Tamil paiyan Sundar Pichai is the new commander of Google’s world-conquering, Apple-crushing battle known in common parlance as Android.
Sundar Pichai – iOS Ball Buster
Pichai hails from Tamil Nadu, a South Indian state with a bizarre fondness for worshiping immigrants like the Marathi Rajinikanth, the Malayalee M.G.Ramachandran, the Kannadiga Jayalalitha and the Hindi pumpkin Khushboo.
Just in case all ye Caucasians, African-Americans and Hispanics are curious, Sundar means handsome and Pichai stands for begging in the Indian context!
So you wouldn’t be wrong to refer to Sundar Pichai as Handsome Beggar in English although you’d be stretching the meaning of ‘handsome’ given this bugger’s Giraffe-like facial structure!
Part of Google’s top management for several years, Pichai was previously Senior Vice President with responsibility for Chrome and Apps.
Here’s what Google CEO Larry Page had to say on Pichai’s new responsibilities:
Going forward, Sundar Pichai will lead Android, in addition to his existing work with Chrome and Apps. Sundar has a talent for creating products that are technically excellent yet easy to use—and he loves a big bet. Take Chrome, for example. In 2008, people asked whether the world really needed another browser. Today Chrome has hundreds of millions of happy users and is growing fast thanks to its speed, simplicity and security. So while Andy’s a really hard act to follow, I know Sundar will do a tremendous job doubling down on Android as we work to push the ecosystem forward.
Google has already damaged Apple’s balls with Android, a mobile operating system powering cellphones and tablets.
It remains Pichai’s job to completely bust Apple’s balls and leave it cojone-less.
Pichai is an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur, Stanford and the Wharton School.
Android’s March
Although Apple has won kudos for the sleekness of its iPhone and iPad devices, Android has marched ahead in marketshare.
Google has forged partnerships with 60 manufacturers including Samsung, Asus, HTC, LG, Lenovo and Acer.
Some 750 million devices running Android have been activated globally and users have downloaded 25 billion apps from the Google Play store.
Andy Rubin, who previously managed Android, will move to a new unspecified responsibility at Google.
Off-topic: Watch what another indian (your beloved bala
) is doing here
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PubliSHITTY stunt!