1PM – If you expect India will turn into a Land of Milk and Honey following Narendra Modi’s victory you ought to get your head examined!
12:50PM – “He has my blessings and he will lead the country towards development,” says Narendra Modi’s mother Hiraba Modi
11:50AM – DMK rout! Fight between Azhagiri & Stalin will intensify now. Fun times ahead! End of Kanimozhi, Shanimozhi, Raja, Koja etc.
Kadavul Irrukaran (God exists)!
11AM – Narendra Modi will be India’s 15th Prime Minister
10:10AM – AAP balloon bursts, draws a blank in Delhi.
10:05AM – Narendra Modi’s mummy happy with results. What about Modi’s abandoned wife?
10AM IST – Sensex up nearly 1300 points. Not good for Aam Aadmi (I mean the people, not the party). Sensex rise is good for investors not for average people!
9:55AM – Ha ha ha. Corrupt A.Raja and joker Karti Chidambaram trailing. God Exists!
9:46AM IST – I can’t wait for the Rats to desert Congress. Will happen if I know my former countrymen.
9:37AM – WOW!! Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani trailing. Success in Software does NOT translate into Success in Politics
9:34AM IST – Modi/BJP wave sweeping India
9:23AM IST – Corrupt DMK Screwed Royally!
9:16AM – Corrupt Congress Chutiyas Staring at Huge Defeat
9:08AM IST – God, Grant me Rahul and Sonia Gandhi’s defeat
9AM IST (11:38PM ET) – BJP off to a strong start
Counting has started for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections that concluded recently in India.
If we’re lucky, Congress will be decimated. But the alternative, BJP, is not much to look forward to either.
BJP is as rotten, and as corrupt as the Congress. And to those who think Narendra Modi will usher in a Ram Rajya of wealth and happiness for all, could you please share some of the weed you are smoking.
Sensex is having an erection at Modi’s performance. Up by 750 points.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Up 1011.26 now!
Aaam Aaadmi (I mean the people not the party) are fucked because rise in Sensex does not reflect good times for them.
Seems BJP independently will win all / most of the 272 seats.
While that may signal a stable government, it also mounts a huge amount of power at BJP’s hands
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. BJP victory is defeat of Aam Aadmi (I mean the Common Man not the party).
Big Business must be celebrating!
2. I’m thrilled DMK got thoroughly shafted.
Yes, That way, it is a relief to have both DMK and INC biting the dust.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Fight between Azhagiri & Stalin will intensify now. Fun times ahead!
End of Kanimozhi, Shanimozhi, Raja, Koja etc.
INC has enough money to create problems and foment dissidence against Modi.
Btw, Wiki says he is the 14th PM. (Not 15th)
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Narendra Modi will be the 15th Prime Minister (if you consider Gulzarilal Nanda who was acting PM twice).
“BJP victory is defeat of Aam Aadmi (I mean the Common Man not the party)”
This is actually a true reflection of the Aam Aadmi than a defeat for him as it is the Aam Aadmis who have voted the fascist and regressive BJP into power by huge numbers. But what is the alternative (apart from childish AAP)?? Will India ever be ready for a straight reformation at all??
And above all, Is a full-fledged raw democracy modeled (copied) on the lines of western democracies working at all for Indian society which is so abstrusely mired in communal mindset and which so critically suffers from a steep lack of an uniform cultural/racial identity??
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: This is actually a true reflection of the Aam Aadmi than a defeat for him as it is the Aam Aadmis who have voted the fascist and regressive BJP into power by huge numbers
The West is not much different from the East.
Here in the U.S., we have a similar situation where nearly 50% of the Aam Aadmi votes for the Aaam Aadmi hating Republican Party which still argues that Climate Change is fiction, Evolution is just a Theory (on par with Intelligent Design, a code word for God), Tax Breaks for the Wealthy are fair and Social Security and Healthcare for the Needy are evil.
Although a vote for the BJP (or Republican Party) is actually a defeat of the Aam Aadmi, the idiots little realize how they’re hurting themselves by their poor voting behavior.
The only model of government I’ve been impressed with so far is the Singapore model of Limited Democracy under Lee Kuan Yew.
Democracy in its current form of letting every jackass (and jenny) vote against his self-interest is much overrated.
But as Churchill rightly said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
SI Said:”Although a vote for the BJP (or Republican Party) is actually a defeat of the Aam Aadmi, the idiots little realize how they’re hurting themselves by their poor voting behavior.
The only model of government I’ve been impressed with so far is the Singapore model of Limited Democracy under Lee Kuan Yew.”
I would like to know in what way does voting for BJP defeat the purpose of the AAM AADMI. Let’s talk common sense here. Let’s look at all viable options:
1) AAP – New, but inexperience and highly irrational… Not fit for governance due to inexperience and horrible attitude
2) INC – Tried and tested, but proven to be corrupt and not a great option for now.
3) Communist – Still hanging in the past, have not moved on with the world like China has…. Still believe in hardcore communism and equal wages for people irrespective of how much they work (Doesn’t work in today’s world)
4) Third Front (JD (U), JD (S), LDF, TMC, BSP, SP, AIADMK, and DMK) – Dead on arrival, cannot be relied upon due to their arrogant demeanor and tendency to self destruct anytime.
I have placed all existing options that were available to the people of India… Now tell me Genius, considering that you think so highly of yourself, which of these alternatives would have you selected? Don’t give me your usual crappy advice on fascism, nazism, blah blah… I need a direct answer. If you wanted somebody to run a government apart from BJP, whom would you have chosen? Why? Just 2-3 lines and then we’ll see whose foolish here.
\”The only model of government I’ve been impressed with so far is the Singapore model of Limited Democracy under Lee Kuan Yew.”” – As far as I know, limited democracy model can only work in a small country (Singapore is hardly the size of Greater Chennai).. For a diverse country like India, it will fail miserably…… You are comparing Oranges and Watermelons here……. I respect your knowledge and expertise, but you are too far away from reality….. rather stuck in the past… I understand that you used to be an Indian Citizen once and do not hold your fellow citizens in high esteem. But I cannot understand how you can pass off such abrupt comments by sitting in your home, tens of thousands of miles away from India…
To say shortly, Indians choose the best option available to them.. Were they wise in doing so? Only time will tell… Sometimes, you need to take big risks.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Sweetie, I ‘m inside a dark movie hall, crunching into an egg roll that this cheapo desi smuggled in, listening to a stupid anti-terrorist ad about “See Something, Say Something” and waiting for the new Indian baseball movie (Million Dollar Arm) to start.
I will respond to your ill-thought out, ill-logical, ill-written screed once I get back.
Now let me get back to the breast feeding ad about making plenty of breast milk for the baby. Apparently, breast milk prevents ear infections in babies. I wonder if it’ll help old folks too. Not joking about the ad.
I reject your fundamental argument of best option/lesser evil is the BJP.
Makes no sense when you compare two criminals that are no different from each other.
I agree that AAP is still an immature lot…..Better they sit in the Opposition and create a ruckus and keep the Govt on its toes.
I agree INC needed to be booted out.
I agree that an united Third Front is a joke although some individual elements have done well.
I agree Communist parties are lost.
But I don’t agree that just because the rest is bad I should vote for BJP. They’re as bad and even in your your opinion the lesser evil. That’s an argument that strains logic.
My direct answer would be not to vote for any of these scoundrels. If many of you do that, that might have some impact because Indian Democracy will turn into a bigger mockery than it is now!
Alternatively, if you’re in a suicidal mood you can join the Maoists or become Anniyan, a lone violent ranger. Gandhi was not wise with regard to the power of violence. Those who tell you to abjure violence are either incredibly stupid or immensely benefit from the existing setup.
“I will respond to your ill-thought out, ill-logical, ill-written screed once I get back.”
Enjoy your movie buddy…..don;t bother to respond…. No use debating points over Modi here… We are only going to go in loops that run forever….
I just want to make this simple point to those who don’t understand or do not want to understand.
When placed in a desperate position with very little choices, it is only wise for you to choose from what you have… Granted that our politicians are among the worst scums in the world, but we still have to pick someone… that someone being BJP for now.
To put it shortly, our choice was wise…given the circumstances…. and we don;t need any stamp of certification to prove that

And that’s the bottomline because Aswin said so
When the great one speaks, listen
Enjoy the ad
“But I don’t agree that just because the rest is bad I should vote for BJP. They’re as bad and even in your your opinion the lesser evil. That’s an argument that strains logic.”
See as I said again, you have lost all touch with reality…. If all Indians abstain from voting, it will only lead to further elections like the ones that happened between 1996-1999 where the rule went from BJP to JD + Congress and back to BJP again… Nothing happened.. The only resultant was that the government lost hundreds of crores of rupees in conducting elections repeatedly… To say simply, chaos reined. We had people like Deva Gowda becoming PM :O
In all common sense, I still think that BJP was the best choice to make…. Let’s not debate this now. Let’s reserve judgement for 2-3 years and then debate……
>> My direct answer would be not to vote for any of these scoundrels. If many of you do that, that might have some impact because Indian Democracy will turn into a bigger mockery than it is now!
OMG why in the world would anyone do that? I find YOUR argument nothing but ill-thought out, ill-logical, ill-written screed, not Ashwin’s. He made perfect sense!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
People still live in la-la land where they fantasize that repeatedly choosing the “Lesser Evil’ is the solution to the World’s problems.
Keep at it!
Einstein had it right when he reportedly said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
No wonder the world is so screwed up when people find it impossible to even conjure up alternative scenarios let alone acting on them.
SI.. I also asked my fellow citizens this.. if given two glasses of poison.. I would rather not drink than take the less pungent one.. I think you do know the reaction they gave.
Hope NOTA gets more popular in 10 – 15 years ..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
I’d suggest that if NOTA is > a certain percentage, there should be reelection.
Let’s not forget that candidates too have limited resources….So they can’t contest elections again and again and again.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Don’t worry…All the excitement will fade by the time the next Salman Khan or Akshay Kumar film releases.
This is one historic election.
BJP made a clean sweep or nearly clean sweep of whopping 12 states including UP, MP, HP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Uttrakhand, Delhi, Haryana, Chattisgarh and even Maharashtra, to the shock of all prime ministerial aspirants who expected a hung assembly.
At least Jaya and Mamata rocked their respective states but all other wanna-be prime ministers ended up with humiliation. Particularly Mulayam Singh Yadav, he made his son Akhilesh as CM expecting himself to become PM. But his party ended up with just 5 seats!
Nitish Kumar split with BJP, so that he can retain the minority seats in his state. Smart move it seemed, until he ended up with a tally of just 2, 18 down from last elections.
BJP alone single-handedly has more than half the number of seats, first time since 1984, and second largest is Congress, just scrapping to 50. A party needs minimum 54 seats to be termed as opposition but Congress is not even reaching there, which means there is literally no opposition for the Modi government!
The biggest jokers were Karunanidhi and Mayawati. Both of them rejected any kind of an alliance with BJP, even before the results came out. But ironically, they both ended up with a tally of ZERO!
Overall it was not just a Modi wave, but I would say a Modi tsunami!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Overall it was not just a Modi wave, but I would say a Modi tsunami!!
In 1984, I was witness to, and actively enabled, the Rajiv Gandhi tsunami.
By God, that tsunami ended very badly for India.
Rajiv Gandhi was the Rahul Gandhi of 1980s who got lucky because the Sikhs were stupid enough to assassinate his worthless mother Indira Gandhi.
I do not expect the culture of Indian politics will change much with Modi’s victory.
I expect the same old drama of MPs denied ministerships to start sulking, start dissidence activity, the ministers to start taking bribes, Congress to play Narad and the people will go back to Kochadaiiyan and IPL for the next 5-years.
2. You may term me as cynical, but I’ve seen this drama play out in India (Rajiv Gandhi in 1984) and the U.S. (Barack Obama in 2008).
The more things seem to change in politics, the less they really change.
“You may term me as cynical, but I’ve seen this drama play out in India (Rajiv Gandhi in 1984) and the U.S. (Barack Obama in 2008).
The more things seem to change in politics, the less they really change.”
Sir, you are cynical
Why compare between Rajiv and Obama…. Two different eras and completely different elections…. Rajiv was riding the sympathy wave in 1984 and had very little political experience prior to his victory… While Obama won the mandate from the Americans because they rightly thought he was better than the Republican candidates.. And btw, given the economical turmoil, Obama has not done bad.
Who else would you have chosen???? Someone like John Mccain,, an idiot like Bobby Jindal????
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Why compare between Rajiv and Obama….
Both raised enormous hopes. Rajiv Gandhi those days was dubbed Mr.Clean and he was an outsider without the taint of corruption and despotism that plagued Indira Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi because of the Emergency excesses.
Likewise with Obama, who was Black and essentially an outsider to the American political process in Washington.
With both Rajiv and Obama, there was great hope of a break with the status quo ante and establishment of a new order. Never happened in either case.
Unfortunately, both became expert cocksuckers of the ruling class and the corrupt military industrial complex in quick order.
2. True, I voted for Obama twice.
A big mistake.
Going forward, I intend to stay at home and watch/review Allu Arjun and Trisha Krishnan movies on Election Day here.
1984’s Rajiv Tsunami was a bigger one.
Congress won 404 seats in it independently.
Highest ever.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Now Congress has no choice but to bring out Priyanka Vadra.
>> Narendra Modi will usher in a Ram Rajya of wealth and happiness for all, could you please share some of the weed you are smoking.
Whether he provides Ram Rajya or Raavan Rajya, time would say but at this point in time, we had no choice but to vote for Modi and give a crushing, humiliating defeat to the Congress that took our country for granted!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: but at this point in time, we had no choice but to vote for Modi and give a crushing, humiliating defeat to the Congress that took our country for granted!
Ha ha ha, let’s not forget the Tehelka exposes of the corrupt BJP leaders at Center. Also, don’t forget BJP misrule under Yeddiyurappa in your state.
BJP too has taken the Aam Aadmi voters for granted.
All that said, I’m delirious over the crushing defeat suffered by Congress and DMK scumbags. They deserve it.
I doubt DMK can rise from the ashes ever again unless Jaya becomes cocky again.
>> I doubt DMK can rise from the ashes ever again unless Jaya becomes cocky again.
Jaya seems to be politically matured now, and seems to have mastered electoral politics and that spells doom for DMK.
Alagiri will have the last laugh!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Jaya seems to be politically matured now,
It’s hard to maintain one’s sanity in the absence of opposition. That’s human nature.
2. I predicted about four years back to one of my Saiva Mudaliar friends when both of us were high on Jamaican Rum he got from the Caribbean that Alagiri will join forces with Jaya!
Maybe, that wild prediction will come true.
“Whether he provides Ram Rajya or Raavan Rajya, time would say but at this point in time, we had no choice but to vote for Modi and give a crushing, humiliating defeat to the Congress that took our country for granted!”
For folks, who have some very poor knowledge in history, lemme share this tid bit… Ravana might have been a heinous demon, who killed many innocent kings all over the world, he was a great ruler in his own country… And so was Rama.. Irrespective of which Rajya Modi gives, I do hope that India and all Indians benefit from his rule.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Ravana might have been a heinous demon, who killed many innocent kings all over the world, he was a great ruler in his own country…
That is rubbish because ultimately due to Ravana’s ill-actions his kingdom Lanka ended up getting burnt, his soldiers were killed or maimed and Lanka was destroyed in a big way because of the war.
People always pay the price when their rulers/government is bad. Stalin, Prabhakaran, Hitler, Manmohan Singh, Indira Gandhi, George W. Bush Jr etc are good examples.
Dear SI Sir,
“That is rubbish because ultimately due to Ravana’s ill-actions his kingdom Lanka ended up getting burnt, his soldiers were killed or maimed and Lanka was destroyed in a big way because of the war.”
Ravana’s ill actions are very similar to those actions of one of your very own Presidents, Bill Clinton.. His affair with Monica Lewinsky was a much bigger heinous deed than the one Ravana committed, but I still see that US is intact
Anyways, jokes apart, the point that I made was that despite Ravana’s arrogant behavior, he ruled his kingdom and kept his people happy for the better part of his rule… Just quoted an example, Modi ain;t Ravana and India ain’t Lanka… And btw, there is no Rama yet to save us
“Ha ha ha, let’s not forget the Tehelka exposes of the corrupt BJP leaders at Center. Also, don’t forget BJP misrule under Yeddiyurappa in your state.”
Dude, as I said earlier….. Brilliant folks like me choose between the least worst options available…. We don’t sit back and dream about great options.
Btw… Howz your people’s choice of selecting Obama going now???/ And btw, don;t worry…. Even if Modi performs worse, he shouldn’t do as bad as George Bush Junior, to whom you can credit your present financial crisis
SearchIndia.com Responds:
As I’ve said earlier, the lesser evil argument is no defense.
No sane man would defend George W.Bush jr.
But when we have over a million people involved in the military-industrial complex we need to constantly attack somebody so that we can deplete our current weaponry and buy new ones.
War means Jobs in America. It was so in WW II and it is now. Sad but true!
“War means Jobs in America. It was so in WW II and it is now. Sad but true!”
And yet you criticize us of being the most insane chutiyas
Such is life…… America is to be seen as two separate entities, the ever-opportunistic and predatory US government and its miltiary, and the ever-happy-go-lucky people.
To be very frank, your government has killed more lives across the decades directly and indirectly that even the Taliban, Hizbul Mujahideen or any other terrorist group ever managed to do so.
Once again, I reiterate my point… We live in a dystopian world where Chaos is the “order”, we either go with the flow or adapt to live against it. That is our only choice… I donno why you keep making the point that people should abstain from voting if their choices are bad… It will only postpone the problem, not solve it.
Perfect mental guy..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
I’ve said long back that Rahul Gandhi is the Abhishek Bachchan of Indian politics!
Good Riddance!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Ha ha ha.
You believe they’ll really quit?
Just drama!
This second link is a short spine-chilling biography of Narendra Modi…..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
The first link is not a big deal.
Your second link is a gem about our next Chutiya PM! Must read for all.
Thank You, Sweetie!
The second link is really a good read about Modi’s personality. Sheds some light on the other side of him.
The article is written nicely, and in a balanced manner, although with some disturbing facts.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Amid all the negative stuff aired about Modi, let’s not forget the Congress scoundrels include some of the sickest of the sick fucks.
Bofors investigation would not be derailed but for the connivance and meddling of the Congress leadership.
“This second link is a short spine-chilling biography of Narendra Modi…..
Read the comments section as well, Sir ji………………. All of the points mentioned in this article has already been beaten to death by popular news channels, such as CNN-IBN, NDTV, Times-Now etc….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
They may have been beaten to death together by other sources but for NRIs and other foreigners who are not tuned into CNN-IBN, NDTV etc on a daily basis the Caravan piece is a comprehensive mini-biography of Narendra Modi and catalogs his rise to power very well.
I’ll take a look at the comments and see if any of them say anything substantial. Since the article itself was fairly long, I didn’t spend time on the comments.
Pankaj Mishra had an interesting piece in the Guardian on May 16 on Modi & present-day India. A longish piece but worth the time.
Narendra Modi and the new face of India
It looks like you directly went to the comments section looking for a juicy counter argument without reading the main article (don’t worry, that happens).
Even accepting Modi isn’t really a corporate cock sucker like SI says (or whose cock is sucked by the corporate) or like the article says, it is interesting to note that the Gulbarg society, where a massive massacre took place during Ahmadabad riots and where Ehsan Jafri, a former Congress MP was also killed, is just 1 km away from the Chamanpura police station and 2 km from police commissioner’s office as per wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehsan_Jafri)
Was the police station shut down that day? or police commissioner’s office was on holiday? Ehsan Jafri, as per the multiple reports, was kicked to the ground,his fingers and legs were chopped off and he was burnt alive subsequently.
May be watching this award winning video on Godhra riots helps you http://youtu.be/c0ZvADtrDPM
Jafri, according to the eye witnesses, made about 100 telephone calls that afternoon; his congress colleagues, various police officials including DGP, Narendra Modi himself and even Advani’s office at Delhi but to no avail for his own life or tens of neighborhood muslims who took refuge in his house.
As per an eye witness account depicted in that above video, Firdaus, a young girl or a woman or whatever, who was one of the refugees at Jafri’s house that noon was dragged out by the mobsters and 20 to 30 men were upon her like flies. So what could Firdaus, presumably a slum dweller or a daily-wager as were many of the muslims who sought shelter at Jafri’s house that day, could have done differently to avoid that unstomachable and incredulous fate??? May be she should have converted herself into a Hindu well in advance, may be she should have realized ‘sacred’ Hindu scriptures are more scientific or indeed more sacred than Koran, may be she should have traveled back in time and stopped Modi from joining RSS, may be she should have figured out that since many Hindus were already killed by Muslim terrorists she deserved to be gang raped by Hindu mobs (I wish I knew what happened to Firdaus eventually. That video doesn’t mention it). But instead,until that day, all that that stupid girl did must have been thinking about her next meal, next day or even next fuck.
She paid for it. No???
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Watching the video in your link. The little boy’s responses in the early part looked a bit scripted. Maybe! Maybe not! I will update this section after watching the full 2-hr and 29-min video.
2. Since 31% of the electorate voted for BJP in the recent Lok Sabha elections, I suppose 360m-370m Indians see nothing wrong in Modi presiding over the 2002 massacre or like some of the readers here consider the party a lesser evil/no alternative compared to Congress, DMK etc.
Add another 50-100m silent supporters plus fans of like parties such as Shiv Sena etc, you have nearly half-billion Indians mini-Hanumans waiting with bated breath for Ram Rajya.
Interesting times ahead!
It looks like you directly went to the comments section looking for a juicy counter argument without reading the main article (don’t worry, that happens).
Nope. I read the complete article and I always maintained that Godhra is a disgrace on our country. Is Modi responsible for the riots, yes, partially.. Did he instigate the riots? No, the buffoons, who set fire to the compartment and started the riots in the first place were responsible.
My argument always has been that a chief minister of a state should be held responsible for the Law and Order in his state, but to state that he instigated the riots and lent the police a free hand without proof is blasphemy.
Nobody knows the truth, not the media, not the omnipresent and all knowing SI, and those civilized idiots, who read newspapers and channels and claim to know everything….
If you look back at the history of India, we have had some quite unfortunate riots, which happened purely because nincompoops from both communities took the law in their hands and started speaking with their weapons instead of words…Because of these idiots, many innocent people lost their lives..
The Godhra incident is one of those horror stories that I wish never happened. I do feel for the massacre of innocent lives, such as Firdaus… but to hold just one person responsible for the complete riots is bullshit..
“May be she should have converted herself into a Hindu well in advance, may be she should have realized ‘sacred’ Hindu scriptures are more scientific or indeed more sacred than Koran, may be she should have traveled back in time and stopped Modi from joining RSS, may be she should have figured out that since many Hindus were already killed by Muslim terrorists she deserved to be gang raped by Hindu mobs (I wish I knew what happened to Firdaus eventually. That video doesn’t mention it). But instead,until that day, all that that stupid girl did must have been thinking about her next meal, next day or even next fuck. “
You are completely digressing from the point. Read my replies from articles in the past, I have always said that the riots were a blot…. People die because some dumb idiots want to claim their religion is superior and lead to such unfortunate riots in the first place…..
The fault is on both sides… Both hindus and muslims…… My only concern all along has been that Media twisting the story to further the rift between the two warring communities…. As if they care… Every death only mean TRPs for them and they fuck don’t care about secularism, democracy or whatever we speak about.
I do not wish to comment further on Godhra mainly because:
1) Unlike you folks, I do not believe in the media stories. I believe that all of those folks who are guilty (Hindu/Muslim) should be punished and hanged in public
2) The media never came up with the other side of the story. Some specific devious elements in the Muslim community in Gujarat were indulging in a practice called Love Jihad (Don’t believe me, check with the Gujju folks) This scheme involved duping of several girls from other communities in the name of love, marrying them, making them pregnant, converting them and abandoning them eventually.. This ensured that their numbers increased in groups. People were already angered against these elements…
3) To add insult to injury, a mob, whose identity is not known till date, burnt a compartment comprising of 50+ pilgrims….. It was a very unfortunate incident, which was the proverbial last straw for the majority of the Gujaratis…. Their already-thin tolerance wore out and lead to this massacre.
I try my best not to argue about Godhra because every time I raise a discussion, no matter what I say, I get accused of not being a “secularist” or being communal, fascist, and what not.
My only point about the whole link was this news was beaten up to death by the news channels over the past decade…… I asked SI to refer to the link column because I found people giving diverse range of perspectives on the incident…..
I wanted SI to get a complete picture and stop giving half-baked opinions like 1) RSS folks are ass holes, 2) Modi is the one who started riots, 3) Indians are _____ and )))))) (Fill in the blanks.)
@Araj – My reply is directed more towards those folks, who follow the media like lambs about to be slaughtered. Please do not take this personally.
@SI: My last paragraph was directed towards you…. I respect your intellect and highly appreciate your frank opinions. But, of late, you have been delving into topics in which you do not have expertise…..resulting in half-baked replies… For instance, your take on the Income Tax and that there must be a 90% tax slab on the highest income group
You started sounding like a hardcore communist.
By your logic, if I work hard, build a huge company based on my own efforts and intelligence and earn crores, I should be taxed 90% of my income just because I EARN MORE…. Hell… what’s wrong with a person earning more, as long as the money comes from hardwork/smart work?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: For instance, your take on the Income Tax and that there must be a 90% tax slab on the highest income group
You started sounding like a hardcore communist.
Because I suggested 90% tax rate for the top slab, I’ve become a Communist in your eyes.
Now let’s look at history in the bastion of Capitalism, which undoubtedly is the U.S.
All through its 238-year history, the U.S. has been a strong votary of free enterprise and Capitalism.
Yet at several points in our history we had high taxes. Calamity followed when we cut taxes (Great Depression happened after we cut taxes in the mid-1920s) and the recent economic collapse in the U.S. followed a few decades of lower taxes).
In the U.S., until the early 1960s we had 92% tax rate for the highest slab. Until 1981, it was 70% in the highest bracket.
Wiki – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_tax_in_the_United_States#History_of_top_rates
Michael Moore film Capitalism – http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/oct/02/michael-moore/michael-moores-film-capitalism-claims-richest-paid/
Tax Foundation – http://taxfoundation.org/blog/top-federal-income-tax-rate-was-once-over-90-percent
2. Income Inequality has increased steadily in the U.S. and is now likely the highest for a Western, developed nation.
Income Inequality in the U.S. in the 20th and 21st centuries started rising with the simultaneous reduction in Tax rates.
My hypothesis born out of observation is that low tax rates are highly correlated with income inequality, greater exploitation of less fortunate souls, rise in indirect taxes on lower and middle taxes, cut in investment on education, healthcare and infrastructure, repeated attempts to destroy benefits going to Middle & Lower classes (Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security) and environmental degradation. All of the above is happening/has happened in the U.S. in the last few decades.
Extrapolating that hypothesis to India, I’d say if the count of billionaires and millionaires rises in India there will not be a fall in homeless, foodless, toiletless, alphabetless people. Au contraire, they will remain mostly constantly and in absolute terms may even go up.
Also, the more money people/corporations have (primarily because of lower tax rates), the more policies are made in their favor. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/15/government-wealthy-study_n_5154879.html
Since Human greed has no limits, it’s society’s responsibility via the Govt to erect fences to restrain greed so that everyone has a right to a minimum quality of life.
Today in the U.S. hedge fund billionaires who earn billions a year pay a lower tax rate than the security guard, janitor or secretary in their office.
You cannot look at Tax Rates in isolation.
Since India is a far less civilized, more callous society compared to the U.S., the lower the tax rate the higher the misery index will be for all but the wealthiest.
3. You write: Hell… what’s wrong with a person earning more, as long as the money comes from hardwork/smart work?
You enjoyed the benefits of public investment (schools, colleges, roads, bridges, hospitals, buses, low-paid teachers etc) to become smart and make money. Public investment is possible only through adequate taxes.
So make sure others (your children, grandchildren etc) have access to the same privileges through equitable tax rates to fund education, healthcare, infrastructure etc.
You have some good points, but the Tax Reforms that I am talking about are for the middle class, who have no choice but to sell out money for everything that was once afforable.
Let me lay out the facts for you.
An average Indian middle class member earns 25000 rupees CTC ( This is not an official figure, but a guestimate. An actual middle class member earns a pittance of around 15-18k) a month… which amounts to 3 Lakhs per annum.
Now let us look at his expenses:
Considering that more than 50% of the middle class folks do not own a home before the age of 35.
I consider the average rent to be around 5000 INR for 1BHK
Then, comes the family expenses(Considering its a nuclear family of couple + 1 kid)
Provisions -3000-4000
Electricity Bill – 1500
Milk – 900-1000 rupees
Cable TV – 200
Commutation expenses – 2000
Miscellaneous – 3000
Savings (As many families need to save for long term, this should be considered as an expense) – 2000-3000
Eating outside, entertainment etc – 1500-2000 per month
Income tax (Not all middle class folks use the 80CC section completely) – 1000
Fees for school – 2500 rupees month (Well in case you didn’t know, in India, atleast in cites like Chennai, Mumbai, and Bangalore, people have to pay around 25-50k, 25 fucking thousand for school fees, irrespective of how big/small the school is)
This alone comes to around 17000-19000. I am not even adding the burden passed on to the middle class in the form of inflation diesel hikes etc.
So, let’s finally see how much a middle class man can save today – 25000 rupees after excluding PF (Employee + Company’s contribution – comes to around 23.5 k.) So, he barely manages to save around 5-6k per month… This savings needs to be short-term as he does not know how much he will need to face future hikes in essential facilities such as Education (Rising School and College Fees), transport (Increase in Bus and Train fares), Commodities (Rice, Dhal, and Milk etc).
Plus, he needs to save for his dream home… And for your information, an average home in India now costs more than 25-30 lakhs (3000-4000 per sq.feet and this is a conservative estimate). With the present tax structure and inflation, the middle class man can only dream of buying a home.
The government in India doesn’t care fuck about its citizens. The government schools are shit. They give affordable, but not quality education. The Government Engineering and Medical colleges can only provide affordable education to about 10-15% of the poor and middle class people in India. The rest 85% have to shell out of their pockets.. And the average Indian tax payers pays for almost everything
1) Road Tax when he buys a vehicle
2) Toll tax when he tries to move from one city to another
3) Service Tax+ VAT if he eats out at an affordable restaurant. This tax alone consumes 10-15% of the total cost of the items
4) Income tax (Even if this means that he cannot have enough to save)
5) Add to this, if he manages to save some amount of money in Fixed Deposits and other schemes, even that return is taxed. What the fuck??????
Indians are taxed like hell… With the rising prices in India, if you still think that there are no tax reforms required, good for you… It;s a waste of time even making you understand..
Not everyone is an Ambani, Mittal, Tata, or Bhemani>>>> Comprende….. The Indian government should either bring down on the taxes or reduce inflation back to very low single digits…..
And this comes from an Indian, who pays 10% of Income tax, 12.5% of service tax, road tax, and all fucking taxes that this bloody fucking government can apply…..
And pray tell me how can you reduce inequality among the poor and the rich by increasing taxes…. The rich can still afford to pay more, while the Poor and Middle class will die a fast death,,
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Less noise from this clown for a few days.
Good Questions raised by WSJ
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Good Questions raised by WSJ
What about the answers?????
You remain silent about the answers!
The answers are Garbage!
Do you even read the stuff in the links you post or do you just copy and paste?
Let’s look at some of the key points made by Subramanian Swamy in your link:
* Abolish Income Tax – Utter nonsense. India already has one of the highest income inequalities in the world and it’s getting worse. I’d recommend that Income Tax should be raised to 90% for the highest bracket and reduced for Middle and Lower classes. Capital Gains should be taxed at very high rates.
* Get rid of ration stores – Indian children already have some of the highest malnutrition rates in the world.
* Coupons for Poor – I hate this nonsense. Not for a single nanosecond do I think coupons will work. It’ll just be traded. Plus, delivery mechanism is hopelessly bad in India. I doubt 90% of coupons will even reach the poor because of corruption leakages.
* Tax Reform – Which is basically a code phrase in right-wing parties for cutting taxes on businesses and the wealthy.
* Make agriculture globally competitive…Raise farm Productivity – Again a code phrase by Right-wing parties for corporitization of farms and allowing a few companies/people to own massive farms running into hundreds of thousands of acres.
Things are bad in India now but if we follow the pablum advocated by BJP and other right-wing ideologues India and Indians would be much worse off except for Ambanis, Mittals, Mahindras, Birlas and Tatas.
No Kochadaiyaan review?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
What is that??
New Android tablet??
I agree with a few of your points, especially on the Coupons, which is one of the most absurd ideas that I have ever heard.
But I strongly disagree with some of your points:
“Tax Reform – Which is basically a code phrase in right-wing parties for cutting taxes on businesses and the wealthy.”
You are partially right here…. But I don’t think that we should do away with tax reforms completely. After all, every decision has its pros and cons. The current tax structure in India is not good and does not suit business people at the lower and middle levels (Small and Medium Enterprises). Plus a few of the taxes are worthless and only add on the burden caused by the already thin margins of many small businessmen in India. I don’t blame you because you are in US and are completely oblivious of the ground reality, anyway’s lemme not digress.
“Make agriculture globally competitive…Raise farm Productivity – Again a code phrase by Right-wing parties for corporitization of farms and allowing a few companies/people to own massive farms running into hundreds of thousands of acres.”
Agreed. You are partially right here… But I feel that Agriculture can be made globally competitive even without bringing in corporates.. All it is takes is some innovative thinking, intent from the government, and cooperation from the farmers.. Lemme be very realistic here… The Agricultural industry in India is in real danger of collapsing if we continue in this vein. I have already seen many thousands of farmers committing suicides all over the country and many more thousands selling off their lands to Real Estate.if we don’t bring in immediate reforms, we can easily see a situation where one kilo of rice may exceed $2 (120-130 INR) in the future.
I completely disagree with you on the Income Tax. As far as a recent study goes, in contrast to popular opinion, the cost of running an IT department itself places a huge burden on the Government budget…. While Income tax is indeed the bread and butter of the Indian Government, it does not provide more income thansome of the other taxes levied by the government directly.
For example: If I buy a Pizza in Dominos or Pizza Hut, or eat out at any fancy restaurant or eatery, I end up paying around 20% extra due to the Sales Tax and Value-Added Tax….. This is almost universally applicable in most parts of India. Considering the high-spending life style of the Indian youth, the government may ease up on the Income tax and end up getting the same money in the form of Indirect taxes anyways.
First ask Middle Class to stop endorsing Western Culture and their Products in name of Progressive (?) Lifestyle.
Only Spineless Middle Class are responsible for the dire situation of the Country. They never showed any solidarity in supporting India, its Culture and Society.
Middle Class is intoxicated by following things
1. Sachin Tendulkar
2. Narendra Modi
3. Rajini, SRK, Salman and so on
4. Mobiles
5. Sunny Leone
6. Cars and Bikes
7. Jobs in MNCs.
8. New Clothes.
9. Love, Sex, Marriage and Paramours
10. Debts and so on.
Almost all stupid things carried out by Indians origin from Middle Class. Middle class have no empathy towards fellow Indians, even Poor are much more inclusive and have empathy towards sufferings of fellow Indians.
Unless Middle Class (especially, Upper Middle Class) stand their ground and face Politicians, Corporates, Celebrities in eye to eye, they will suffer forever.
Machi dhillu venum. Unless you dont have courage and confidence, then even less educated people or foreigners will continue to rule and Loot India.
They don’t want to enter into Politics, but still blame Politicians. Its only because of efforts of Middle Class, India is still haunted by Thieves, Prostitutes.
And at last, Middle Class Educated girls are some of worst ever People in India. Their affection for Fame, Status, Money and Make up is beyond ridiculous. I have such family members in my relatives.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. The virus of consumerism, (I want this, I want that, I want more…) seems to have hit even lower classes in India now.
There’s no known cure for this virus, which extracts a heavy price.
Even Gandhi paid a huge price when he renounced all “wants” and all pleasures for himself and his family (his oldest son Harilal turned into a monster primarily over his father depriving him of what he wanted (to go to England and study etc etc). Source: Gandhi before India by Ram Guha and media reports.
2. That said, ballots rarely change the status quo. You merely exchange one set of exploiters (Congress) for another (BJP). Indian middle class will find the Purna Swaraj that Bal Gangdhar Tilak dreamt about over a century ago only by shedding Ahimsa.
“Only Spineless Middle Class are responsible for the dire situation of the Country. They never showed any solidarity in supporting India, its Culture and Society.”
First, my name is Aswin not aswini.
Coming to your argument on the middle class, most of the points that you mentioned in your comment apply to all classes.
When you say middle class, I presume you are referring to the middle class in the urban areas, you keep forgetting tthat the term “middle class” is a hugely misunderstood and misused term in india and actually covers a huge amount of people.
As for the progressive lifestyle, I am not sure what you are talking about.. I and many of my friends belong to the so-called middle class, we still stick to some of our traditions, and are not spendthrifts.
As for voting for BJP, I am really not sure whom else you want us to vote for? Bloody AAP or the ever-scam bound congress, or ever-pessimistic Communists?
When you blame us for a problem, first check if you have a solution first?
Its not about BJP, its about their preferences.
Even in Hinduism, Brahmins and Upper Castes don’t make more than 20 to 30 percent of Population. Yet he(Modi) has given preference to them in Minister Posts.
Why BJP don’t give preference to People based on Talent, Knowledge? Even after all this years you still can’t abolish Casteism.
Upper Castes are ruling India with Vice grip. While they dictate to Rest of Hindus, what they should do or not; they never practice what they preach.
Most of Upper Caste girls working in Private Concerns are absolute prostitutes and yet because of their fair skin colour, they hold sway over the Politicians, Industrialists. Again, they are the one who often gets divorced.
Upper Castes also control most of the Private Firms, leaving little hope for Talent and Knowledge People to succeed.
Simply said, Modi’s Rule will be good for Private Concerns and MNCs.
Private Concerns and MNCs benefit only BRAHMINS and UPPER CASTE PEOPLE.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Most of Upper Caste girls working in Private Concerns are absolute prostitutes …
What did you drink this morning?
I recommend Starbucks Italian Roast – $7.79 for a 12oz packet at the nearest Walmart! It’s a dark, strong coffee without any of the ill-effects of Toddy.
2. Brahmin/Upper Caste grip has weakened in India at different levels including universities/colleges, bureaucracy and politics.
For the last 10 years, India was ruled by Catholics and Sikhs!
Please replace the word “Prostitutes” in sentence, ” Most of Upper Caste girls working in Private Concerns are absolute prostitutes”, with ” Ethically unreliable”. Thank You
“Bloody AAP or the ever-scam bound congress, or ever-pessimistic Communists? When you blame us for a problem, first check if you have a solution first?”
Why are you so furious with AAP, which has given itself to shabby Gandhian idealism at best and unpalatable sanctimonious stunt at worst but meant well in general, instead of condemning Narendra Modi with equal gusto, who the available evidence strongly points out to be not only a standard combination of narcissistic autocracy and sycophancy but also to be a sophomoric Hindu zealot who can coldly endorse even a scale of brutality witnessed in Godhra riots without a pinch of remorse???
I choose AAP anytime, anywhere over Modi however doltish it may be politically…
An emphatically progressive social change or evolution goes beyond simple elections.
Social change is not so much choosing the ‘right leader’ or ‘right party’ as an acute expression of simmering social frustrations, usually accumulated through collective cognizance of oppressive societal perversions, be it the rampant corruption or gender bias or incessant status quo or whatever, brought to boil by a catalytic agent, be it Martin Luther or Kejriwal.
A compelling positive social change, especially in societies that have morally stagnated for eons, is not usually accomplished by working out the right equations out of the existing elements; rather it is cultured by climbing to an higher social vantage point which can potentially bring to one’s sight entirely new vistas of dignity and justice and which have hitherto remained utterly unseen from where you are perched at present.
A true social evolution is not something that bombards you with self-centred gung-ho enthusiasm which unleashes a fresh set of false hopes and coaxes you into yet another compromise; rather, it is something that equips the masses with an original social alphabet that helps them to compose ever newer expressions of uprightness which at once pushes the society as a whole to a higher moral notch, albeit ever so slightly.
Thus, the mark of a true evolution, usually spurred on by a latent collective desire for foolproof orderliness, is the irreversibility of the new culture it brings about, be it the French revolution or Mikhail Gorbachev’s perestroika. Hence, in this case, it wasn’t so much opting for a ‘workable choice’ in BJP as giving ourselves an opportunity to initiate a reconsideration of our moral formats by finding the right catalyst in AAP or NOTA on the ballot. But yet another opportunity was lost.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Interesting points, particularly on enduring social change.
Just as citizens have responsibilities in rejecting the chaff of meretricious change agents like Narendra Modis leaders too have responsibilities as aspiring catalyst agents.
When leaders like Kejriwal or Vellupillai Prabhakaran make horrendous mistakes they not only set back the limited progress but shatter all hopes of a change and bring a sense of fatalism that things will never change.
The virus of fatalism is highly corrosive, highly infectious and worsens things for all but a tiny sliver of the population.
It’s fine and dandy to say “I choose AAP anytime, anywhere over Modi however doltish it may be politically…” but that takes the world nowhere.
When you are dealing with the likes of Narendra Modi, it’s not enough for the Kejriwals to merely “mean well” (as you put it) but to have carefully considered strategic and tactical goals to avoid pushing the fence-sitters into the arms of BJP or Congress as the lesser evil.
When enduring social change is sought within a non-violent framework the responsibility of leaders like Kejriwal expands to stratospheric heights.
Since it’s rare, nay impossible, to find such leaders within non-violent frameworks, some aspiring change agents (Maoists, Naxalites etc) see violence as the sole hope of ushering in the Utopia of their dreams.
Violence as a pressure point for bringing in some social change is a better strategy within the context of democratic systems although in the short run it unleashes massive state retaliation on the perpetrators of violence.
2. As for the irreversibility of Gorbachev’s perestroika, one set of leaders (the Nomenklatura) was replaced by others (the Oligarchs) who looted Russia during the privatization mayhem of the Yeltsin years followed in the Putin years by another set of Oligarchs with close ties to the Kremlin leadership.
Let’s not forget the French Revolution was quickly followed by the excesses and terrors of Robespierre and others, not to forget the Napoleonic expansionist dreams of grandeur.
Maybe, Humans are incapable of redemption!
At least, that seems to be the lesson of history be it the French Revolution, the American War of Independence (freedom for all except slaves), Perestroika (economic restructuring of moribund state enterprises by handing them over for a song to Oligarchs), Bolshevik Revolution (the Tsars were saints compared to Stalin), the hopes of Mao’s Long March were soon extinguished by the atrocities of the Cultural Revolution etc.
The more things seem to change in society, the less they really do.
For most societies and at most times, the Equilibrium is exploitation. Difference being measured in degrees of exploitation.
There’s no such thing as irreversibility when you’re talking of humans.
The Darwinian struggle of the sub-alterns (Lower Class) and the Middle Class (whose daily nightmare is slipping into the category of subalterns) is ceaseless and rarely is any positive change sustained.
Bottom Line: Sustaining positive changes is as important as ushering in changes if Man is not to be doomed forever to the Sisyphean struggle of casting off his oppressive shackles.
At least, that seems to be the enduring lesson of history across time and space.
“Just as citizens have responsibilities in rejecting the chaff of meretricious change agents like Narendra Modis leaders too have responsibilities as aspiring catalyst agents”
When did Kejriwal disown this responsibility?? In fact, he owned too much responsibility perhaps by contesting from Varanasi.
“When leaders like Kejriwal or Vellupillai Prabhakaran make horrendous mistakes they not only set back the limited progress but shatter all hopes of a change and bring a sense of fatalism that things will never change.”
I feel the sense of fatalism you are talking about is in fact one of the major reasons why people voted for Modi i.e. the irrational stand that evil is common, society won’t improve, so let me vote for ‘my’ guy who is likely to win. Beneath all this hubbub over Kejriwal’s ‘failure’, there is a warped admiration for Modi. People weren’t so desperate for a change that they were capable of getting disillusioned with AAP. What clinched the issue were Modi’s sales pitch and the people’s banal fetish for ‘the new product’. (I find that comparison between Kejriwal and Prabhakaran jarring).
“It’s fine and dandy to say “I choose AAP anytime, anywhere over Modi however doltish it may be politically…” but that takes the world nowhere”
You wouldn’t know where the world will go if you had chosen AAP. You wouldn’t know what we would be exploring. That’s my point actually. For example, Kejriwal said in a interview that during his brief stint as Delhi CM, corruption has ceased in Government hospitals, the ubiquitous middlemen at RTO offices have fled and other political parties took care not to field candidates with criminal background. Isn’t that magic?? A true change has wider ramifications than we could imagine and can shine the littlest nooks we never knew existed.
“When you are dealing with the likes of Narendra Modi, it’s not enough for the Kejriwals to merely “mean well” (as you put it) but to have carefully considered strategic and tactical goals……”
Kejriwal is a human with limited intelligence to always hit upon the best ‘strategy’ and the best ‘tactic’. What he needed was lots and lots and lots of error margin. And why not? especially when we had given that to the most heinous of the politicians for more than six decades. And, like Kejri said on numerous forums, it should be people’s fight as much as his. I agree with him.
“When enduring social change is sought within a non-violent framework the responsibility of leaders like Kejriwal expands to stratospheric heights. Since it’s rare, nay impossible, to find such leaders within non-violent frameworks…..Utopia of their dreams. Violence as a pressure point for bringing in some social change is a better strategy within the context of democratic systems although in the short run it unleashes massive state retaliation on the perpetrators of violence”
I don’t know. I think violence or non-violence are more of a something that is ordained by the path of evolution than those which have any intrinsic value of their own. May be a social evolution,more often than not, chooses a violent path. But then, there are several occasions when the violence had failed. What happened to Che Guevara’s and Fidel Castro’s Cuba?Wasn’t Cuba supposed to unfurl a paradise?? What happened to the Arab spring and Egypt(or Syria)? But then, hasn’t Kemal Ataturk done more with lesser violence in Turkey?
“As for the irreversibility of Gorbachev’s perestroika, one set of leaders (the Nomenklatura) was replaced by others (the Oligarchs) who looted Russia during the privatization mayhem…Let’s not forget the French Revolution was quickly followed by the excesses and terrors of Robespierre and others, not to forget the Napoleonic expansionist dreams of grandeur. Maybe, Humans are incapable of redemption……. There’s no such thing as irreversibility when you’re talking of humans”
It’s true that the effects of French Revolution took a long time to take root. But you cannot imagine the French going back to Marie Antoinette era. Likewise, hasn’t the Perestroika and Glasnost paved the way for disintegration of USSR? Hasn’t it ended the cold war? Hasn’t it democratized the Eastern Europe? Hasn’t the Berlin wall disappeared? Hasn’t it made the world unipolar? When I said irreversibility, I wasn’t talking about irredeemability of the human soul, the debate about which to a great extent belongs to the metaphysical realm. The irreversibility of new culture I am talking about pertains to the degree to which the evolution of nuts and bolts of a specific society have acquired permanence, not only with reference to the intuitive universal standards for such evolution, but also in comparison to the cultures of other societies. Can India embrace a military dictatorship? Unlikely. Can Finland ever become a state like Pakistan?No. Can French ever not condone the gay marriage or Uganda ever forgive homosexuality?No, may be. You can see every society is pegged at a specific irreversibility score.
“Bottom Line: Sustaining positive changes is as important as ushering in changes if Man is not to be doomed forever to the Sisyphean struggle of casting off his oppressive shackles…At least, that seems to be the enduring lesson of history across time and space….”
Change is sustained but perhaps not always in the form we like or are aware of.
Its such ridiculous elections and BJP cannot proclaim to have win the elections outright. Once again stupid middle Class have helped him to win, just like they did for Congress all these years. Only 17.1 crore voters of 81 crore eligible voters polled for BJP.
Also amidst all hype, AAP polled only 1 crores of votes throughout India. Typical Mad Middle Class Guy, Arvind Kejriwal, before even establishing fundamentals of Party very strong in North India, decided to field candidates throughout India and failed miserably. This is mentality of Middle Class People.
check the link
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Kejriwal & Co seem to have turned into clowns.
They’d have had greater credibility by remaining in the opposition.
But they screwed it all up in Delhi by first saying No to the formation of govt, then Yes and then abruptly resigning.
And now after the Lok Sabha polls, they’re finito. A hopelessly juvenile bunch.
Ivanga Urupudra Mdhiri theriyale!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
First, let’s get Rahul a brain transplant before making him Opposition Leader!
Off-topic – Testing Beats music service (on iPhone) following its acquisition by Apple today for $3 billion. Next, I’ll see how it works on PC (Mac).
Great ! 2 Absolutely Contrasting views by Congress Partymen within a period of 24 hrs. Earlier Digvijay singh wanted Rahul to be Leader of Opposition..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
If Congress had won, T.H.Mustafa would have been kissing Rahul’s derriere!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Talk is cheap…let’s see where they go.
Modi at a book launch on 8th june (Getting India Back on track)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dZsz44I4BE (Starts at 4.55 )
SearchIndia.com Responds:
As I’ve said time and again, we’ll know in 18-months if Gujarat was all maya (an illusion).
Modi’s 1st speech in Lok Sabha yesterday