Bhut Jolokia – Burn Baby Burn

Indian food owes its attraction to the rich amalgam of spices and, of course, the hot chilies that go into its famed curries. Today’s Wall Street Journal (subscription required) brings us news of an Indian chili called Bhut Jolokia that is supposedly 200 times hotter than jalapeño pepper. Apparently, Bhut Jolokia is the world’s hottest chili […]

Kidney Thieves Prey on Indian Poor

This is a story that could happen only in India. Apparently, 500 poor people in the North Indian city of Gurgaon have lost their kidneys to an unscrupulous gang of greedy doctors who removed the kidneys and sold them to rich Indians and foreigners. Describing the literal theft of the kidneys of poor folks, the […]

Bill Gates Gives $27m to Help Small Farmers in India

Microsoft chairman Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates are giving $27 million through their charitable foundation to assist Indian farmers in developing micro-irrigation techniques. The grant is being routed through International Development Enterprises. The goal of the project is to assist up to 250,000 smallholder farm families—1.75 million people—in 14 states of India and boost […]

Bobby Jindal Makes History, Raises High Hopes

Frankly, we think Bobby Jindal stinks. At least, Jindal’s views on abortion do. We also think Jindal is a phony, a Christian fanatic (or at least pretends to be in a state where religion is very important to its citizens) and lacks the experience to handle a complex task like governing a backward and corrupt […]

Vikram Pandit Starts Butchering Citi Jobs

Citigroup’s new CEO Vikram Pandit has already started sacrificing employees on the altar of saving the financial institution that is buffeted by the subprime mortgage meltdown and incompetent management. Early reports suggest that 4,200 Citigroup employees have already lost their jobs with thousands more job losses to come.

Infosys Surrenders to California on Overtime Issue

Infosys disclosed Friday that it had settled with the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) towards possible overtime payment to certain employees in California for a total amount of $26 million. The payment pertains to the last three years and such back wages will be paid to employees in due course. The California Overtime […]

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