With a film career spanning over four decades, Kamal Haasan is a Kollywood legend and ‘Ulaga Nayagan’ to millions of his fans in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Songs from even decades-old Kamal Haasan movies are still popular not merely in Tamil Nadu but with the diaspora in the U.S. and elsewhere as […]
Ayan at U.K. Box Office – Ayyo, Embarrassing Dai Machchi, Indha Surya Padam oru Sori Padam da. Sori Padam. (Hey buddy, this is a scabies-infested movie). An ugly movie beyond redemption, Ayan is the latest piece of shit to emerge from the Augean sewers of Kollywood. With not even a fig leaf of a story […]
It is Saturday. And we have more time than we know what to do with. So what better way to fritter away time than to browse YouTube watching/listening to old Rajinikanth songs. Here are some of our Rajini favorites: Kanmaniye Kaathal Enbathu – Featuring Rajini and the late fatafat Jayalakshmi from the movie Aaril Irunthu […]
Does Madhavan even count at all? If Madhavan disappeared from Bollywood or Kollywood today, would anyone even notice. No, we don’t think many people would notice or care. Madhavan’s horror show 13B came in at No-78 for the March 6-8, 2009 opening weekend at the U.S. box office and had an average gross of $675 […]
Yaavarum Nalam featuring Madhavan, Neetu Chandra, Saranya is scheduled to release on March 6 in the U.S. Directed by Vikram Kumar, Yaavarum Nalam is simultaneously releasing in Hindi under the title 13B. Here are the showtimes for Yaavarum Nalam in USA Yaavarum Nalam Movie Showtimes in Virginia Herndon, VA Worldgate 9 13025 Worldgate Dr Herndon, […]
Over the decades, we’ve drunk deep from the Pierian Spring of Sivaji Ganesan movies. Some of the finest Tamil songs of yesteryear are from movies featuring Sivaji Ganesan. They delighted us in the spring of our childhood. They charmed us in the summer of our youth. They comforted us in the autumn of our middle […]