Soju + Korean Soap + Gota + Bisi Bele Bath

As my faithful readers know, I’m addicted to all things Korean. Korean Drink Soju at a Liquor Store in the U.S. I love Korean Movies. I’m so addicted to Korean TV programs that I’ll even stoop to watching romantic soaps on The sight of those fair-skinned, tiny-titted, slim Korean babes saying Komasmita (thank you) […]

Telugu Bidda Raghu Yandamuri Runs Amok; Fires Lawyer, Weaves Bizarre Story, Blasts Indian Consulate, Vows Fight for Truth

(Thanks to VK) Like a wild elephant that tramples everything in its path, notorious Telugu bidda Raghunandan Yandamuri went on a verbal rampage Sunday, with a blistering attack on his public defender lawyer, the Indian consulate, the Pennsylvania police and his fellow inmates in the county jail. The 27-year-old Telugu, who is battling charges of […]

Mattar Paneer is Now an Official English Word

Finding myself at a loose end the other day, I started perusing the Oxford English Dictionary. Since the OED fancies itself as the “Definitive Record of the English Language,” I feel compelled to browse through it occasionally lest I miss something big. Earlier this month, the OED added a big bunch of new words including […]

Jhumpa Sneers at Notion of Immigrant Fiction

Americans abhor complexity. Simplicity is the lodestar of their lives. They like neat categories into which they can pigeonhole people, ideas, religion, food, sex and attitudes even if such categorizations make no sense. If you’re a Muslim, you’re either a terrorist or sleeper-cell terrorist. If you’re Black, you must be a criminal or surviving on […]

Chennai Express – Sub-Mental Garbage

To hail Chennai Express as a movie would be an egregious insult to the entertainment form that daily gives joy to millions around the world. Folks, Chennai Express is a tawdry spectacle that only a crass Indian filmmaker would put out, only an aging Pakistan-loving Indian superstar would feature in and only a classless Indian […]

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