When Tamil film actor Vijay shuffles off his mortal coils, the coffin lowered, the last heap of soil flung on the decorated box and the tombstone erected, the epitaph will most likely read Punnaku Pandi – Failed Comedian. With a zany knack for picking films whose only qualification is that they must be bizarrely nonsensical […]
We’ve watched a bunch of movies lately (three on TV and one in the theater). Here’s a short list with brief comments: * The Square (English) – My, my, how quickly and continuously things spiral out of control for its principal protagonist Ray (David Roberts) in this Australian film of infidelity and crime. Decent all-round acting […]
In this installment of Music We’ve Acquired, we’ve gone down an old road, the memories of which are turning hazy as the neurons in our brain collapse in large blocks. Here are some tracks we’ve acquired lately from iTunes: * Hello, My Dear Wrong Number (Tamil) – This one is from the old Kamal Haasan […]
Tamil film Paiyaa has not fared well at the box office. The average gross of the Lingusamy-directed, Karthi-Tammanna Bhatia starring Tamil movie Paiyaa at the UK box office is less than even that of Sathyam, one of the worst movies known to human civilization. For the April 2, 2010-April 4, 2010 opening weekend, Paiyaa had […]
Paiyaa UK Box Office – Bad, Really Bad The distraught girl is chased by a bunch of Andhra thugs and must reach Bombay. Oh, no. Oh, no. You see, the smitten, besotted, desperately in love guy who is driving the girl to her grandma’s home is chased by a gang of Bombay goons and must […]
(Via iPhone) It’s 9.28PM ET and the intermission. Folks, Paiya is disappointing. Same ol’ boring shit. Nothing different from what we’ve seen in a 1,000 different movies. Karthi is pleasing, of course. Tamannah is alright. The third song on the screen now. Adada Mazhada. Karthi can’t dance. Update: Back home now. Working on the full […]