Kanthaswamy Review – Total Garbage

Machchi, kuppae da, kuppaeswamy padam idhu (hey buddy, this movie is trash). A wretched melange of an asinine story, shoddy acting and mediocre music, Kanthaswamy is a mind-numbing piece of trash that left us shell-shocked and reeling in horror at the infernal nonsense unfolding on the screen. Folks, at three hours this garbage is exactly […]

U.S. Most Likely Spying Widely Domestically – Muslims, Foreigners, Immigrants Most likely Target

Once again (this time in a new report from the Inspectors General of various departments including Defense and Justice released yesterday), we hear that besides domestic wiretapping, former President George W.Bush also approved other forms of surveillance whose details have still not been disclosed. We are not surprised over reports of U.S. domestic snooping or […]

Incredible India 29; Pregnant, Hammer the Bitch

Here comes the 29th episode of Incredible India. *Got hammered has a different meaning in India these days. Nothing to do with Sri Lankan bowlers being hammered by Indian batsman MS Dhoni. You see, hammered has taken on a literal meaning now. A pregnant woman in North India had her head hammered with a nail […]

Amazing America 2 – Fighting Recession – American Way

Here’s how our great country the United States of America is fighting the recession. * Stop paying for the funerals of 10,000 poor people (Illinois state) * Considering release of prisoners early (proposal in California) * Adding taxes on cellphone ringtones (Kentucky) * Throwing billions at desi butcher Vikram Pandit’s Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Morgan […]

Incredible India 25 – Obama Faces Threat from Biharis

Folks, here we are for the quarter-century edition of Incredible India. So all ye schmucks in ignoranceville think our President Barack Obama faces a threat only from the Al Queda or the right-wing extremists in the U.S. Shows how little you know. You see, the Biharis are second to none when it comes to violence. […]

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