Incredible India’s Hot New Export – Superbug

Of course, where there are Indians there’s bound to be something weird lurking in the background. Isn’t that why we call the country Incredible India. 😉 Sui Generis Exports When it comes to exports, you can’t beat Indians. You see, India has always been very aggressive and at the front of the line. No matter, […]

Incredible India 50 – Finally, Shameless Buffoon M.K.Azhagiri Opens Mouth

Only in Incredible India. Folks, only in Incredible India can a 60-year-old buffoon who cannot speak Hindi or English (the two official languages of the country and of Parliament) and to boot a first-time Member of Parliament, become a Central Cabinet Minister. Yes, we’re talking of the buffoon M.K.Azhagiri a.k.a M.K.Alagiri, India’s Union Minister for […]

Incredible India 46 – India Releases More Gas oops Farts on Bhopal Gas Victims

Life is cheap in India. Real cheap. Particularly, the lives of the poor and helpless. Some 15,000-20,000 people died and another 200,000-600,000 were injured in the worst industrial disaster in India triggered by the carelessness of Union Carbide (now part of Dow Chemicals) when deadly methyl isocyanate gas escaped from the company’s plant and wafted […]

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