You work at a porn store, surrounded by dildos and You’re a virgin. – Rubia (Amy’s transsexual friend)
I assure you the irony isn’t lost to me. – Amy, the wannabe poet
– Indie film Adult World (2013)
In one of the mighty artistic injustices of the current era, every crappy Bollywood movie releases in mainstream U.S. theaters like Regal and AMC but delicious movies like Adult World barely get a theatrical release (Adult World managed only a brief, limited theatrical release in NYC and Los Angeles).
This 2013 English movie essentially went straight to DVD and you can rent it at any of the Red Box kiosks in the U.S. for little over a buck or from the DVD subscription service Netflix.
Yes, I know a lot of Red Box movies are junk but believe me Adult World is different. I picked up my copy at a local kiosk after stumbling upon it Thursday while checking out the Red Box web site.
BTW, title notwithstanding Adult World is not an adult film.
So rein in your priapic impulse, all ye hyper-libidinous desi perverts.
Pouring myself a large gin and tonic, I sat down to watch Adult World a short while ago.
Ah, to say I was delighted with this little known film would be an understatement. Kinda like saying Rahul Gandhi is soft in the head when we all know the Congress party’s clown-prince has no head to speak of.
The moment I saw Adult World’s beautiful heroine Emma Roberts on the screen I knew it was time to let go of my four-year-long infatuation with Jennifer Lawrence.
Emma Roberts (niece of Hollywood grandma Julia Roberts) is a treat, like a piece of bread to Ethiopians.
And the girl comes with a bonus – She can act and, yes, she’s a billion times prettier than Jennifer Lawrence who, to my great anger, pimps herself out these days to shitty trash like Hunger Games and Gerald Ford like keeps tripping all over the place.
Cute Story
None of the superhero, alien attack or motion-capture drivel in Adult World, but a hilarious, classy comedy.
Highly entertaining stuff, directed by Scott Coffey.
Emma Roberts plays Amy Anderson an aspiring poet in down on its heels upstate New York (Syracuse, if you want to know the exact place).
When all her attempts to make it as a poet fail, Amy is compelled to take up a job as a counter assistant at a porn store called Adult World (now you know the reason for the movie’s title) in downtown Syracuse.
Around the same time, Amy meets her favorite poet Rat Billings (John Cusack).
The movie is about two things – Amy’s reluctant work at the porn store and her amusing attempts to push herself as Billings’ protege.
I thought Emma did a good job at both aspects.
Evan Peters, who plays the store manager Alex, and the transsexual Rubia (Armando Riesco) are not in the same league as Emma in the acting department but they suffice.
John Cusack is fine as the poet Rat Billings! No surprise there, right?
The writing by Andy Cochran is pretty darn good and original. Far too frequently, I was racked by laughter.
If you’re looking at an Indian connection, it comes in the form of Manu Gargi who has a tiny role as the interviewer Mr.Shah and is also listed as producer of the film.
Bottom Line
Adult World is one of those unfortunate movies that failed to get the credit and accolades it so richly deserved. enthusiastically recommends Adult World to all connoisseurs of good cinema.
It’s not often you stumble upon such indie treats.
Head to the nearest Red Box kiosk now!
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