Tamil film superstar Rajinikanth’s daughter Soundarya Rajinikanth’s first baby has turned out to be a ugly, deformed, grotesque freak-show. The kind of misbegotten orphan you’d want to abandon on the doorsteps of a church. Folks, Soundarya Rajinikanth’s Ocher Picture Productions’ first baby movie Goa is a pathetic piece of shit. An abomination, the likes of […]
Goa received a pathetic response from Tamil movie fans for the opening show of the movie on the East Coast. For the 4:00PM show at MovieShitty on Oak Tree Road in Edison, NJ there were just five people. An embarrassing debacle, folks. Of the five, one person was seen frequently getting out of the hall. […]
(For SI blog readers Shadowfax_Arbit, Gandhiji, Racer, Pauldeleo et al) Hey, which bi*ch was it that slammed Aayirathil Oruvan as a bad movie? Shut up you bi*ch, otherwise we’ll blow your f*cking brains off! Yeah, right. 😉 Indiana Jones, Redux Folks, notwithstanding the bibulous babble of the ignorati or the drivel pouring forth from the […]
Aayirathil Oruvan Review – Sin Not to Watch it Say, we have two doubts. Help us, will ya. Please. 1. What is it that Reema Sen has that Vijay lacks? That is other than the obvious assets. 😉 2. And do you think Karthi’s is bigger than Vijay’s? Hey, we mean the size of the […]
Who is the culprit? Folks, Aayirathil Oruvan was supposed to debut on the East Coast today. But now it’s completely disappeared from the showtimes for MovieShitty and some other theatres that we frequent. Wonder what happened. Did the prints not arrive here on time?
In these dark, cold winter days on the East Coast, what can be better than closeting yourself inside a warm room with a bottle of gin and club soda by your side and some nice music playing on the PC. Nirvana, eh? Yeah, baby. Yeah. And of course buying some music tracks now and then. […]