Aarakshan Review – Half-Baked Look at Reservations

Aarakshan (Reservations) turned out to be a disappointment for us. Directed by Prakash Jha, one of India’s rare political film-makers, the much hyped movie is supposedly centered on the hot-button issue of reservations aka affirmative action that allows less qualified candidates from lower castes to get government jobs and seats in colleges via special quotas. […]

Incredible India 62 – Wife’s Blood Makes Him Strong

Man, it’s been a month since SI’s last installment of Incredible India, those only in India real-life stories. Here we go with another episode. * All these years, we deluded ourselves into believing that the way to get strong is to eat nutritious food and visit the gym regularly. Hell, what do we know! SI […]

V for Vendetta Review – T for Time Waste?

(For SI Blog readers Boopalan, VJ Cool, KD and others) No, we wouldn’t go so far as trashing V for Vendetta. A watchable movie with some interesting dialogs, V for Vendetta (a 2006 film based on the eponymous DC Comics series) raised our hopes a few minutes into the movie that it could well be […]

After Simputer Nonsense, it’s Sakshat Junk Now

For a country that prides itself on its software talent, India’s hardware dreams are, well, pipe-dreams. A decade ago, it was the Simputer, a handheld low-cost Linux-based computer, that was all the rage in India. But despite the tall claims of how the Simputer would be the hardware savior of India and other Third World […]

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