This morning after reading a quote from Mark Twain put forth by a reader of the SI blog, we hurriedly trooped over to the local library and picked up the renowned American author’s Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World, Vol 2. Why? Because the book details Mark Twain’s experiences in India. In the […]
We give you a Jewish girl at five marks a day, Oskar. You should kiss us, not them. God forbid you ever get a real taste for Jewish skirt, there’s no future in it. They don’t have a future. That’s not just good old fashioned Jew hating talk. It’s policy now. – SS officer Julian […]
I have a big California King bed. My bed is like a stage. – Padma Lakshmi in the New York Times, Oct 4, 2009 Ahhhh. How about a bit role for us on your stage, sweetie.
The young officials laughed at and made fun of him, so far as their official wit permitted; told in his presence various stories concocted about him, and about his landlady, an old woman of seventy; declared that she beat him; asked when the wedding was to be; and strewed bits of paper over his head, […]
Montaigne was a 16th century French essayist who scribbled away on an eclectic range of topics, from cannibals to friendship to idleness to solitude. Here’s an excerpt from one of his essays (Power of the Imagination): We are right to note the licence and disobedience of this member which thrusts itself forward so inopportunely when […]