Weep American Worker, Weep. Weep your heart out. Your IT giant IBM has screwed you royally and is now scooping out your entrails. IBM has been firing American workers in the thousands over the last decade even as it hires tens of thousands of Indian Coolies (low-wage laborers). This is not Free Trade. This is […]
(For SI Blog reader Pippa) We can’t stand the Big Business-friendly Republicans but in this instance we’re with them. No Mosque in the Ground Zero area or even downtown Manhattan. As best as we know, you can’t build a Church/Synagogue/Mandir/Gurdwara in any of the Muslim nations and to even think of building a mosque in […]
Cool. We love it. Love it. Wonderful News We were at a movie (Tom Cruise’s new film Knight and Day) and just returned home. And by golly, we realized a few moments ago that Obama had fired General Stanley McChrystal, our top military guy in Afghanistan, for conduct unbecoming a commander. Very good. Gen.McChrystal deserved […]
The FBI and New York police have arrested Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistan origin U.S. citizen, for allegedly driving a car bomb into Times Square on the evening of Saturday, May 1, 2010. Faisal Shahzad was arrested at 11:45PM last night at JFK airport while attempting to take a flight to Dubai. The U.S. Justice Dept […]
Update: The U.S. House has voted in favor of the Health-care Reform Bill with 219 Democrats voting in favor and all (178) Republican Congressmen voting against the reform along with 34 Democratic traitors. President Obama will soon sign the historic legislation. Many Americans are worried that a national health care system with universal coverage […]
The last few times we spoke to NYC Indian restaurateur Satinder Sharma, a.k.a. Sati the man seemed to delight in badmouthing his rival desi restaurateur, the Bollywood star Shiva Natarajan (crocodile in the pond, very insecure, bad execution of Dhaba, anger management issues, a whiner et al were some of the juicy epithets Sati hurled […]