Of the 298 people (283 passengers and 15 crew) killed in a missile strike on a Malaysia Airlines plane Thursday, at least 11 were Indians.
It’s not clear if the 11 Indian victims included both passengers and crew members.
41-year-old Sanjid Singh Sandhu was one of the Indian victims.
Sanjid, who was a flight steward on the ill-fated plane, had switched his shift with a colleague.
The names of the remaining 10 Indians have not been released.
Malaysia Airlines officials said the other passengers on the Boeing 777 plane included 154 Dutch citizens, 27 Australians, 23 Malaysians, 6 Brits, 4 French, 3 Filipinos and a Canadian.
Nationalities of the remaining 65 passengers has yet to be confirmed.
The plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when a missile strike brought it down over war-torn Ukraine.
When the plane was brought down in south-eastern Ukraine, it was flying at an altitude of 30,000-ft.
Air India and several other airlines are no longer routing flights over eastern Ukraine.
Must be Ukraine government, because they have been provided latest Surface to air missiles by Israel, USA.
Pro Russian Revolutionary Rebels, too have surface to air missiles; but they are not capable of hitting objects more than 15000 feet (Russians always stood inferior to USA, when it comes to AirForce).
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Whether it’s the Pro-Russia Rebels, Russians, Ukrainians or some unidentified freelancers that fired the surface to air missile, 298 people are govinda, govinda!
I suppose before the unfortunate passengers/crew realized what was happening they were all dead. The shock impact of the missile strike and falling 30,000 ft with the tremendous gravitational pull must have killed the passengers and crew within a few seconds.
Uncertainty of life is the one certainty in several millenniums of Human existence!
Have you written a will?
// I suppose before the unfortunate passengers/crew realized what was happening they were all dead.//
Never have I felt more helpless than while aboard a flight cabin!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Write Your Will, Atone for Your Sins, Buy a Big Bottle of Whiskey, Drink Yourself Silly.
Wait, please add Say Up Yours to Salman Khan to above list.
That’s all that matters in life now!
Yes, death of 298 air passengers is Sad; but does Airways don’t know there is fierce fighting going on in Ukraine Eastern Front.
Blame must be on IATA, for not enforcing Strict Laws that prohibit Airplanes from flying over War Zones.
It is basic utter stupidity on part of IATA and Airlines, to fly the Plane over War Zone.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Wisdom rarely dawns on humans before the tragedy.
After so many wars (WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam, India-China, India-Pak, Bosnia, Sri Lanka, Iraq and a thousand smaller wars), humans still fight endlessly despite the huge cost in men and material.
With so many countries now possessing nukes and so many nuclear power stations, I’m pretty sure a huge disaster is inevitable sooner rather than later. Chernobyl and the Japanese incident will look like trailers when the big one hits.
If we had invested as much in renewable energy sources as we did on wars and nukes, the per-watt generating costs would be substantially lower from solar, wind, waves etc.
So many lives lost leaving thousands in desparate sorrow.
If there is a God then he/she/it was f#cking stupid to make humans.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
God exists to prevent the collapse of weaklings into madness.
This is not a Natural Calamity. This is Man Made Calamity, Bro.
Sorry, irrelevant comments. Please remove both comments to Naveen.