Is Shriya Saran the only ambalai (male), the only star with cojones, in the Tamil film industry. Under the guise of protesting the attacks against Tamils in Sri Lanka, the vekkaketta (shameless) members of the Tamil film industry has stooped so low as to tacitly kiss the derriere of the terrorist organization LTTE, the killers […]
We had heard in several quarters that Tamil film director Gautam Menon’s upcoming movie Vaaranam Aayiram (Surya) is inspired by the Tom Hanks movie Forrest Gump. So we got the Forrest Gump DVD from Netflix and watched it last night. If (a big if) Forrest Gump is indeed the source for Vaaranam Ayiram, it’d be […]
Ajith’s Shame – Hey, Even Genelia’s Better than Him Several movie critics have shown the middle finger to Ajith’s latest crap show Aegan. Not surprising since Aegan represents one of the low points of the Tamil movie industry. Here are some excerpts from various reviews of Aegan: BehindWoods: With that saggy little plot and actors […]
One of the low-points of Aegan was Nayantara’s pathetic performance. Here’s an excerpt from’s review of Aegan: If Ajith’s performance in Aegan is a study in laziness and contempt for the audience, Nayantara is hellishly bad. With her complete lack of acting skills, the sight of a scowling, shrieking and simpering Nayantara wantonly displaying […]
Ajith’s Shame – Hey, Even Genelia’s Better than Him Ajith was one of the biggest disappointments of Aegan. Here’s an excerpt from’s review of Aegan: It’s a mighty shame that Ajith Kumar has failed to pick up the most basic acting skills even after aeons in the movie business. Surely, even lobotomized dolts or a […]
Ajith’s Shame – Hey, Even Genelia’s Better than Him Aegan – Kuppa Thotilla Podu (throw this movie into the garbage bin). Compared to the devilishly bad Aegan, its Bollywood inspiration Main Hoon Na is an Oscar-worthy masterpiece and a lofty work of art. Compared to Ajith’s Ultimate Korangu like antics in Aegan, Shahrukh Khan is […]