Telugu Butcher Nerusu – Found Guilty
As predicted by blog yesterday, Indian software programmer Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu was found guilty of murdering his wife and two young children in the family’s Novi (Michigan) home on October 13, 2008. predicted yesterday:
Barring a miracle, Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu will be found guilty and locked up for the rest of his life.
A short while ago, an Oakland County jury rejected Nerusu’s claims of insanity and found the Telugu butcher guilty of First Degree Murder of his wife and two young children in October 2008. The jury took less than two hours over Wednesday and Thursday before finding him guilty.
Nerusu, who was present in the courtroom, showed no reaction when the “Guilty” verdict came.
Life in Prison
Since Michigan does not have the death penalty and there’s no parole option, Nerusu will spend the rest of his life in prison.
Nerusu’s formal sentencing is set for July 3, 2014.
Nerusu is 46 now and assuming he lives to be 80, the Telugu bidda will spend 34 years in a tiny cell without ever tasting Dum Biryani or watching an Allu Arjun movie again.
Nerusu did not deny killing his wife but claimed he had no memory of doing it.
Nerusu’s incarceration will cost the Michigan taxpayers considerable sum of money.
Nerusu’s Victims
Nerusu’s victims included his wife and two young children.
Wife Jayalakshmi Nerusu
Daughter Tejasvi Nerusu
Son Siva Kumar Nerusu
Who is Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu?
* Nerusu is a Telugu, a species indigenous to South India and given to consuming vast quantities of Dum Biryani and watching horrid Allu Arjun movies
* Hails from Akunuru village near Vuyyuru in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh
* Youngest son of Koteswara Rao, a retired school teacher
* 5′-6″ tall and weighs 165-pounds
* A Commerce and Computer Science graduate
* After suffering a severe bite of the Amreeka bug, Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu migrated to the U.S. in the 1990s
* Like a lot of Telugu immigrants in the U.S., Lakshminivasa Rao worked as a Software Programmer (in Novi, Michigan)
* Married his cousin Jayalakshmi Nerusu
* Was in the habit of slapping his wife when he got angry
* Nerusu is 46-years old now
* Nerusu killed his wife on October 13, 2008 by stabbing her 59 times
* A few hours after murdering his wife, Nerusu slashed the throats of his daughter and son
* After killing his wife and children, Nerusu fled to India
* Nerusu was captured in Hyderabad last year and hauled back to the U.S. to stand trial
* Before moving to Novi, Michigan, Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu lived in Texas and Illinois
* Prior to the triple murders, Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu had been laid off from his IT job
* Before the murders, Nerusu is believed to have lost around $130,000 in the stock market crash
* Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu was a Green Card holder (a badge of honor for Telugu biddas in America) at the time of the alleged murders
This story should be widely publicized in India or at least told as a cautionary tale to all youngsters with stars in their eyes about America.
It is important to dispell the notion that America is a paradise and coming here and getting a green card is the greatest achievement for a middle class fellow. Bad things happen everywhere of course but to have these exaggerated expectations about a particular country or continent will lead to severe disappointment.
This guy clearly had some problems and leading an alienated and isolated life with very little social support must have certainly aided in his descent into such an evil act. Responds:
1. You write: This story should be widely publicized in India or at least told as a cautionary tale to all youngsters with stars in their eyes about America. It is important to dispell the notion that America is a paradise and coming here and getting a green card is the greatest achievement for a middle class fellow.
Sweetie, 90% of those born in the Telugu land of Andhra Pradesh/Telengana after 1985 think coming to America is their birthright.
And nothing you and I say will ever change anything. Just look at the number of Dum Biryani restaurants sprouting up all over this land of Apple Pie, Hot Dogs and Bad Pizza!
Even Forbes magazine had a huge spread recently on one such Dum Biryani chain. No kidding!
In my opinion, more than 90% of Dum Biryani places will fail causing huge losses to their owners, frustrating them enormously and God knows what these idiots will then do.
2. So the best way to do to tackle the problem is to address it at the root – in India.
Just like we do it with Heroin and Cocaine smugglers by attacking growers and traffickers in Colombia, Honduras, Mexico etc, we must start at the source (particularly in Hyderabad, India) by tightening the issue of Visas and boosting H1B and L1 Visa fees to $25,000 every three years and $100,000 bonds for No-Crime commitments while they’re in the U.S. See, Nerusu, Yandamuri and a host of other Telugu criminals are costing the U.S. dear. We’re talking millions in costs to U.S. taxpayers.
What’s wrong with these Telugu people?
I have a couple of dozen Telugu friends here in California who fight like uncivilized animals at the drop of a hat!!
I must say they are an angry species.
May be they should stop consuming Dum biryani, and stop watching violent and senseless Telugu movies!! Responds:
1. You write: What’s wrong with these Telugu people?
Sweetie, that’s a trillion $ question.
BTW, there are a few other Telugu killers awaiting trial in the U.S. – Yandamuri, Kalidindi, Sujatha, Mudamalle etc
2. You write: I have a couple of dozen Telugu friends here in California who fight like uncivilized animals
Now, don’t insult animals, please!
Insanity plea apart, I wonder what REALLY made this beast to do what he did?
Even an animal is protective of its offspring, and this creature here did away with two of his own, and his wife!
He may have had gambling debts, but what exactly was the motive?
Insurance money perhaps?
Crimes such as these, I do not care if the guy is truly insane – give him/her the maximum penalty of the law.
However I am intrigued by what motivated this guy to act like he did. Responds:
Sweetie, one of the great time-wasting exercises is the post facto search for explanations for many disturbing events.
More often than not, it’s an exercise in futility because there are so many variables.
At best, we can only hypothesize.
In this Telugu guy’s case, I doubt it was gambling or insurance stuff, more like a spur of the moment rage the previous night led him to plot the killings the next day, maybe constant fights with his wife or general frustration.
Or maybe, a bio-chemical imbalance was triggered in his brain turning him violent.
Communism was supposed to be the great utopia but the moment Stalin took over from the ailing Lenin, the purges and exiles and shootings were greatly expanded ultimately leading to about 40-million deaths.
Why did Stalin kill so many? 60 years after his death, historians are still debating the reasons and there’s no single satisfying explanation – Paranoia, industrialization etc are some of the reasons cited.
Bottom line – The only certainty “is the event” and rarely “why the event.”
All that said, what society labels criminal, deviant or aberrant behavior is not really all that unique. Only some rise to the surface and are visible.
Well, it would be good to get to the bottom of things in this guy’s case to find out the truth.
Constant fights with his wife is no reason to take the life of innocent children!
Constant fights between spouses in India is as Indian as dal, bhatti and churma, or in the case of the Telugu bidda, Dum Biryani.
Perhaps there was someone else in his life?
Going by your latest post, even an almond eyed she buffalo, even though I doubt the fair state of Michigan has any.
There is no real closure at least until one comes to a reasonable conclusion as to why he did what he did. Responds:
1. You write: Constant fights with his wife is no reason to take the life of innocent children!
Once he butchered his wife, all options were foreclosed to him.
Given that he planned to flee the country, Nerusu had to kill the kids. No other way out.
To modify the title of one of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ books, following Jayalakshmi’s savage killing, the kids’ murders were A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold.
2. The notion of closure is a Western thing that has little meaning.
A loss is a loss is a loss.
As you grow older, you realize much of life is pain.
And those who die early have it easy. But the problem is – for those left behind there’s really no closure.