Meet an Indian Heroine

Schmucks, we’re not talking here of those skimpily clad Bollywood things swaying their hips and thrusting their pelvis forward in one of those crude Hindi film dances. We’re speaking here of a real life Indian heroine, not the reel-life Bollywood or Kollywood bimbos. Lost Cause Given the rampant exploitation and injustice in India, we’ve often […]

After 1,000 Swine Flu Deaths, U.S. Declares National Emergency

These are good times for the folks in the funerals business. In the so-called richest country in the world USA, 1,000 people have died of Swine Flu. Folks, given that the flu season is upon us, the terrible shortage of vaccines and the 75 million uninsured and underinsured people, you may expect more people to […]

Where there’s a Scandal, there’s a Desi. 5, Actually

This is kinda amazing. Sure, scandals and desis are never far from each other. Close acquaintances, really. Desis in the U.S. are forever involved in some nasty case or the other. But the Galleon Group hedge fund scandal currently rocking Wall Street is a new high water mark – Five desis count among the dramatis […]

So, When is the Next Coup in Pakistan?

With a fresh wave of violent attacks in Pakistan that’s left dozens dead, this time in the border city of Lahore, the big question is when will the Army stage the next coup in the Islamic nation. The Lahore attacks on the buildings of security agencies (Federal Investigation Agency and two police training centers) is […]

Give ‘Em Hell, Barack

Tonight, our President Barack Obama gives one of the most important speeches of our era as he takes on the motherf***ing quarter of America’s doctors, insurance companies and hospitals and their pimps in Congress (the Republican Congressmen and Senators) in an address to a joint session of Congress at 8PM ET. We’ve endured enough nonsense […]

District 9 Review – Electrifying, Must Watch Movie

We’re no great fans of science fiction or alien movies having watched few-to-hardly-any movies in this genre. But with some SI readers slyly recommending District 9, we figured it’s time to take a look. So after quickly skimming through a few reviews and finding them mostly adulatory, we hotfooted over to the mall and watched […]

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