Indian Telecom Beggar ITI gets Rs 125cr to Pay Salaries

ITI Ltd, easily one of the most incompetent Indian public sector units, put out its begging bowl and the Government of India has given it Rs 125 crore in the form of an interest-free loan. The Bangalore-based ITI, with units in other parts of the country, is in dire straits and not in a position […]

Obama Says ‘No’ to Vikram’s New Toy

After universal condemnation and ridicule, the Vikram Pandit-headed Citigroup cancelled the order for its new $50 million corporate jet. Hooray! Sorry, Vikram. Not for You Asked about the luxury jet, President Barack Obama’s spokesman Robert Gibbs said the President “doesn’t believe that is the best use of money at this point.”  Besides President Obama, the […]

Satyam to Employees – You’ll get January Salary

Indian IT crook Satyam Computer Services is telling employees that they will receive their salaries for January. That means all ye Satyam employees can pay your mortgages, car loans and next month’s credit card bills. Hey guys, who knows what will happen with your February salary. So, go slow on splurging. At its meeting today, […]

Got a Pretty Face, Here’s a Padma Shri

Back in the ol’ days, they used to give Padma Shri and Tamrapatra awards for real achievements. Now, the Government of India has started bestowing awards merely for the accident of being born with the right sequence of DNA or right genes, which we presume ultimately decide how you look. How else can you explain […]

Incredible India – 2

Here’s Take 2 of Incredible India containing some of those only-in-India incredible stories: * Priests at an Orissa temple performed a special purificatory ceremony after the visit of a Dalit minister. There must be a special place reserved in hell for the Brahmin swines who still engage in obnoxious discriminatory practices in many parts of […]

Barack Obama – Inaugural Address

My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. Forty-four Americans have now […]

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