SI Goes Gaga Over Lady Gaga’s Born This Way

Even by the bizarre theatrical standards of entertainers these days, American pop queen Lady Gaga is sui generis for her outrageous attire and antics (she came to the Grammys function in a huge egg carried by four men). Upon seeing Lady Gaga in her de rigueur skimpy attire, the late night TV host David Letterman […]

Have You Schmucks Heard of Nollywood?

No, the N in Nollywood has nothing to do with nudity or nude films. Get that dirty thought out of your minds, all ye concupiscent rats. After we twice came across references to the Nigerian film industry aka Nollywood in the last week or so, we felt compelled to bring it to your attention considering […]

Tamil Hedge Fund Manager Raj Rajaratnam Convicted

Sri Lankan Tamil hedge fund manager Raj Rajaratnam has been found guilty on all 14 counts of securities fraud and conspiracy by a 12-member jury in New York City. Great day, folks. The Augean Stables of Wall Street are certainly ripe for a thorough cleansing. Raj Rajaratnam is the most well known name to be […]

The Many Faces of (D)evil

Republican Presidential Hopefuls (L to R) Rick Santorum, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul and Mitt Romney (Image courtesy: WSJ) More harm has befallen the American people because of the Republican Party than from any other causes. Corporate bootlickers, crooks (remember I-am-not-a-crook Nixon?), idiots (George W.Bush) and adulterers (too many to count), Republican leaders have brought this […]

Whacko Brits Love Indian Virgins

To the long list of crimes the British are guilty of against Indians, let’s add one more – Virginity tests on dozens of Indian girls. According to an AP story, the British High Commission conducted tests on 73 women in New Delhi and nine in Bombay between 1976 and 1979. The reason offered for conducting […]

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