Incredible India 19; Next Rohini May be Your Daughter

Folks, time now for yet another episode of Incredible India, those only in India stories. * Your child goes to a school in India. But will she come back or will it be her corpse that you see in the evening? Six-year-old Rohini, an UKG student at a private school near Trichy in South India, died after […]

S Wing of ISI Helps Taliban Recruit from Madrasas

Governments may come and governments may go in Pakistan.  But the ISI is forever. Nothing, really nothing seems to stop Pakistan’s dreaded military intelligence agency ISI in carrying out its nefarious activities. Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI is now assisting the Taliban in widening its operations in Southern Afghanistan, according to a story in the New York Times, which also […]

Stop Dicking Around, Obama

Barack Obama, You were elected to bring some order into the financial system, punish the scumbags that got us into this mess, take steps to provide healthcare for all American citizens (not just for you, your brats and your cronies on Capitol Hill but for the 75 million uninsured/underinsured Americans as well) and right the […]

Amazing America – America’s Healthcare Genocide at Home

Despicable greed by mercenary doctors, crooked hospitals, callous insurance firms and gluttonous pharmaceutical companies is playing havoc with the lives of Americans. Scary Survey Earlier today, Consumer Reports (a highly-respected non-partisan organization) put out the results of a survey. Folks, the results are very depressing and downright scary. According to the survey, 28% of Americans […]

Shame: AIG Idiots get $721m in Bonus, Retention Pay

Un ‘f*&#*ng’ believable. Insurance giant AIG, which has received $170 billion in tax-payer funded bailout, is paying out over $700 hundred million in bonus and retention payments to its employees, according to the Washington Post. The feeble excuse – AIG is contractually obligated to pay the money. But U.S. courts have routinely thrown out contracts […]

India’s Child Malnutrition Tragedy

The New York Times has an interesting piece on the high child malnutrition rates in India. Here’s an excerpt from the NYT story: [E]ven after a decade of galloping economic growth, child malnutrition rates are worse here than in many sub-Saharan African countries, and they stand out as a paradox in a proud democracy. China, […]

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