Uttam Khobragade, 61, is mad as hell over his diplomat daughter Devyani Khobragde’s arrest by the U.S. authorities in NYC yesterday on charges of Visa fraud and making false statements in the hiring of an Indian maid.
No stranger to controversy himself, the retired Indian bureaucrat, who belongs to India’s Scheduled Caste community a.k.a. Dalits, is screaming racial bias at the American authorities.
“It is nothing but a racial bias. It is simple and clear racial bias to harass the Indians,” Devyani’s father told Indian journalists.
Under normal circumstances, it’s not considered in good taste to highlight an individual’s caste, one of Hinduism’s worst elements.
But since Uttam Khabragade belong to the community of Scheduled Castes (Dalits), which has often faced serious discrimination in India, it’s interesting that he should be charging some Americans with racism over the arrest of his daughter.
Talking Baloney
But Uttam Khobragade is talking nonsense, absolute nonsense.
Because the U.S. Attorney who is responsible for filing the case against his daughter Devyani Khobragade is none other than an Indian-American by the name of Preet Bharara.
Bharara is a respected lawyer and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
In the past, Bharara has taken on some of Wall Street’s egregious offenders.
Devyani Khobragade faces serious charges and if found guilty will go to prison for a long time.
She has been charged with one count of visa fraud and one count of making false statements, which carry maximum sentences of ten years and five years in prison, respectively.
Media reports suggest the Indian government is working feverishly behind the scenes to resolve the crisis triggered by Devyani’s arrest.
Besides seeking an apology from U.S. law enforcement agencies, Devyani’s father Uttam Khobragade is urging the Indian government not to take the matter of his daughter’s arrest lightly.
According to one of her “so-called classmate”, this lady was pretty dumb in her school and college days, [Deleted because not legally tenable].
BTW, SC ST’s portray themselves fake as a minority group, while in essence its the other way around.
Vote bank politics has divided the people in massive ways…..
An excerpt from ibnlive,
The US State Department said, “Under the Vienna convention on consular relations, the Indian Deputy Consul General enjoys immunity from the jurisdiction of US courts only with respect to acts performed in the exercise of consular functions.”
Eminent Indian-American attorney Ravi Batra said in the absence of a category for diplomatic foreign domestic workers, which exempts them from US labour laws, including, wages and hours, American laws must be followed to avoid both criminal and civil liability.
So, it seems highly unlikely that she’ll enjoy a diplomatic immunity.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
I expect the case will be settled at the diplomatic level between India and U.S. and Devyani will be asked to leave the U.S.
The Devyani case is the third time the NYC Indian consulate is facing a Maid in India problem.
Why don’t we increase the number of comments (at least to 10) in Recent Comments section?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Sweetie, I’ve increased it to 8.
Howdy SI!
Just saw your message.
Please let me know if you still want me to go ahead.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Sweetie, Please do the review if you are familiar with this Hobit thing!
Thank You!
I saw the Hobbit movie on Thursday evening before it released for the general public as part of a corporate special screening.
Verdict: Boring, Exhausting, and Dissatisfying
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Hmmm, that bad!
Let’s see what MMX has to say. He is probably watching the the film right now!
If his review is critical of the movie, we may use your verdict – Boring, Exhausting, and Dissatisfying.
Howdy SI,
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Got It.
Thanks…Reading it now!
““It is nothing but a racial bias. It is simple and clear racial bias to harass the Indians,” Devyani’s father told Indian journalists.”
Reminds me of Mohammed Azharuddin’s statement to the Press immediately after he was banned for life due to charges of match fixing:
“I am being targeted because I am a muslim” – (All this despite being granted the honor to captain the Indian Cricket team for almost a decade).
I donno whether Devyani’s father is really stupid or arrogant enough to claim such a ridiculous statement. Americans cannot differentiate between a Delhite, Punjabi, Mumbaivasi, Madrasi, or Bangalorean even if their life depends on it. They only know as as Indians/non-white/colored etc. Devyani’s father should know better, Americans would have arrested Devyani even if she even belong to the most supreme of the upper castes (Fill in the blanks).
This incident only highlights how far Indians can play the race card to their advantage.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
I expect Devyani’s stay in the U.S. will not last long.
OMG…. http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/indian-diplomat-in-us-was-strip-searched-kept-in-jail-with-drug-addicts-sources-459506?pfrom=home-lateststories
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Why the outrage?
It’s not as if NYPD White cops are desperate to see Brown Pussy!
Hell, you can’t walk a block in NYC without bumping into five smelly Brown Dicks and seven giggling Brown Pussies!
Supreme Court Ruling Allows Strip Searches for Any Arrest
Devyani is getting the same “Strip” treatment as anyone else!
Nothing special about her!
May I remind you that Indians have stripped Scheduled Caste women in public on several occasions in Mera Bharat Mahaan. That is Unlawful and Degrading.
What the NYPD did was lawful and done to any arrestee!
2. Indian Embassy/NYC Indian Consulate is feeding these stories to distract people from alleged exploitation of maid.
But at the end of the day Indians can’t do a shit, they’ll just bark until they’re tired!
Let’s focus on the exploitation of maids by the serial offender NYC Indian Consulate – http://www.searchindia.com/2013/12/12/nyc-indian-consulates-maid-in-india-problem
This SC community enjoys all privileges from generation to generation, Still they declare themselves as most deprived…
Thanks Preet Bharara and also USA for filling case against her.
Protest near US Embassy: http://s4.firstpost.in/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/US-embassy_Naresh1.jpg
Searchindia.com Responds:
Three people protesting for dinner and a bottle of arrack?