Some people never learn from past missteps. Notwithstanding his repeated troublesome experiences with the NYC Health Department, Bollywood actor and Indian restaurateur Shiva Natarajan continues to taunt the hygiene police with his antics. Our garrulous Shiva’s newest Indian restaurant Bhojan has recently been pulled up by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for […]
If you let a bunch of sloshed monkeys run amok inside the kitchen and dining room of Palace of Asia Wilmington (DE), you’re likely to end up with better curry and superior service than what woebegone us experienced during our horrid meal at this restaurant. Folks, to describe Palace of Asia Wilmington as an authentic […]
(For SI blog readers Mallukuttan, Shadowfax_Arbit, Gandhiji et al) Ever since we watched Oscar winner Jeff Bridges’ old comedy The Big Lebowski, we’ve been dying to try out the White Russian. If you remember the movie, that’s The Dude’s favorite drink. As a matter of fact, White Russian’s popularity in recent years owes to The […]
Folks, we’ve said this a million times. Indian restaurants run by our desis in the U.S. are obscenely filthy, more like public toilets in India. Now one of these shit-holes has earned the dubious distinction of being forcibly closed by the authorities. The New York City Health Department recently closed Madras Mahal on Lexington Avenue […]
You will not make a good death. (Source: John Burdett, Bangkok 8, p.100, emphasis added) After a particularly odious meal at Bombay Talk on Oak Tree Road in Iselin (NJ) the other day, we were reminded of the above Thai power curse that seemed appropriate to hurl at the fiends behind this trashy Indian fast […]
(For SI blog reader Fugitive143) Eureka! Yeah, finding an Indian restaurant in New Jersey that serves palatable edible fare is cause for celebration these days. Such is the severity of the drought that has struck the Indian culinary landscape in these parts. But boy did we strike gold with iSpice in North Brunswick (on Aaron […]