I think you’re most wholly, completely and utterly selfish…That doesn’t make you mentally ill, that makes you an evil human being.
– Judge Nanci Grant to Telugu Butcher Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu during his Sentencing Today
Americans learned a hard lesson today in whom they should welcome into this wonderful country.
From California to New Jersey to Florida to Michigan, it’s becoming painfully apparent to American law enforcement authorities across the nation that Telugus, a species native to South India, are unleashing a wave of violence and demonstrating a streak of morbid behavior.
Murder, in-flight groping, kidnapping, sex trafficking, wife beating, wife biting, wife kicking, visa fraud, ah, the list of Telugu atrocities in America is a long one.
And the tax burden these Telugu depravities impose on average Americans is rising.
Nerusu – Life in Prison
At enormous cost to the American tax payer, the prison doors today shut forever behind Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu, one of several notorious Telugu butchers in the U.S.
For the barbaric murders of his wife and two children, Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu was sentenced today in the Oakland County Circuit Court (Michigan) to life in prison without parole.
Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu was present in Oakland County Circuit Court of Judge Nanci Grant when the sentence was read.
Fortunately for Nerusu, the state of Michigan does not have the death penalty.
A software programmer, like so many of his Telugu brethren in America, Nerusu stabbed his 37-year-old wife Jayalakshmi Nerusu 59 times and then killed his 14-year-old daughter Tejasvi and 12-year-old son Siva when they returned from school in October 2008.
Following the murders, Nerusu fled to India, where the monster was nabbed three years later.
On June 12, 2014, an Oakland County jury rejected Nerusu’s bizarre claims of insanity and found the Telugu butcher guilty of First Degree Murder of his wife and two young children.
Telugu Whacko Blames Conspiracy
Nerusu did not speak during his sentencing today.
However, in a written report to the court the Telugu murderer wove a bizarre conspiracy theory blaming his psychiatrists, his previous defense attorney and his family members for ignoring and covering up his insanity.
Demanding an investigation, Nerusu wrote to the court:
I am not responsible for the incident. I was insane at the time of the incident.
Two psychiatrists previously examined Nerusu and found him sane.
$2m Tax Penalty
Nerusu is 46 now and if we assume he’ll live to 80, the Telugu whacko will cost U.S. taxpayers over $2 million in incarceration and healthcare costs.
In these troubled economic times when American bridges and roads are crumbling, libraries are shortening their hours and teachers are being fired, America will pay in the millions to house, feed and provide medical care for a Telugu murderer.
The next time Telugu butcher Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu leaves prison for an extended period of time will be in a cheap wooden box, his arms folded across the chest, eyes closed and heart still.
But that’s cold comfort for the American tax payers asked to shoulder the heavy costs of barbarism by foreign nut-jobs.
Other Telugu Murderers
Nerusu is not the only Telugu whacko to wreak havoc in America.
Awaiting trial for murder in America are other Telugu loonies like Raghunandan Yandamuri in Pennsylvania, Timma Raju Kalidindi in New Jersey, Sujatha Guduru in Florida and God knows where else in America.
Convicted Telugu killer Amit Muddamalle, who fled to India, was recently captured in Hyderabad and hauled back to Texas.
Some of the most notorious Indian criminals in America in recent years have turned out to be Telugus.
Wonder what Telugus eat and drink?
Not supporting these gult criminals in any manner.
But just curious if someone is / was on a work visa, and there is no extradition treaty between India and US, firstly, how can they be brought back to the US, and second if convicted, how can he/she be held in prison on U.S soil?
Why I ask this is what would they do when the reverse happens – Amanda Knox, Warren Anderson etc….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. India and U.S. have an extradition Treaty (signed on June 25, 1997)
Pl see below excerpt from India-U.S. Extradition Treaty
Copy of Extradition treaty between India & U.S., pl see Indian Embassy Archives – https://www.indianembassy.org/archives_details.php?nid=173
Nerusu falls within the ambit of the India-U.S. extradition treaty because the Telugu butcher’s offense (murder) is punishable with a prison term of more than one-year.
2. Citizenship & immigration status have nothing to do with trial & punishment in U.S. courts.
Jurisdiction is the Issue – Where was the Crime Committed.
In Telugu bidda Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu’s case, the multiple murders were committed in Novi (Michigan).
BTW, Nerusu was a Green Card holder.
3. You write: Why I ask this is what would they do when the reverse happens – Amanda Knox, Warren Anderson etc….
In Warren Anderson’s case vis-a-vis the Bhopal gas tragedy, the Indian government erred big time in letting him go.
Indians have a sick, dirty mentality when it comes to Whites – Nothing gives Indians a bigger high than to shove their tongues up White asses and exclaim that not even Tirupati Laddus taste so good.
Most Indians are just unable to let go of their slavery mentality.
I have been to so many Indian restaurants in the U.S. where I have seen our desi cocksucking restaurateurs treat Whites like royalty and Indians like vermin.
Because they were White, Rich and powerful, the Indian govt let Warren Anderson and Union Carbide get off so easily. The overall compensation paid to Bhopal gas victims & their families was a pittance.
On a purely hypothetical basis, let’s now address your question of what would the U.S. have done if the situation were reversed and if there were no extradition treaties – U.S. would have first made serious legal attempts to get him back here to face trial.
And if the legal attempts had failed, the U.S. would have definitely tried to kidnap him and brought him to face trial here.
There is a historical precedent here.
FBI and U.S. Marshals tried to kidnap billionaire Marc Rich (Bill ‘serial adulterer‘ Clinton gave him a pardon) and bring him to the U.S. to face justice but failed.
Source: Bloomberg
My hypothesis is that FBI and U.S. Marshals tried to kidnap movie director Roman Polanski too but failed.
Sweetie, as Cassius tells Brutus in Julius Caesar:
Bottom line, Indians are boot-licking toadies and underlings of White men.
Super ji super ji.
This is what I am complaining about Attitude of Indians towards English Speaking People and many people treat me as weird, useless down here.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: This is what I am complaining about …. and many people treat me as weird, useless down here.
Sweetie, once you develop the attitude that the Human species is the worst of all living organisms then the world will begin to look infinitely better.
At least, it has for me!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Jameson asks what is Cricket?
Jameson asks what is Dhoti?
Jameson asks what is dress code?
Jameson asks what is the meaning of life
Wonder what Jack Daniels replied!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Jameson watched Dawn of the Planet of Apes this morning!
Jameson is Spellbound, sweetie!!!
Jack saw diddly!
They Love Green Chillies.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Ha ha ha.
What about Dum Biryani and Avakkayya!
Whether the culprit is Green Chillies, Dum Biryani or Avakkaya, Telugus are levying a heavy toll on America!
New Tamil Movie Arima Nambi Review.