ISI Involved in Mumbai Terror Attack – Reports

Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) is involved in the deadly terrorist strike on Mumbai, say news reports emanating from India in what could signal a retaliatory military strike on the Islamic nation by India. In a new story, the Times of India is reporting that: India has proof that the Inter Services Intelligence was involved […]

1.1b People & Just 81m Internet Users in India – Pitiful

Why is Internet penetration in India so low? With 81 million Internet users, India accounts for a mere 6% of the 1.348 billion netizens in the world. There were only 13.5 million Internet subscribers in India in 2007 (1.15 per 100 inhabitants), according to the Internet Governance Forum. This means each Internet connection is shared […]

Bush Sends Rice to India. Hey, Send Some Wheat Too

Our dodo-in-chief a.k.a. commander-in-chief and President Bush has dispatched that inept Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to India in the wake of the Mumbai terrorist attacks. What for? Apparently, Rice (who once referred to her dodo-in-chief Bush as my husband) is visiting India ‘to express the condolences of the American government directly to the Indian […]

Bhaiya, Aaramse Maar Meri Gaand

For over four decades now, it’s been apparent to all but the completely blind or the utterly senile that India is a blundering, doddering mockery of a democracy that has totally lost its way. A soft state, to borrow Gunnar Myrdal’s terminology, where the government institutions have become so weak and corruption so endemic that […]

Aren’t These Things Supposed to be Secret?

This is weird. A Dutch technology company IAI (subsidiary of DOCDATA N.V. in Waalwijk, the Netherlands) is tooting its horn that it’s the supplier of security equipment to the India Security Press in Nashik. Now, all the forgers and whackos in the world know what security technology the India Security Press is using for its […]

Disgusting; U.S. Pisses Away $306b on Citigroup

This is beyond pathetic. In an act of monumental folly, the U.S. government is throwing the Vikram Pandit-led Citigroup a $306 billion lifeline following the collapse of its shares last week. This is on top of the $25 billion the government has already put into Citigroup under the TARP (Troubled asset Relief Program) initiative. The […]

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