Life’s greatest comfort is being able to look over your shoulder and see people worse off, waiting in line behind you. – Buster ‘Rant’ Casey, cited by Echo Lawrence in Chuck Palahniuk’s Rant – An Oral Biography of Buster Casey, P.13 Indeed, indeed. If we’ve learned anything at all in our sojourn on Planet Earth, […]
A Hindoo, and above all, a Brahmin, by his institutions, his usages, his education and customs, must be considered as a kind of moral monster – as an individual placed in a state of continual variance and opposition with the rest of the human race. – Christian missionary Abbe Dubois, quoted in A Reply to […]
I’ve managed to break the mould with all my films. I’ve broken the mould in Raavan too….Raavan is a wonderful film and I’m very proud of it. … I’m happy with the way it’s turned out. – Abhishek Bachchan (the pre-Raavan version, that is) in Hindustan Times No, we haven’t stopped laughing. Related Stories: […]
A man’s moral character is a more delicate thing than a woman’s reputation of chastity. A slip or two may possibly be forgiven her, and her character may be clarified by subsequent and continued good conduct: but a man’s moral character once tainted is irreparably destroyed. – Lord Chesterfield in Letters to His Son, P.364
Because American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection English women only hope to find in their butlers. – Somerset Maugham in The Razor’s Edge p.164 Folks, The Razor’s Edge is another delightful book (at least, so far) by Somerset Maugham. As in Maugham’s The Moon and Sixpence, we have a strong, unconventional […]
The dead look so terribly dead when they are dead. – Larry Darrell to Isabel Bradley in Somerset Maugham’s The Razor Edge. P.51 The Razor’s Edge has a strong connection to India and a famous South Indian saint that we’ll talk about at length on another occasion.