Ponniyin Selvan – A Masterpiece from a Master Raconteur

By SI Blog reader Racer44 (Parts 1 to 3) (For SI readers Boopalanj and Shadowfax_Arbit who first mentioned this tour de force) Note to SI Readers: I have used the word “Sozha” which I have verified with scholars as being the phonetically correct spelling, as opposed to “Chola”. Caveat: Before delving into the review of […]

Quote of the Day – Macaulay

We know that India cannot have a free government. But she can have the next best thing: a firm and impartial despotism. – Our favorite essayist Thomas Babington Macaulay (in a letter to the Scottish philosopher James Mill in 1833, a year before Macaulay arrived in Madras) Source: New Yorker P.76, May 31, 2010

Incredible India 45: Sania, Acid, Starvation

Gosh, it’s nearly a month since our last episode of highlighting happenings in Incredible India. If it’s India, can Sania, acid attacks, starvation deaths and the like be far behind. Here’s a look at some of the only-in-India stories: * Where have all the Indian men gone. The Indian census says there about 602 million […]

Chaparro, Raid Indian Businesses; Deport Illegals

Attn: James M.Chaparro Chief of Detention and Removal Operations U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Washington, DC 20536 We’re heartened to note from your memo (Courtesy: Washington Post) the other day that you are deeply concerned that the pace of deporting non-criminal illegal aliens is falling well short of the target. You […]

Hooray, Obama Defeats Evil Mothafuckas with Health-Care Reform; Ends Mass Murder in America

Update: The U.S. House has voted in favor of the Health-care Reform Bill with 219 Democrats voting in favor and all (178) Republican Congressmen voting against the reform along with 34 Democratic traitors. President Obama will soon sign the historic legislation. 🙂 Many Americans are worried that a national health care system with universal coverage […]

Incredible India 43: Flowers are So Passé in India

(For SI blog reader VJcool) Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing Where have all the flowers gone? Long time ago Where have all the flowers gone? Young girls picked them every one When will they ever learn? – American folksinger and song-writer Pete Seeger: “Where have all the flowers gone?” In Incredible […]

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