Why does God bestow upon us a sexual desire that he then wishes us to resist.
The thing is, I didn’t even know I had a clitoris, Martin.
– From the remarkable film Philomena, based on Martin Sixsmith’s book The Lost Child of Philomena Lee
I was in Washington DC yesterday with some time to kill.
So I took a long walk circumambulating the White House, walked past the ubiquitous Secret Service agents and the scowling DC police officers and eventually ended up at E Street Cinema (intersection of 11th St NW and E St) to watch Stephen Frears’ new film Philomena.
Poster in Lobby of E Street Cinema
Washington DC
Philomena features the nonpareil British actress Judi Dench (of M fame from the James Bond movies) along with Steve Coogan and a bunch of no-namers.
Christians – Bastards Über Alles
As the peerless SI has often said, all religions are evil and, paradoxical to their tenets, bring out the worst in humans.
But some religions like Christianity are infinitely worse than the others.
The horrors inflicted by Hindus, Jews, Muslims and people of all other faiths combined pale into insignificance besides the untold suffering imposed on the world by Christians for the last two millenniums.
Jesus, if indeed such an idiotic masochist even existed, would be appalled at the supreme inhumanity of his followers, both the laity and the clergy.
Catholic priests find their jollies in buggering and traumatizing young boys while Catholic nuns get their orgasm by inflicting maximum cruelty on young girls placed in their care.
Our eponymous heroine Philomena Lee was one of countless victims of the heartless Church, cruel to the end.
Beautiful Story
Philomena is an extremely moving account of our Irish Catholic protagonist’s search for her son Anthony.
And the unholy, cruel, deceitful obstructions placed by the Catholic Church to Philomena’s search even 50 years later.
Anthony, the illegitimate son Philomena had in 1952 when she was but a young girl with little knowledge of the world, was taken away from her by the Convent and sold to wealthy Americans.
Yes, yes, yes, Catholic nuns are no different from you and me in their insane greed and unseemly love of money.
Philomena (Judi Dench) subsequently married and had other children but she never forgot Anthony always wondering if he ever thought of her.
“I thought of him every day,” Philomena tells a newly-out-of work journalist Martin Sixsmith (Steve Coogan) with whose help she now re-embarks on the search after keeping Anthony’s existence a secret for five decades.
Together, Philomena and Martin hunt for Anthony. Initially in Ireland and subsequently, the search takes them to U.S. where Martin has contacts from his journalist days.
As is often the case in life, there are rarely happy endings.
But the sadness here is interspersed with humorous asides and the character contrasts between Philomena’s forgiving, generous temperament and Martin’s rage at the convent/Church over the injustice done to her.
The acting quality belongs to a class you rarely see on screen these days.
Philomena is a phenomenal film for the moving story, remarkable acting of Judi Dench and Steve Coogan and the exposure, once again, of the every-day cruelties engaged in by members of the Catholic religious order.
If you ask me, every Catholic Nun would be a better Nun if she got a good fuck once in a while and Catholic Priests wouldn’t lust after altar boys if they found some hookers to genuflect before their dicks!
The self-denial and mortification of the flesh that the aged Sister Hildegarde speaks of with pride in herself and anger at ‘girls like Philomena’ toward the end of the movie has its fallout in the base treatment of countless innocent lives!
SearchIndia.com strongly recommends Philomena to all lovers of good cinema.
Philomena is in limited release in the U.S. and playing at most Landmark theatres and select AMC and Regal theaters.
Related Content:
Philomena Lee Interview with Daily Mail
Philomena Lee Article by Marin Sixsmith
Watched this film followed by 12 Years A Slave.
Talk about a double delight!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Double Delight?
But what did you like about Philomena?
2. An Indian (OK, Indian-American) watching two good Hollywood movies in a row! A miracle!
I bet you found two tickets lying on the ground!
I loved Judi Dench’s performance as well as that of Steve Coogan’s; it was very different from his usual comedic roles.
I also liked the subtle presence of comedy to an otherwise poignant story.
I was born and raised in India. I’ve only been living here for 8 years.
I wish I found it lying on the ground
but these great movies were worth my $20!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. I’m glad you liked the two films.
Philomena had a decent crowd for the afternoon show on a weekday in DC.
2. The movie I’m now extremely keen on watching is The Patience Stone.
I’m looking for the DVD.
I bet this film was very controversial upon release.
Nevertheless, it looks very interesting.
Have you read or plan to read the novel it’s adapted from?
The lead actress looks gorgeous
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Much as I thrill to the pleasure of the written word, in this instance I have not, and do not intend to, read the book before seeing the movie.
I want to maintain the surprise.
BTW, most U.S. libraries have the book.