Vijay, the hero of Kuruvi that should have more appropriately been called K*&thi given its depraved quality, organized a Unnavrutham (hunger strike) drama in Chennai today, according to media reports from India. Although Tamils in Tamil Nadu (including the film stars) claim that the protests and ‘hunger strikes’ are to show sympathy for the Sri Lankan Tamils, […]
We are seeing reports from India that the butchers behind the abominable crap show Vaaranam Aayiram have chopped 15 minutes from the movie. That is so goddamn unfair. We strongly recommend that the producers (is it Aascar Film…considering the pathetic quality of their movies it should more appropriately be called Asscar Torture Enterprise) chop 2 […]
Vaaranam Aayiram – Box Office Disaster We are convinced Kollywood director Gautam Vasudev Menon must have really loathed his late father. And Vaaranam Aayiram is Gautam Menon’s remorseless act of revenge on his old man for grievances, real or imagined. How else can you explain this moron making an interminably long pathetic piece of shit […]
Vaaranam Aayiram – Box Office Disaster Here are the showtimes for Gautam Menon’s Vaaranam Aayiram (Surya, Sameera Reddy, Divya Spandana, Simran Bagga) which is scheduled to release on November 14 in the U.S. There has been talk that the movie is based on the Tom Hanks classic Forrest Gump. Vaaranam Aayiram Movie Showtimes in New Jersey […]
Ayyayyo, Tamil film star and non-actress Nayantara’s plunge into the smutty bare market has failed to thwart this enchantress’ descent into an extended bear market. The Aegan disaster, Kuselan debacle and Satyam fiasco exposed the nymphet’s ample assets to millions but alas revealed the bare truth – like the Indian stock market or the Nasdaq, Nayantara’s […]
Evidently even that kid Genelia is a bigger draw at the box office than Tamil film star and non-actor par excellence Ajith Kumar. One of the worst Tamil movies in living memory, the Ultimate Kuppa Aegan featuring that most incompetent actor Ajith Kumar, has fared miserably at the U.K. box office. To Ajith’s everlasting shame, […]