Every time U.S. President Barack Obama spots a mosquito, he goes nuts.
After all, behind that irksome mosquito lurks a billion other mosquitoes feeding upon the depleting resources of the planet.
And, boy, is the leader of the ‘free’ world hopping mad about it.
You bet!
Even after admitting a gazillion Telugu biddas on Dum Biryani Visas and countless Gujjus on Dunkin Donut & Potel Visas into the U.S., Obama is deeply distressed that the Indian population is not inching down.
Obama – Like Salman Khan
But if you know Obama’s track record, you know the man is not one to give up easily once he’s made up his mind.
Once Obama is committed to a task, you can be certain that the job is already half-done!
Obama is like our Bollywood superstar Salman Khan when it comes to commitment.
After all, what did our beloved Sallu bhai declare in the Bollywood blockbuster Wanted:
Ek bar joh maine commitment kar di … uske baad toh main khud ki bhi nahi sunta (Once I commit to something … after that I don’t even listen to myself).
Of course, Salman Khan too has done his best to reduce India’s population with his preferred weapon, the Toyota Land Cruiser.
But where Salman worked only at the retail level in cutting India’s population, Obama plans on a wholesale solution.
After all, a leader of the sole superpower must think big!
Teek hai, na (right, isn’t it)?
So in his second term, Barack Obama, the leader of the ‘free’ world, the slayer of Mitt Romney, the pride of America’s health insurance companies, is taking matters into his own hands to drastically bring down India’s population.
Squash the Mosquitoes
At a meeting with the senile coward Manmohan Singh at the Oval Office in September, Obama lobbied, albeit in euphemistic language, for free rein to kill weak, ailing and poor Indians.
No, no!
Obama did not ask Manmohan Singh for permission to play the Drone game on India.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are already providing Obama with plenty of opportunity to play his favorite whack-a-human game using joy sticks, video consoles and drones flying at 10,000 feet.
Cancer Wars
Obama’s preferred method to reduce India’s population is to price key life-saving drugs out of reach of the majority of Indians.
Here’s how the brilliant strategist wants to cull India’s overpopulation – By actively supporting rapacious pharmaceutical corporations as they price breast cancer drugs like Herceptin at obscene levels like $18,000 for one round of treatment.
Cancer is a huge killer worldwide including in India.
Breast cancer alone strikes over 115,000 women (old statistics) in India and kills 54,000 (2008 figures) every year.
If you include all other forms of cancer (oral cancer, lung cancer, blood cancer, pancreatic cancer, testicular cancer, intestinal cancer etc), I suspect the toll of Indian cancer victims every year will likely exceed a million.
Doubtless, many of the Indian cancer victims meet an early end every year because they can’t afford the medication (even the cheaper local generic cancer drugs).
Once you put cancer drugs out of reach of 95% of Indians then slowly but certainly the people will start falling to the ground like fireflies in ones and twos.
But why restrict obscene pricing of drugs to just cancer.
Why not extend it to all major diseases including heart ailments, diabetes, kidney failures, organ transplants, liver treatment, hemophilia etc.
Hey, the sky is the limit when it comes to exploiting vulnerable humans.
Voila, in a few decades India’s population would have declined drastically.
Pharma giants Bayer, Novartis, Roche and Pfizer are the backbone of Obama’s mission to thin the Indian herd.
Oh, did I tell you that the pharmaceutical industry has been one of the biggest donors to Obama’s election campaigns.
Obama – American Sanjay Gandhi
Sanjay Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and countless other Indian leaders have attempted to address India’s population crisis.
None succeeded.
Sanjay Gandhi could manage only a few thousand forcible sterilizations here and there.
Not all the forcible vasectomies and tubectomies done at Sanjay Gandhi’s behest changed the big picture – India’s population continued to explode.
But I have high confidence that Barack Obama, colluding actively with large pharma companies and making drugs unaffordable, will take giant strides in reducing India’s population where all others have failed.
Mera Bharat Mahaan
India distresses me on many levels.
The crappy movies, the noise, the pollution, the leaders, the people, the stench…oh, there are a countless things to be mad about where India is concerned.
But on one issue, India is dear to my heart – The way India has the greedy pharma companies by the cojones, disregarding dubious drug patents and for allowing generic manufacture of exorbitantly priced drugs.
Truly, in the matter of drugs pricing Mera Bharat is indeed Mahaan.
Everyone deserves a shot at life, even the poor and the sick.
May be, it is correct.
Indian Masses don’t have self respect and human compassion within themselves.
They are like mad and hungry wolves chasing after money, crappy movies etc., Indians lack good virtues.
Particularly urban centres like Mumbai, Bangalore, Tirupur are disgusting to live.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Not just Indians, most humans ought not to have ever left the prison of the womb.
Western hemisphere or Eastern, humans are mostly alike in their beastliness except in color and polish.
@ msveda: “Indian Masses don’t have self respect and human compassion within themselves.”
True, especially when I see a lot of educated and so-called civilized Indians, who once lived in India and now spit back on the same country without thinking that their parents and forefathers lived here.. Also, this is the only country where Educated people show off by pissing on their own folks anywhere and everywhere…..
Just ask them if India is a bad place to live, they will go on to give a lecture on how disgusting this is and point to every factor, X, Y, Z, and so on…. But when you ask them to help their fellow people, they run like hares…
Many Indians, especially the well-settled and some NRIs, are great keyboard warriors and orators……. It’s just that they lack the will power/means to make India a better country..
Btw, hey SI; Good luck on getting those “scumbag indians” out of the US…. By the way, there will come a day when the US folks will have so much ill-feelings towards Indians that they will attack any person, who even carries an iota of resemblance to an India……. Be it an Indian, who has blended perfectly with the US and means no harm or those IT coolies, who came to US looking to make a quick buck….. When that day comes, I wonder what you will say?
Whose side will you take?
Don’t take my comments personally….. I am just referring to a hypothetical scenario….. For some reason, you seem to have no respect, absolutely zilch, for Indians and pride yourself to be an American…. Well, it is your right to be so, but I am just wondering if your statements will one day backfire badly, what will you do?
Will you support the Americans, who will kick out Indians in huge numbers, irrespective of who they are or what they do? Or will you support the Indians, who actually blend well with US and have contributed well to the society. I would love your thoughts on this matter.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: there will come a day when the US folks will have so much ill-feelings towards Indians that they will attack any person, who even carries an iota of resemblance to an India….Will you support the Americans, who will kick out Indians in huge numbers….Or will you support the Indians, ….I would love your thoughts on this matter.
Sweetie, you no taking your schizophrenia medicine, den you typing and you writing gibberish!
So you no forgetting your 2 white pills, 3 red pills and 4 yellow pills in future, ok?
The last time U.S. attacked an ethnic community was the internment of Japs during WW 2. It won’t happen again.
2. You write: Whose side will you take?….. For some reason, you seem to have no respect, absolutely zilch, for Indians and pride yourself to be an American….
Whose side will I take? Simple! Me, Myself and I.
Only “Little People” worry about caste, community, country.
Bad things happen to those who worry too much about their country (see the sad fate of Gandhi, Bose, Lincoln, Prabhakaran).
@ Aswin, you are confusing yourself. Read my lines carefully. Indians don’t have human compassion among themselves.
Urban or Rural India, there is no place for human compassion. Even for small issues, they cannot forgive, adjust within themselves. In name of Caste, Religion, and in search of money, these People behave make a mess of entire nation.
Indians are biggest racist of Earth. Brown skinned and dark skinned People are always made fun in Metros such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune; or second class cities like Coimbatore, Kochi.
If you Let all Indians along with Pakistanis, Chinese and Americans in same room and lock the room, in few hours you will see all Indians dead, fighting themselves.
Inspite of being Educated Indian, I have to fight out with all sections of people to prove my credibility.
Heck, even if I approach a fair skin girl for chatting, everyone start looking down me as some of terrorist or outsider. Do you know how I feel at that time?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Heck, even if I approach a fair skin girl for chatting, everyone start looking down me as some of terrorist or outsider. Do you know how I feel at that time?
No, we don’t know how you feel.
Please explain at length because that will give all of us tremendous insight into how Shivaji Rao Gaikwad felt every minute of his life until he became Rajinikanth.
“Heck, even if I approach a fair skin girl for chatting, everyone start looking down me as some of terrorist or outsider. Do you know how I feel at that time?”
Sorry about that bro, lemme apologize on behalf of those idiots, who believe fair skin is everything (Hell, if that is the case, Polar bears must be the most superior species on earth).
And no, you need not prove your credibility to anyone/everyone. You have every right to say what you need to. It’s just that sometimes we disagree with some of your statements. For example, your statement regarding absence of compassion among humans in Urban and Rural India. I disagree with that.
As for your statement regarding racism in India, I think many of us will agree with you. We can find racists here across religions, castes, languages, and races. Quite unfortunate indeed!
“Please explain at length because that will give all of us tremendous insight into how Sayaji Rao Gaikwad felt every minute of his life until he became Rajinikanth.”
By the way, that is Shivaji Rao Gaekwad, not Sayaji
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Fixed! Thanks!
“Sweetie, you no taking your schizophrenia medicine, den you typing and you writing gibberish!
So you no forgetting your 2 white pills, 3 red pills and 4 yellow pills in future, ok?”
Good lord, so your subject matter expertise also covers Schizophrenia, is it? Or is it because we visit the same mental hospital
You perhaps forgot to include Chennai in your “so called disgusting cities” list.
I’m sure with their intolerance and hatred towards non-Tamil speaking fellow beings, it’s probably difficult to even pee without talking Tamil there.
When it comes to narrow mindedness, Chennai occupies first place in linguistic racism !!
@ rvasam, what do you mean by linguistic racism? Most of Tamils don’t do it. Its only traders, merchants and manual labourers who are linguistic racists in Tamilnadu.
Problem with outsiders like you, is you are generalizing an entire state of Population like this. You are as ignorant as common masses.
Chennai has been disgusting since it became an important city. But one thing, is sure, for Chennai; atleast they follow Indian Culture and Tradition to some extent (in dress).
But your favourite, Holy cow of India, Bangalore is worst disgusting city to Live in India in past 10 years. Before IT Boom, Bangalore was the “most Liveable City ” in India. Now it has turned to be nightmare for Conservative Minded People to Live with.
Speaking of intolerance, again you have proved you are ignorant. Many of Popular Celebrities and Businessmen of tamilnadu, are outsiders.
List of non Tamil Celebrities who made it big in Tamilnadu are
1.MGR (A Malayali, by birth)
2. Rajinikanth (Kannadiga, both bought and raised)
3. Ajith (born to Sindhi and Kerala Parents)
4. Khusboo, Simran, Rambha, Nayantara, Asin, Arya etc., (all are outsiders)
Nayudus (Telugu Caste), Marwadis, Malayalees, Jains have some of Richest Businessmen in Tamilnadu.
I have backed up my arguments with facts, Reply me with facts and prove before dishing out words.
Tirupur? Urban Center??
Not that I disagree with only this point in your comment.
I mean, Tirupur- Coimbatore conurbation with a Population of near 5 millions.
Ok, but in India one will meet with other human beings in almost every square feet of land.
But one can travel for miles without meeting others in Most of places around earth, except Africa.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Once we annex Canada and privatize their national public healthcare system, we’ll have even more land and our drug companies will be even more profitable!
“Ok, but in India one will meet with other human beings in almost every square feet of land. ”
Ever heard of a factor called population density???? Well, India has one of the highest numbers in population density….So it’s quite obvious that you will meet more humans here than anywhere else… In places like New Zealand, they joke that you are likely to find more dogs than humans…… This is something that no country can decide…
For instance, in a time when US is trying to stop immigration, an island nation like Australia is actually inviting folks from nations like India to come and join its workforce as they are desperately short of trained labor.
It’s quite unfair to blame a country for something it can;t control….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: in a time when US is trying to stop immigration, an island nation like Australia is actually inviting folks from nations like India
You are so
rightwrong!Violence against Indians in Australia
Since Indians are Chutiyas, they will still go down under and get their ass whipped.
Your response is so wrong.
Ashwin said Australia is inviting Indians to join its workforce, and that is true.
It is not the Australian government that is attacking the Indians, it is the Australian people.
Reason is simple, they do not want Indians to grab their jobs, so they just wanted to create panic.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: It is not the Australian government that is attacking the Indians, it is the Australian people.
Australian Govt and Australian People are not different entities although it may appear so at times!
“You write: in a time when US is trying to stop immigration, an island nation like Australia is actually inviting folks from nations like India
You are so right wrong!”
Dear SI, I understand that you have expertise in so many matters, but it is high time, you stop relying only on google and news channels to form opinions.
I have two of my cousins working in Australia, one in Perth and the other in Canberra.
Do you know what they have to say about Australia and its citizens? They claim Australia to be one of the nicest places to work. And yes, they have been incidents of violence against Indians, but when my sister enquired about the reason behind it, it was found that all those Indians who were attacked were either:
1) New to Australia and got into trouble with the localites for rubbing them the wrong way (Showing off stuff, talking too loudly on the phone, partying in a neighbourhod with irritating music without heeding warnings of their neighbors, etc)
2) Filthy rich people/sons of filthy rich people, who tried to run off their mouth thinking that Australia is India and in turn got the ass-whipping of their lives.
Kindly check your facts. If you still want reliable proof, you should check with some Australian-Indians, who have actually lived in Australia for a minimum of 2 years.
Please don’t mistake me, you cannot be always right!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
OK, I will check with my Indian-Australian sweetie pie Vimala Raman and let you know!
On a serious note, I think U.S. is the least immigrant-hostile place given its long tradition of immigrants from around the world. At various points in my life, I considered Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Australia and NZ but I think even with all its drawbacks U.S. is still the most favorable destination for immigrants.
“OK, I will check with my Indian-Australian sweetie pie Vimala Raman and let you know! ”
Duh, I know what you will check with Vimala Raman
Damn that hot lady…. Btw, heard she disappeared from the map of Tollywood?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Last I heard, Vimala Raman was playing Rajini’s mother or great-aunt in movies!
At least, that’s what one commenter wrote a couple of years back!
>> but in India one will meet with other human beings in almost every square feet of land.
Whats wrong with that? Its a good thing man. Say you are stuck at someplace or say you fall into a pit and you cry for help. In India there are high chances someone finds you and you get help. But in other places, you may have to wait for someone to come from a mile ahead, and worse he/she may not even notice you and you’re stuck forever.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Say you are stuck at someplace or say you fall into a pit and you cry for help. In India there are high chances someone finds you and you get help…..worse he/she may not even notice you and you’re stuck forever
I watched Se7en last night and here’s an interesting snippet from the movie on “Help:”
Bottom line, as Morgan Freeman tells us when you shout for “Help,” you are stuck forever.
BTW, SI strongly recommends Se7en! U.S. readers can get the DVD from their local libraries.
To msveda, its bcos disgusting guys like you make the cities disgusting to live in..
Blore has been overpopulated by a swarm… mass exodus to blore from chennai and other TN places and screwed the good places….
I hope SI will allow to publish this since there was no need to bring in specific cities in this context by Mr Veda…
Ok, so here after if anyone wants to go to Bangalore from any part of TN, they should apply for a Visa and get it approved from rvasam.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
rvasam is on the West Coast. Still 4AM there…Am sure, he/she/It will deport you to Eealam (greater Tamil Nadu) once be he/she/It wakes up!
Some attitudes of Indian immigrants in U.S. remain the same while others change even after they migrate.
I suspect Indians (Gujjus, Telugus, Punjabis) in the U.S. will create a lot of grief for India in the future the way the Irish and Sikhs (in U.S. and Canada) did in the past for Ireland and Punjab through financial support for violent movements in their respective home lands.
@rvasam: Once again, i warn you to not attack others personally. I too can be rude to you.
Bangalore is certainly most shocking City to Live with (at the moment). Before IT revolution, you visit Bangalore; it is full of gardens and trees and People are friendly, there is Less Racism (you can see couples of different skin colours married). ( I was in Bangalore from march to july 1998) (2001 Bangalore Population is 5.1 millions lagging even behind, Hyderabad)
Now, the city is full of buildings, improper infrastructure, unbearable Air Pollution, absolutely “vulgarly” dressed women with no respect for Indian Tradition and Indian Culture. Nowadays, Bangalore, is the most Racist City to Live in. ( I stayed for a couple of months in 2005, 2012 ). (2011 Bangalore Population is about 8.5 millions, fighting neck to neck with Chennai)
Regarding mass exodus from Tamilnadu, mostly manual Labour goto search of employment. Regarding educated professionals, People who hail from small towns and villages mostly goto Bangalore for employment.
Problem with Mumbai, Bangalore, Coimbatore-Tirupur; is mainly due to North Indians corrupting these three cities with their culture. You see a north Indian Women, you can’t identify, if she is married or not. And Northies are biggest rapists in world (Even SI pointed out this in some article).
Tamils never started Pubs or Pre martial, extra martial sex affairs in Bangalore. Ever bad thing associated with South Indians cities, were promoted by Racist North Indians; who love to hate and pollute Southies more than Pakis.
Even Kannada organizations pointed it out that Northies destroyed Bangalore Culture. Last year, Kanndagias planned and spread false rumours about North East indians, which didnt work out.
I went to Bangalore to stay with friends and when they asked me get a job, i refused to do so.
Pointing out Mumbai, Blore, Tirupur is meant to identify the problems associated with city and for those city Lovers, t
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: And Northies are biggest rapists in world (Even SI pointed out this in some article).
I do not believe SI wrote North Indians are the biggest rapists in the world.
To clarify, this is what SI wrote in 2011:
Source: http://www.searchindia.com/2011/10/28/indians-now-rape-childrensisters-less-others-more/
I am extremely sorry, I typed it in heat of moment.
I warn you to not attack me personally.
Before IT boom, Bangalore was city full of gardens, trees and People were more friendly and Less Racist. And after IT boom, it has changed totally. Bangalore was once the face of Conservative India. Now it is the face of exploitative, bully, racist India.
In Last 5 years, many times Kannada organizations have pointed out that North Indians have corrupted Bangalore, which is true for the cities of Mumbai and Tirupur too.
Tamils are not bold enough to wear revealing clothes or indulge in pre martial and extra martial affairs.
Even many of Tamils staying in Bangalore are not real tamils (they are telugu tamils, kannada tamils and mixed Tamils of different ancestory).
To msveda, i apologize, didn’t mean to hit out at you personally. It irked me when you callously referred as disgusting without any specific context, and yes, being from once upon a time charming city B’lore, it hit me personally.
Going back to the topic however, the reason why B’lore and Mumbai no longer the charming cities they used to be is because of their high tolerance compared to Chennai, and being “pseudo cosmopolitized”.
Although often wrongly accused, the Kannadigas in Bangalore (and Marathis in Mumbai) feel that the real chauvinists are not them – but the Tamilians are the real exponents of exclusive cultural identity are in Tamil Nadu. That while living in Bangalore you can get away never speaking or learning a word of Kannada, but you will be forced to learn Tamil in TN. From my own experience, I can’t deny that these observations, at face value, seem to have an element of truth to them. By way of one example, I personally know people of the footloose, ‘cosmopolitan’ variety who have wanted to move someplace else, having tired of living in Bangalore and of seeing it descend into its present state of chaos, but have never been comfortable considering a location in Tamil Nadu to move to, essentially because of its monolithic Tamil identity and culture. All you have to do is travel into TN and it is evident that you are in a culture that is far more ‘about itself’, far more assertive, not shy of its Tamil-ness. This may not be a ‘bad’ proposition to them in any way, but to assert the same with a complete disrespect to the local language in its own birth-land or adopted land is outright cheap. It’s like how the Telugu biddas are doing to Edison, SanJose, Dallas, etc etc…. !!!
I have the utmost respect for TN’s individual cultural identity, love it’s temples and architectural marvels, and the overall spiritual and religious fervor, but i cant really vouch for Euromonitor blog’s list. Each blog can create its own list of must visit places and perhaps one blog will even mention Syria as a must see destination.
The situation is much worser in Tamilnadu, due to caste leaders like Ramadoss; there is no longer sense of oneness in Tamilnadu. Also, it’s mainly Political leaders who manipulate People in name of Tamil Culture, because they want to exploit Masses.
Educated People like me are unsure of future in Tamilnadu , because we have to face
Private firms blindly favouring diploma students and girls, because they tend to work for less salary;
Above all, girls and their Parents go nuts when interacting with educated guys like me.
Due to lack of unity and misunderstanding, we live in insecurity and constant fear. The old, assertive and bully Tamilnadu is not there for migrants nowadays. Initially, they might find it hard, but to Tamils generosity (always favouring outsiders over natives), they will find it easier to live a comfortable life in Tamilnadu.
But, I am pretty confident, if Tamilnadu goes into chaos and Confusion ( pretty much nearing it), Indian Culture and Tradition, and Hindu religion will collapse.
The reason, why I am saying, is in past 30 years or so, Tamils have vehemently opposed evils of Western Culture, Bollywood. But for them, Indian Culture would have collapsed few years back.
One thing is sure, Tamils value Morality high ( many times they indulged in too much of morality) in Process of Life, which may be surprising, shocking to People from other parts of India.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: I am pretty confident, if Tamilnadu goes into chaos and Confusion ( pretty much nearing it), Indian Culture and Tradition, and Hindu religion will collapse. ……. in past 30 years or so, Tamils have vehemently opposed evils of Western Culture, Bollywood. But for them, Indian Culture would have collapsed few years back…..Tamils value Morality high ( many times they indulged in too much of morality)….
Good Lord!
Are there no limits to Rubbish!
You’re so hopelessly biased against non-Tamils that it beggars belief!
But for Tamils Indian culture and Hinduism would have collapsed? So, by your warped logic all Indians apart from Tamils are uncivilized, barbaric louts living in Hobbes’ State of Nature, right?
Evils of Western Culture? Like what? Wearing jeans instead of midriff exposing Sarees? Ass-kissing Elderly Men Falling at Jayalalitha’s feet?
Tamils have Opposed Bollywood? Hell, Tamil film industry remakes Bollywood films & vice versa with monotonous frequency! Bollywood films 3 Idiots, Don, Namak Halal, Yadon Ki Baarat, Billu Barber, Gol Maal, Laawaris, Khuddar, Kasme Vade, Mard etc….were all remade in Tamil. These days Tamil films featuring major stars are even set in Mumbai – Thupakki, Thalaiva, Aarambam etc. My point is that there’s a highly incestuous relationship between Kollywood & Bollywood!
Ramadoss is not the only villain…he’s pandering to casteist sentiments that’s already inherent in the hearts of large numbers of Tamils!
I don’t know what you eat and drink but whatever it is, it must be proscribed for the rest of humanity lest they spew forth the same drivel like you do!
1. Apart from Tamils, all Indians are uncivilized. I never meant it so. Still now, in many of Cities in Tamilnadu, you can see girls wearing Salwars and Sarees (covering most parts of body) and apply less makeup. But in most of Cities from other parts of India, you even see married Women wearing Jeans, or transparent Sarees or Sarees with low cut blouse and apply sensors makeup. This is clear act of provocation on behalf of Women.
2. Bollywood. Vs Kollywood : Atleast, still in Kollywood; actresses don’t wear as provocative as Katrina or Kareena, doing in each and every film. You see lip kisses are normal in Bollywood, but such things are frowned upon in Kollywood. Again, you see Bollywood actresses showing their body, even in small events to extent of provocation fans to mob them. Photoshoots in Bollywood are sensuous and provocative compared to Kollywood. Many of Bollywood yesteryear films have been remade in Kollywood, but scale of violence and Sex has been toned down to the audiences. If you want, you can check both bollywood originals and kollywood remakes.
Again, compared to Rest of India, Bollywood movies tend to do minor collections at Box office in Tamilnadu and Kerala. You can check this facts also.
3. Tamils are Casteism at hearts. If that is case, for the number of Caste related parties started in Tamilnadu, People should have fought with each other. Compared to Bihar, UP, Haryana and even Andhra, Tamilnadu is more tolerant when it comes to Caste.
For example, Andhra Pradesh is totally dominated by Kamma and Kapu Castes, in every field. You cannot attribute same thing to Tamilnadu.
4. I don’t what you eat and drink…… Don’t let words just in heat of moment. I have kept my facts on table. Just prove me wrong. Just don’t blabber for sake of Tamil hatredness and prejudice against Tamils.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You have repeatedly shot yourself in the foot through your words.
I will let readers decide on the extent of your animosity toward non-Tamils.
Below Comment by Naveen (posted at his request/on his behalf by SI)
@ msveda – Lip kisses frowned upon in kollywood?
Appo idhu ellam enna?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Ha ha ha!
Great Research…Fitting Response!
Check Casteism behind an actor’s death in Andhra
@SI, It is useless to argue with you. Tamilnadu has one of least number of crime rates and was more friendly to outsiders.
A Malayalaee, Kannadigas and host of People from other states have made it big in Tamilnadu and yet you call Tamils as Uncivilized, ridiculous. You are certainly irrational.
Regarding my animosity with other state People, I always compared Tamilnadu with Rest of India and pointed out how Tamilnadu fared well to other states in many aspects of socio-economic development.
If I am hater of non Tamils as accused by you, then I consider you aselection Tamil hater.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
If you can’t win on logic or make a cogent argument, by all means clamber on the ad hominem attack train or, better still, go off on a tangent.
This subject is closed for discussion.
You, rvasam, shadowfax_arbit etc have all had adequate opportunity to make your points at length.
No more comments on this subject/post will be processed!
Time to move on!
@rvasam: “Blore has been overpopulated by a swarm… mass exodus to blore from chennai and other TN places and screwed the good places….”
I don’t think SI needs to educate folks on why Bangalore and Mumbai have become overpopulated. It is very easy for even a second-grader to see the reason behind overpopulation…
Mumbai is the commercial capital of India and has been the centre of trade for decades… So there is no surprise in seeing huge population there as people from all states flock to Mumbai to get jobs.
Bangalore on the other hand has been always a chosen destination:
Pre-2000s: Bangalore was known as a sleepy GARDEN city with a beautiful climate. People actually preferred to settle in Bangalore during their 40s and 50s because they loved the city for its slow pace of life. Apart from industries like BHEL and BEL, there were very few place of employment…..
Bangalore was perhaps one of the only places in Karnataka, where you found more non-kannadigas (Tamilians, Keralites, Andhraites, and people from other parts, whose mother tongue isn’t Kannada).
Post 2003, Bangalore turned out to be a great destination for many IT corporations and hence, it has become the defacto IT capital of India… So it is no wonder that people from all parts of India flock there……
I think MSveda has a phobia of cities with dense populations; I don’t blame him as many people share the same feeling. But what I don;t understand is why this point is being brought up as a huge minus point…
“But one can travel for miles without meeting others in Most of places around earth, except Africa.”
Btw, RSveda, have your ever been to the Times Square in New York on a busy day??? Wonder what you will say about this place.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Btw, RSveda, have your ever been to the Times Square in New York on a busy day???
No such thing as a non-busy day at Times Square!
If you get out of the downtown of a few big cities like NYC, Chicago etc or ignore our overcrowded prisons, neighborhoods in the U.S. are generally quiet refuges. No honking, no people walking down the road, no hawkers etc.
Of course, there’s the occasional home invasion where grandma has her face bashed into an unrecognizable pulp and her Lexus and valuables are stolen.
2. You write: Pre-2000s ….. Apart from industries like BHEL and BEL, there were very few place of employment…..
So what were ITI, HMT, HAL, BEML, NGEF, Mysore Lamps, Mysore Sandal, Peenya Industrial Estate, L&T, Widia etc then?
“So what were ITI, HMT, HAL, BEML, NGEF, Mysore Lamps, Mysore Sandal, Peenya Industrial Estate, L&T, Widia etc then?”
I always can count on you to retort with good statistics, so I didn’t spend time googling
Thanks for the info!
I don’t understand why more population is a bad thing. It has both good and bad, manpower is important for any country.
I’ve been to Sweden, and I found that silence over there totally creepy. The extremely cold weather, so little population etc. WTH!!?? It was horrible.
On the other hand, India is so densely populated and it is so lively. I like it a lot more here!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: manpower is important for any country.
As Morgan Freeman says in Se7en, you can’t afford to be so naive.
Your point was valid in the era of universal mass manufacturing. But in a Made-in-China, , increasingly robotic manufacturing world, population is important only for China.
Unlike software programmers, Earth’s resources like oil, water, coal etc are finite.
2. You write: I’ve been to Sweden, and I found that silence over there totally creepy.
Silence is good. Apart from parts of NYC, Chicago, L.A, Miami etc, in much of the U.S. you won’t hear the worthless babble of the babble.
I suspect silence is invaluable for reflection. India has produced few scientists, writers or philosophers in the last 400-500 years, the time when its population exploded.
I’d hypothesize that India’s population explosion correlates with the growth in number of “coolies” (by which I mean low value add people on the margins of survival/existence) in different domains.
Population Growth –> Increases Pressure for Survival –> Decline in Morality, Arts, Letters, Science –> Corruption, Barbarism, Depravity, Bollywood, Kollywood, Riff-Raff like Priyanka Chopra, Abhishek Bachchan, Ajith, Narendra Modi Occupy Center Stage –> Thundering Noise of Babble –> Absence of Silence, No Opportunity for Reflection –> Shadowfax_arbit Posts Ridiculous Comment Above –> SI gets Mad.
Ulaga Madayan Kamal Haasan called the above causation theory Dasavatharam a.k.a. Butterfly Effect.
3. I suspect Japan & Russia will open up their immigration to Indians in the not too distant future as their population situation stands on a precipice.
4. You write: On the other hand, India is so densely populated and it is so lively.
Lively only for about 400m-500m people.
For the remaining 750 million Indians, life is a curse every day.
@SI: You write: …The way India has the greedy pharma companies by the cojones, disregarding dubious drug patents and for allowing generic manufacture of exorbitantly priced drugs.
I’m not sure if how India will react if some of the Indian pharma companies hold these patents. I assume there has been / is a lobbying by Indian pharma companies with the government to allow for the production of those drugs in spite of the patents.
The point is – on either side of the story – the pharma companies (/any company) put profit before people.
If Indian government takes this stand and allows if another country produces critical-for-life medicines when Indian Companies hold some real patents, I may say Indians are indeed great. But, alas!, practically speaking, India and such patents are a rare combination.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: I’m not sure if how India will react if some of the Indian pharma companies hold these patents.
Don’t fret, sweetie!
Hell will freeze over before India produces life-saving drugs that no one else has produced before.
For the last several hundred years, the Indian soil has neither been fertile for heroes nor for great/original work.
Bottom Line – Indians are scavengers/bottom-feeders, be it in IT, Bollywood, or Pharma.
Reading the entire thread, One understands why Obama wants to tackle the billion mosquitoes problem?

SearchIndia.com Responds:
any idioteven Abhishek Bachchan knows, the years ahead for America will be extremely daunting.On a related note, have you seen/read about Tiger Mom’s latest book:
No, I have not heard of it before.
Read the article and it is an interesting piece.
But while I agree with Insecurity to some extent, I don’t see the other two qualities largely applicable for the mentioned groups. I would like to hear your views on it though.
Perhaps, in the book they present statistics of these three qualities in correlation with the groups.
But statements like below do not conclude anything.
“The real promise of a Triple Package America,” they conclude, “is the promise of a day when there are no longer any successful groups in the United States — only successful individuals.”
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. There’s merit in Impulse Control…..Americans are more given to impulsive hedonism than a lot of other people.
While there’s nothing intrinsically wrong in hedonism per se, after all you live only once, it may not be appropriate in these present challenging times.
2. As for Superiority, I look at it as more of Self-Confidence!
Some classes and ethnic groups have more of it than others.
All that said, it’s hard to respond in detail to Amy Chua’s new book until I’ve read it in its entirety (book is releasing in Feb or March 2014 here) instead of relying on a piece in the New York Post (part of the worthless scumbag, savage beast, sick fuck Murdoch’s trashy media empire).
3. In my view, there are bigger issues in America like the moral decline (as symbolized by U.S. attack on Iraq on false grounds) or the relentless, reckless spying on its own people by NSA and the lack of much public outrage. These are topics that Amy Chua and her husband are ignoring.
Perhaps, any protest is not possible because of the severe backlash by the police.
For instance, when we wrote in support of Occupy Wall St movement, we were tailed by the NYPD back to our state.
The NYPD has a secret social media unit that severely attacks bloggers and journalists that write against the Plutocrats, i.e. interests of the moneyed classes. SI was subjected to severe unlawful attacks by the NYPD who illegally accessed our private information, illegally monitored the SI blog using deceptive IP addresses, issued illegal threats against us etc.
4. Bottom Line, Amy Chua and her husband are exploring, and trying to capitalize on it simultaneously, the widespread concern that America (read Whites here since they account for nearly 75% of the population) as a nation is in deep, irreversible decline.
For People, who hate Chennai; check out this. This link lists Cities with most foreign visitors in 2011.
Chennai tops Indian cities at 41st place and is the only city within 50 places. Again, racists who detests Tamilnadu and Tamils, check out this link.
Tamilnadu occupies second place in number of foreign tourists and third in number of domestic tourists.
Tamilnadu offers something for everyone, who is visiting her. You have beaches, hill stations, forests etc.,
And most depressing, is Councillor of the area in which I residing in Tirupur is of kannada heritage. Telugus, Kannada, Malayalaee and Northwest are more employed and afford better life in Tirupur when compared to native Tamils.
Any yet Kannadigas complain about Tamilnadu. This is ridiculous hypocrisy.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Surprising to see that Chennai has more international tourist arrivals than Mumbai or Delhi in your Euromonitor link!
Seems odd to me…..After all, the biggest Indian tourist attractions like Taj Mahal, Mughal monuments, Qutub Minar, Red Fort etc are in North India. And the most popular Indian beaches are in Goa!
Most probably, it is closest city with International airport to Tirupathi and huge number of grandeur temples in Tamilnadu.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
But how many international tourists are desperate to see Balaji.
NRIs, yes. But other foreigners I doubt it.
Yet another surprising link on Chennai.