wachovia Corporation with the blessings and support of the U.S. government, Wells Fargo seems to have snatched the prize away. The Wachovia board has approved Wells Fargo’s offer of $15.1 billion ($7 per Wachovia share), which does not require […]

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