For the most part of human existence, our planet was a carnalcopia.
You could screw any one without worrying about consequences.
Father, mother, girl, boy, son, daughter, brother, sister, friend, foe, dog, cat, goat, uncle, aunt, buffalo (some Tamils still do it), cousin, grandma, niece, grandpa, neighbor etc, no problemo.
Anybody was fair game.
Game, as in hunting.
Times have Changed
But as man became ‘civilized’ and mores started changing, sexual impulses were tempered by law and, thankfully, no longer open to unrestrained lunges.
Despite laws banning several forms of sex, there are some who still prefer to play on the dark side.
Polisse is a lovely, well-made French film about one such dark side – sexual and criminal abuse of young children by parents.
Although set within the context of the working of the Child Protection Unit in Paris, the award-winning 2011 film by French actress and director Maïwenn Le Besco is not a dry documentary.
Most definitely not.
Mothers Must Not Blow their Sons
There’s plenty of drama to chew on in Polisse.
The high drama inside the Child Protection Unit office in dealing with a series of sex offenders is matched lock-step by the tumult in the day-to-day lives of the unit’s staff.
Mothers talk matter of factly to the Child Protection Unit officers about giving their sons hand-jobs and blowjobs to calm them and fathers discuss stroking their daughters twats for pleasure.
Some offenders even taunt the Police Officers and boast they are untouchable by the law thanks to their influential friends in high places.
At the same time, the personal lives of the unit’s officers are in disarray, impinged in one way or the other by their work dealing with the dirty scumbags, the carnalvore dregs of society.
Divorces, separations and other issues thwart family happiness.
Remarkable Film
For jaded film-watchers tired of the same-old, same-old drivel, Polisse is a refreshing breath of fresh air.
A complex, riveting and high-intensity film, Polisse is a must-see for lovers of good cinema.
Polisse features fine acting by the divinely beautiful Karin Viard, the rugged Joeystarr and others.
Director Maïwenn plays the role of a photographer Melissa Zaie hired to document the working of the unit for a magazine story.
I found the camaraderie among the members of the Child Protection Unit a bit too much. But that’s a small complaint.
Polisse is available on DVD at Netflix.
Since Polisse is a remarkable, award-winning film (Jury Award at 2011 Cannes Film Festival), I have not the least doubt that the Indian savages will completely eschew this film. Hey, I can see the desi chimps are already drooling over Khiladi 786 and Dabbang 2.
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