Truth be said, I’ve seen more Korean films than Kannada movies!
The Kannada film industry makes the trashy Kollywood, Tollywood and Bollywood look like they produce nothing but masterpieces.
Kannada films had their heyday in the 1970s and 1980s.
Since then, it’s been in precipitous decline.
I present below one of my favorite Kannada songs Namoora Santeli from the Kannada film Gaali Maathu (1981). Dorai-Bhagavan directed the film and Rajan-Nagendra were responsible for the music.
No, I have not seen Gaali Maathu.
From my Internet research, I know the film starred Kokila Mohan, Lakshmi, Jai Jagadish, Hema Choudhary, K S Ashwath, Sampath, Shanimahadevappa, Mysore Lokesh, Bhavana, Leelavathi, Lalithamma and Srirekha.
Enjoy the lovely fast-paced, Namoora Santelli rustic song by clicking on the above YouTube video!
Kokila Mohan, not the best of actors, does a fine job in the Namoora Santeli song.
hey if possible watch LUCIA Kannada movie available in HOME TALKIES Responds:
I’ve seen the Lucia trailer. Looks good.
But I’m not going to spend $10 to rent one movie that can be watched only on a PC. That’s a ridiculous rate! A new Bollywood film at a U.S. theatre is $9.50 (matinee) and even lower in places like AMC 25 in Times Square NYC (before noon).
If you have a coupon, please send it to me via a comment (it will not be disclosed to others) and I will gladly watch Lucia and review it.
Its avialable in torrentz Responds:
Not interested in Torrentz nonsense. Must be a legal copy.
7th at Los Angeles USA
8th at Camera 12 Cinemas, San
Jose USA Responds:
What is this???
Is Lucia playing there???
In any case, I am not on the West Coast.
in LA and Bay Area: LA
Screening: Simi Valley 10 Cinemas,
1457 Los Angeles Ave, Simi Valley
CA, 93065 Contact: 818-571-9265
San Jose Screening: Camera 12
Cinema, 201 S 2nd St,San Jose,CA
95113 contact : 408-998-3300
Great to see posts about Kannada in SI website.
“Bahala dhanyavaadagalu“!! Responds:
It’s hard to access Kannada films in theatres or on DVD on the East Coast.
But you can watch Telugu films even in mainstream American theatres these days.
Telugu invasion of America is in full swing and it won’t be long before Americans forsake meatballs and sandwiches for Dum Biryani, Gutti Vankaya, Bellam Magaya and Pesara Avvakaya!
Telugus have displaced Gujaratis and Punjabis as the major Indian community in the U.S.
Instead of Patels and Singhs, we now have Telugu biddas like Yandamuris and Erramillis entering American prisons.
For old kannada movies this website is pretty good