Shitty Bank oops Citibank gets 3rd Bailout; Disgusting

In the third bailout of Shitty Bank oops Citibank, the U.S. Treasury Department plans to convert $25 billion of its preferred securities into common stock provided other private holders agree to the same terms. If the latest round of bailout goes through, the U.S. government’s stake in Shitty Bank will rise to 36% from 8% […]

1 Citigroup Share = 1/2 Garlic Naan in NYC

Who would have thought things would come to such a pass? Back in the late 1990s, selling a single Citigroup share was enough to take your family out for dinner at a nice Indian restaurant in New York City. But times have changed. And boy, how they have changed. Forget dinner for your family. Today, […]

All Ye Cheapo Desi SOBs, Forget Cremation or Burial

Yeah, yeah we know the Hindu clowns think they won’t get moksha until they are cremated and the Muslim and Christian idiots think they won’t find salvation until they are buried. But we say, screw all that cremation/burial bakwas (nonsense). Instead, donate your organs for there are so many in desperate need of them. In […]

Broadband Still a Hazy Dream in India

It’s obvious to all but the dolts that India is missing the broadband revolution. For a country of about 1.2 billion people to have a mere 5.45 million broadband subscribers is beyond pathetic. We think the twin culprits are the government and the Broadband Internet Service Providers for not making it cheaper (and thereby making […]

Obama Screws the Greedy Vikram Pandits of Wall St

Wonderful. Wonderful. Our President Barack Obama today said that top executives at companies receiving financial assistance from the tax-payers cannot be paid more than $500,000 per annum. A long overdue reform, if you ask us. Obama Screws Greedy Execs Folks, it’s the greedy and incompetent executives of Wall Street that have brought the country to […]

Incredible India – 5

Here comes yet another instalment of Incredible India featuring those only-in-India stories. * Checking adulterants for adulteration. Apparently, there is so much adulteration of gold in India that the prices of adulterants have shot up, leaving jewelers worried about adulteration of the adulterants. Read this excerpt: It is paradoxical, but both iridium and ruthenium have […]

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