Why is there malnutrition in Gujarat?
Sane people like SI and some of my readers would assume that malnutrition and starvation in India is mostly a function of poverty.
But not according to the Hindu communal Chutiya and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
This is what Modi had to say about malnutrition in Gujarat in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal (August 29, 2012):
About half of Gujarati children under five were stunted, or too short for their age, as of 2006, according to the latest available figures from the Indian government.
Mr. Modi attributes malnutrition problems partly to Gujaratis being largely vegetarian and partly to body-image issues among young women. “The middle class is more beauty-conscious than health-conscious—that is a challenge,” he said. “If a mother tells her daughter to have milk, they’ll have a fight—she’ll tell her mother, ‘I won’t drink milk. I’ll get fat.’ “
Only in Incredible India is inaccessibility to food and the daily anguish of the poor attributed to a beauty craze!
Chief minister of a state thinks that his middle class people are more beauty conscious than being health conscious.
Finance minister of India thinks his middle class countrymen eat expensive ice cream and drink only mineral water without hesitation, but howl over a one rupee price rise of rice or wheat.
“No bread? Let them eat cake, gentlemen!”
SearchIndia.com Responds:
But the best joke is in your link. The BJP has a Muslim spokesperson – Shahnawaz Hussain.
Kinda like Hitler selecting a Jew as Commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
The only thing I hate about Adolf Hitler was his hatred towards Jews.
That aside, he was a great leader.
When Hitler became Germany’s leader, the country was weak and sinking if I remember right. It was Adolf Hitler who strengthened Germany and improved it’s economy. Correct me if I’m wrong though.
@Aswin Kini
You call Hitler a Nazi bastard while defending Narendra Modi. That’s plain silly.
If you call Hitler a bastard because he was responsible for the killing of Jews, then Narendra Modi is no different because he was responsible for the death of muslims.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: The only thing I hate about Adolf Hitler was his hatred towards Jews. That aside, he was a great leader.
* Manmohan Singh is Mama Mia’s poodle and presides over a corrupt administration. That aside, he is a great leader.
* Caligula was an insane beast. That aside, he was a great leader.
* Neville Chamberlain followed an appeasement policy toward Germany, strengthening Hitler’s hands. That aside, he was a great leader.
* Stalin was responsible for the death of tens of millions of his countrymen. That aside, he was a great leader.
* Indira Gandhi imposed Emergency, curtailed basic rights of Indians and forcibly sterilized many young men. That aside, she was a great leader.
* George W.Bush invaded Iraq on false pretenses (WMD??) and messed up big time on Katrina relief. That aside, he was a great leader.
* Prabhakaran forcibly recruited children as soldiers and murdered Rajiv Gandhi. That aside, he was a great leader.
* A.Raja likely looted India of thousands of crores. That aside, he was a great leader.
* Rabri Devi (Lallu Prasad’s wife) was semi-literate/illiterate. That aside, she was a great leader.
* Narendra Modi’s government “sponsors dental and cataract treatment for cows” (as per WSJ interview) but Modi ridicules high malnutrition rate of children in Gujarat and turned a nelson’s eye toward savage butchery of Muslims. That aside, he is a great leader.
* Hitler gassed 6 million Jews in his ovens at the concentration camps in Bergen-Belsen, Auschwitz, Dachau etc and his expansionist policies led to deaths of several million Axis and Allied soldiers and civilians. That aside, he was a great leader.
You’re so right, sweetie!
BTW, You’re also a great commenter.
I am missing the “Like” button now
@Mnx54 Said:” @Aswin Kini
You call Hitler a Nazi bastard while defending Narendra Modi. That’s plain silly.
If you call Hitler a bastard because he was responsible for the killing of Jews, then Narendra Modi is no different because he was responsible for the death of muslims.”
MNX54, you speak as if you were the judge who saw the facts and declared Modi guilty of crimes in the 2002 riots. What you and SI have is namesake evidence and the countless hate news against Modi by TRP loving channels like CNN-IBN, NDTV, and others…..
Please note the difference:
Hitler was DIRECTLY involved in the Massacre of millions of Jews. There is so much proof in history to indicate Hitler’s multiple methods of torturing and massacring Jews….. The Jewish population in Germany almost went to Zilch, but in Modis case, many of the families in Gujarat are still existing there, continuing with their lives. In fact, in some news segments of CNN-IBN, some muslims have even indicated that even with the treacherous crimes, he may have committed, they would prefer him to any other people because he is trying to make amends for his mistakes……. Stop comparing a WAR dictator to a ruler of a democratic state. You keep sounding like a COngress Politician……
The only crime I can say Modi committed was that he remained silent during the Hindu-Muslim Riots…… He didn;t instigate the riots nor did he offer help… People blaming him for any other crimes have absolutely zero evidence………….
As SI said, George Bush, Jagdish Tytler, and Indira Gandhi are responsible for the loss of many more lives……
Now, before you folks start with the Secularist bullshit, let me remind you that I have many muslim friends and I don;t need to justify my secularist credentials. I don;t support Modi because he is innocent, but I don;t want him to be blamed for all the bullshit that he WASN’t responsible for and getting called by names..
As for SI, I love how you leave all the news about Development in Gujarat and choose specifically to focus on Modi’s weakness (His big mouth has lead him to a lot of trouble)….
I would love it if SI can list at least 10 politicians, who have had a perfect record post 1980……..
Personally, I’d rather prefer a bullshit Modi to lead us rather than a George W Bush, who loves to wage war at every opportunity possible, or Manmohan Singh…….. who chooses to play the role of Emperor Nero, who plays the fiddle while his country burns..
What India needs now is a dictator with Development on his agenda and a clear vision of benefit, not a dubby PM, who only cares about what Sonia Gandhi thinks and says…..
It’s funny how people can choose to ignore that nobody’s perfect.. hell, even Abraham Lincoln and Gandhi were not… Be realist dudes… Abraham lincoln was rumored to have said that Blacks deserve freedom, but should not mingle with the white people and be kept separately, while Gandhi was supposedly said to have turned a blind eye towards the plight of blacks in South Africa.
That is f**king Gandhi for your guys.. You people need to revisit history and find that almost every successful and popular ruler had one blemish or the other in this record…
If you can find a politician, who is TRULY secularist, has development and the welfare of his people in mind, is not corrupt, to lead India, please do name him so that I can see what other choices we have…..
Now, let me scoot……
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. The point is not whether other politicians are better or less corrupt but that Narendra Modi was found wanting at a time when he should have provided leadership in the aftermath of Godhra train compartment burning.
A bad situation then became terrible with the mass butchery of Muslims in the streets, in their houses, at work….
Whatever may be their other weaknesses, it’s in the time of crises that the true mettle of a leader is tested. No matter Lincoln’s other weaknesses (and certainly there were quite a few), he did not shirk from battle and went on to save the Union and end slavery.
2. All that apart, the main reason of my brief post was to highlight the stupidity of attributing high rate of malnutrition in Gujarat’s children to beauty craze. That is so indefensible and an affront to the millions who are compelled to survive on too little.
3. In my not-so-humble opinion, Democracy is unsuited for both the Indian savages and the supposedly civilized Americans.
In India, the scum often rises to the top and in the U.S., corporations and plutocrats now call the shots. Even a well-meaning person like Obama has been rendered utterly impotent in the political domain.
The best form of government for India and USA is Regulated Democracy like Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore.
But what works in the smaller context of a city-state is unlikely to in larger nations like India or USA.
@Aswin kini
1)First of all, no one here is denying the good aspects of Modi’s rule. That’s what you’ve to understand here.
2)You need to seriously make up your mind on Modi. Was he or was he not guilty? You’re swaying both sides. In your earlier comment, SI rightly pointed out your instability. First you said Modi was framed and then you said Modi MIGHT HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE. And now this
“The only crime I can say Modi committed was that he remained silent during the Hindu-Muslim Riots…… He didn;t instigate the riots nor did he offer help…”
Seriously, which is it dude? Was he framed? “Might have been responsible”? Or is he innocent?
3″)Abraham lincoln was rumored to have said that Blacks deserve freedom, but should not mingle with the white people and be kept separately, while Gandhi was supposedly said to have turned a blind eye towards the plight of blacks in South Africa”
It’s either “rumored” or “supposed”. What exactly is your point? When you yourself say that they were “rumored” or “supposed” why are you bringing it up in the first place?
You’re stating them like facts.
I’ll not fuel the arguments on either side
But, Kini’s remarks over Lincoln and Gandhi were true.
People have now and then raised voices over both of these personalities. For ex: it’s an analysis of a book over Lincoln’s perspectives over African Americans.
In the following link, Nobel Prize committee’s report on why Gandhi was never awarded a Nobel prize for peace, it says
“A frequent criticism from non-Indians was also that Gandhi was too much of an Indian nationalist. In his report, Professor Worm-Müller expressed his own doubts as to whether Gandhi’s ideals were meant to be universal or primarily Indian: ‘One might say that it is significant that his well-known struggle in South Africa was on behalf of the Indians only, and not of the blacks whose living conditions were even worse.’ ”
Another such example is – from the Collected works of Mahatma Gandhi.
In the above letter on Franchise Law – he says “A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir”
On the above link, he mentions “So far as the feeling has been expressed, it is to degrade the Indian to the position of the Kaffir”
He kept referring as Kaffirs all through his works.
Ambedkar wrote a book on Gandhi’s real views on untouchables – “What Gandhi and the Congress Have Done to the Untouchables”.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
The views of Gandhi and Linoln on Blacks are fairly well-known.
That’s the reason I didn’t respond to Ashwin Kini’s points on those figures.
Plus, they were totally outside the realm of the main subject – Modi’s utterances on High Rate of Malnutrition among Gujarat’s children.
Nice points. Thanks. I wasn’t aware of these things till now.
I guess, like SI said in reply to one of my comments, racism is part of the human DNA. It’s inevitable.
@MNX542: “You need to seriously make up your mind on Modi. Was he or was he not guilty? You’re swaying both sides. In your earlier comment, SI rightly pointed out your instability. First you said Modi was framed and then you said Modi MIGHT HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE. And now this”.
Dude, to put it sweetly, I do hold Modi responsible for not taking action during the riots, which means he is indeed guilty. But what I am against is that you people go to every extent to paint him as if he was a blood-thirsty dictator like Hitler or Stalin…..
It’s like comparing a murderer with the Satan himself.
I’ve always been saying that when compared to the criminal politicians in India, Modi and Nitish Kumar stand amongst the least worst. But you folks always seem to think otherwise……
It’s unfortunate that people love to thrash Modi at every opportunity possible, but everyone seems to treat the COngress leaders as if they were a lesser evil.. You may say that my opinion had nothing to with this article./. But I say that while Modi’s opinions were stupid, it is wrong to focus only on Modi……
How about taking time to criticize some of these famous people:
“The fact is that Rs. 4,824 per month for a family [of five] to define poverty is not comfortable but it is not all that ridiculous in Indian conditions,” – Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman
“There was no loss in the 2G scam” – Kapil Sibal
Or any other quote of Manmohan Singh……
I am not saying that SI or Media is wrong in criticizing Modi… But problem is that they ignore all other people, who were equally or more irresponsible, yet continue to go scot free.
In my humble opinion sir, we Indians are so paranoid of being Secularist that we have thrown the agenda or development away. News channels are only focused on hype, Politicians on Votes, and people like you on less important things like what Mr X, Y, and Z said…… I find it rather amusing that Modi is singled out everytime as if he is the only faulty politician around….. To be said, Modi’s achievements outnumber his mistakes by miles…..
@BoopalanJ: Thanks for those links regarding Lincoln and Gandhi.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: To be said, Modi’s achievements outnumber his mistakes by miles…..
Stalin’s achievements include bringing the erstwhile Soviet Union into the industrial age.
Simple Statistic for your observation, your majesty:
People killed by Stalin: Half a million (As accounted by Historians) Figures could be more or less.
People killed by Hitler: Unaccountable. It is said he killed almost 14 million jews, but figures varied as per each history account. However, considering the drastic fall in Jewish population in Europe, we can safely say it was more than 10 million.
No of Muslims massacred during the 2002 Gujarat Riots: 2000+ (Unofficial Statistics). Official Government figure 920-1327 (Depends on which data you look, the number does not exceed 2000)
No of Sikhs massacred during the 1984 riots: 50,000+ – Don;t bother looking for official figures, you can’t find them because the Party responsible for accounting the numbers was the one who orchestrated the riots.
No of Articles by SI on Jagdish Tytler till date: 0
No of Articles by SI on Narendra Modi: 9 and counting
No of Tehelka Raids on Congress Ministers: ZERO (How come???)
No of SI commentors who remember or speak about other Riots in India: (No statistics available, but surely is below 10)
As of Stalin’s achievements and Modi’s achievements: I am sure of the following:
1. Apart from the 2002 Riots, muslims have continued to leave in Gujarat without much problems.
2. The literacy rate of Muslim children has only gone up from 2002
3. While they will never openly agree, even some members of the Muslim community have secretly stated that they prefer Modi at the helm of affairs rather than any Congress minister.http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-07-24/india/29809462_1_mufti-abul-qasim-nomani-ghulam-mohammed-vastanvi-mohtamim
I rest my case and do not want to argue with you further. I don;t want to unnecessarily prolong this argument when there is no point left to prove.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Your argument rests on the basis that Modi is less culpable because there were fewer deaths in the 2002 riots compared to the regimes of other whackos like Stalin, Hitler etc.
That is a disgustingly silly argument because every death is a tragedy not only for the victim but to the family members he or she leaves behind.
BTW, you’re way, way wrong on Stalin’s victims. By most historians’ accounts, Stalin (17 million-30 million victims) is ahead of Hitler in sending people to their makers.
SI Said: “Your argument rests on the basis that Modi is less culpable because there were fewer deaths in the 2002 riots compared to the regimes of other whackos like Stalin, Hitler etc.”
Oh damn, you missed the point again. I stated the facts that you shouldn’t compare Modi with dictators like Stalin because they killed people more on a large scale and did it with utmost intention..
I never justified the killing of muslims in anyways, therefore, kindly spare me the lecture.
On Stalin, yes I was wrong.
As for the final point that I wanted to state, I have always said this and will continue to say. Modi is indeed guilty of having involvement in the Riots and deserves to be punished. But what I don;t agree is that PEOPLE ONLY WANT MODI’s HEAD, but are NOT EVEN CONSIDERING OR DEBATING PUNISHING OTHER POLITICIANS and ADMINISTRATORS, who have committed equally horrible crimes. Be it the Indian Media or the commentors on this blog, they only bay for Modi’s blood, I always see people ready to jump on the ANTI-MODI bandwagon, but always think thrice before going against other politicians…..Why because debating about others is not so much fun????
Btw, before anyone here accuses me of being a Saffronist or hardcore Hindu, I would like to remind them that some of my best friends are muslims and they always agree with me that this country is filled with morons, who will go to any extent to prove their SECULAR credentials…..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
One of the likely reasons people focus more on Modi than on Jagdish Tytler, HKL Bhagat etc is because Modi is still in power and has the capability to inflict more distress on minorities by acts of commission or omission.
Tytler, Bhagat etc have been out of the political picture for a long time now. Of course, they ought to be punished if their culpability in the anti-Sikh pogroms is proved in a court of law. But it’s unlikely they will ever see the inside of a prison cell because of the corrupt police and judicial system in India.
The fundamental problem is that a party based on close ties to the majority religion will not only always be suspect in the eyes of minorities but also be perceived by the barbarian scum of that majority religion as being given a free license to do whatever they want when their party is in power.
Yes, I agree with your point that people focus more on Modi because he is still in power and can do more damage to the minorities.
BUt so far, News channels or the Government agencies are yet to report one instance of violence post 2002 riots. Also, the data of Muslims over the recent years hs only proved that no further damage has been done…..
Anyways, end of argument. Neither of us are gonna achieve anything…. I guess as long as people cast their votes based on money, caste, religion etc, such incidents will keep happening and people you and I will just keep debating unnecessarily,,
“But what I am against is that you people go to every extent to paint him as if he was a blood-thirsty dictator like Hitler or Stalin…..”
No one did. Hitler’s reference was for “something else“. Really that was a nice sarcastic comparison indeed
In fact, from one of your first comments, you (accidentally?) thought someone compared Modi to Hitler (which no one did actually) and hence this comments bombardment
Relax buddy.
You said, : “It’s like comparing a murderer with the Satan himself.”
In my view, Any murderer who is responsible for the death of a family member is a Satan himself, irrespective of the number of murders / burglaries / rapes / gang-bangs he committed prior.
SI will process the comments without replies henceforth on this post
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Mamata does a Modi, blames dieting for growing dengue menace in Bengal
Only in Incredible India!
Ha ha ha
@BoopalanJ: “You said, : “It’s like comparing a murderer with the Satan himself.”
In my view, Any murderer who is responsible for the death of a family member is a Satan himself, irrespective of the number of murders / burglaries / rapes / gang-bangs he committed prior.”
Now, we change the topic from Modi to Murderer yeah
Let’s reserve this topic for another day.
We’ll do onething, we’ll arrange for a SOLOMON PAPAIYA Pattimandram to discuss this
Have a great day
SI’s sarcasm at its best.
I rest my case, your Honor!
Perhaps, you should consider reading a few of these articles:
I don’t know how people come to find hell a lot of reasons to criticize Modi as if every other Indian/American politician is an angel.. True Modi had some involvement in the 2002 Hindu-Muslim riots; it is also that he is a hardcore Hindu….. but just because of these reasons, you cannot brand him a criminal and compare him with that Nazi Bastard Hitler.
Hitler was infamous for killing millions of Jews, his hatred went to obnoxious proportions that he threatened to bombard even some of his allies in the World War for sheltering some jews…… Whereas Modi, inspite of being framed for killing Muslims, has done a lot for many Muslim businessmen in Gujarat than any of SI’s readers jumping in the Anti-Modi Bandwagon.
Before you go on with your argument, please read the facts in this article:
Muslims better off in GujaratNarendra Modi
06 September 2011, 11:11 PM IST
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Dear Friends,
I had the privilege of felicitating bright, meritorious students of the Muslim community in Ahmedabad last week, on invitation by the Gujarat Ajmeri Charitable and Education Trust. It was extremely encouraging to see the enthusiasm and exuberance for education on display amongst the young people gathered there, and girls in particular. The girls interestingly had outperformed the boys that evening, securing 65 per cent of the awards and recognitions.
Leaders of the Muslim community were also present in large numbers at the function; and it was heartening to see a similar enthusiasm and drive amongst them for getting their newer generations educated, to consequently progress and prosper.
It has always been very clear and obvious to me that education is one of the most powerful drivers for bringing about progress and development in society. The evening thus augured well for a bright shining future of our beloved nation.
I would like to share with you some of the thoughts I had submitted that evening, as I had found the present audience meaningfully engage and explore them.
Minorities in India have for years been deceived and exploited in the name of vote-bank politics; ending up being used as mere ballot paper – with no one seeming to see or care for the human being behind.
Gujarat has managed to rise above this trap of minority-majority considerations, to focus on all six crore Gujaratis as one. We have always maintained and aimed for universal objectives, without any form of discrimination or bias – all students should get good education; all children should be healthy; and all poor should benefit from welfare schemes. Just as even if one organ of a body is weak, the body cannot be considered healthy; I have always believed that my Gujarat cannot be considered developed if even one section of its society is left behind or weak.
True Development therefore has to be all-round, inclusive, comprehensive and sustainable.
We have often heard the Prime Minister addressing us from the ramparts of Red Fort on August 15 as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and so on. I wonder why he cannot address us simply as ‘my dear countrymen’, rather than breaking us up like this? Isn’t this important to maintain the unity of our nation!
Secularism is a term interpreted in many different ways by different people. For me, it has always been something very simple – putting India First – designing policy, making decisions and taking actions in the best interests of the nation. When we look after India’s interests, the interests of every Indian are automatically cared for.
My government therefore functions on the principle of ‘justice to all and appeasement to none’. And Gujarat is accordingly marching ahead with the mantra of ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas’ (Support from all, Development for all).
Friends, these thoughts that I had explored with the gathered audience that evening, are not mere wishes or fancy imagination. Gujarat has achieved concrete results based on them over the past decade. And it is not me or my government saying so; but in fact a Committee headed by a retired Justice, Justice Rajinder Sachar; constituted by the central government of Dr. Manmohan Singh in 2005; doing so.
The Sachar panel was formed to study the socio-economic conditions of Muslims in India and the report was tabled in the Parliament on 30th November 2006. An analysis of the report presents a clear understanding of the progress made by Gujarat’s Muslims, especially in comparison of their counterparts in other states. The compiled data also exposes the deplorable status of Muslims in states which are singing paeans of secularism, but in-fact playing vote-bank politics.
Presentation on Sachar Committee Report
Here are some revealing statistics from the Sachar report:
•Muslims in Gujarat have a literacy rate of 73.5 %, compared to the national average of 59.1%
(Source: Sachar Committee Report)
•The literacy rate of Muslims in Gujarat is 73.5% which is 5 points higher than that of the Hindus which is at 68.3%.
•Rural Muslim women’s literacy is 57 % compared to national average of 43 %
•Urban Muslim women average literacy rate is 5 points higher than national average
Muslim education attainment is 74.9 % in primary stage compared to national average of 60.9 %
• Amongst those who completed their secondary education, Gujarat is at 45.3% ahead of national average of 40.5 %
•Amongst those who passed higher secondary level, Gujarat with 26.1 % is ahead of national average of 23.9 %
(Source: Sachar Committee Report)
•In the average years of secondary schooling between ages of 7-16, Gujarat once again is ahead with 4.29 % of national average 3.26 %
•In villages with over 2000 Muslim population access to education is 100 per cent with national average at 98.7 %
•In the population range of 1000 to 2000, 99.9 % villages have education facilities as against national average of 95.4 %
•As for the villages which have a population of less than a 1000, 98.6 % of the villages have education facility as against national average of 80.4 %
BOSS, before you cry about MODI, I would like to let you know what your country has done to punish WARREN ANDERSON, CEO OF UNION CARBIDE CHEMICALS, responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in the BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY in 1984. I heard that recently a US court has stated that he or UCC were not responsible for the tragedy…… You people cry hoarse about MODI for years when Muslims in his own state seem to have moved on. Yet you people conveniently forget about the dirty things that are done by people like JAGDISH TYTLER and WARREN ANDERSON…..
Please check your facts before you try to blame someone. True, Modi might be responsible for some of the riots, but he is not HITLER and neither are you GANDHI> Stop blabbering like a Moron.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You must first make up your mind on Modi.
Either, he’s innocent or he’s guilty. Modi can’t be both innocent and guilty on the anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat.
You write in the beginning: “Whereas Modi, inspite of being framed for killing Muslims, has done a lot for many Muslim businessmen in Gujarat than any of SI’s readers jumping in the Anti-Modi Bandwagon.”
But by the time your decrepit rattling jalopy got to the exit of your drivel-highway, you wrote: “True, Modi might be responsible for some of the riots.”
‘Framed’ and ‘might be responsible for some of the riots’ don’t gel.
2. Stop getting your panties in a twist over something I never brought up or denied.
Nobody is denying the positive aspects of Modi Raj, primarily improvements in infrastructure like Roads, Power Supply etc. These are must-haves for equitable and well-rounded development of any state, be it Gujarat, Jharkand, Odisha or West Virginia.
In any case, let’s not get too excited when a man does the job he was elected to do in the first place.
3. The complaint SI and countless others have with Modi is that he turned a nelson’s eye toward butchery of thousands of innocent Muslims when he was Chief Minister.
4. U.S. Congress is controlled by lobbyists. If you hire a lobbyist, you can get our Congress to say anything you like (even ‘Ajith is a better actor than Marlon Brando’). Although in your links, the praise for Modi came from Congressional Research Service, which presumably is unbiased.
5. If the statistics in the TOI link you provide are accurate, it’s a step in the right direction. But the data is not time-series so we can’t compare the pre-Modi situation with Modi-era situation.
6. Regarding UCC’s Warren Anderson, let’s not forget he was put on a plane and given a fond farewell by Indian politicians. http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/article451876.ece
Don’t blame us if India failed to do the right thing.
At no time, have I said politicians here (Indian-Americans or others) in the U.S. are paragons of virtues. On the contrary, I have highlighted monsters like Bobby Jindal.
And nobody is saying people like HKL Bhagat, Jagdish Tytler or others should not be punished if they’re guilty of participating in the anti-Sikh pogrom of 1984.
7. Narendra Modi is a member of RSS, a rabid Hindu militant organization that has little love for non-Hindus.
You’re at liberty to pontificate any nonsense about Modi but don’t expect sane beings to walk alongside you in your march of folly.
8. My brief post (above) was about Modi’s silly explanation toward the serious issue of malnutrition in Gujarat.
Obviously, you couldn’t address that (it’s impossible for anyone to justify such drivel) and you went off frothing at the mouth on a tangent.
9. My reference to Hitler in the response to Boopalan’s comment was to highlight the irony of a Hindu nationalist party BJP having a Muslim spokesperson.
10. I’m not one given to prayer.
But I will make an exception today and plead with Ram, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Namitha, Rajinikanth, Khushboo etc to bless you with some wisdom so that you may learn to make cogent arguments.
Hello Aswin,
While Modi had done a lot of good things for Gujarat and has transformed it into one of the better run states in India, you will have to admit that his recent take on malnutrition in his state is pretty nonsensical.
I think it is reasonable to expect better from a seasoned leader.
As far as his involvement in Hindu Muslim riots are concerned, they will forever be a taint on his career, one that otherwise is outstanding.
That one blemish will in all probability pose for Modi an unassailable hurdle to the prime ministership.
Don’t get me wrong.
That’s certainly India’s loss- in an age of policy paralysis and weak leadership, the country can really use someone like him at the helm.
SI said: “Stop getting your panties in a twist over something I never brought up or denied.
Nobody is denying the positive aspects of Modi Raj, primarily improvements in infrastructure like Roads, Power Supply etc. These are must-haves for equitable and well-rounded development of any state, be it Gujarat, Jharkand, Odisha or West Virginia.
In any case, let’s not get too excited when a man does the job he was elected to do in the first place.”
SI said: “You write in the beginning: “Whereas Modi, inspite of being framed for killing Muslims, has done a lot for many Muslim businessmen in Gujarat than any of SI’s readers jumping in the Anti-Modi Bandwagon.”
So, you say that Modi should be hanged because he turned a blind eye towards the Muslim Massacre…..
hmmmm ok. Common let’s go and hang Modi….. Hey wait, let’s hang Jagdish Tytler first….. No no, let;s go after Warren Anderson….. Hey wait, he is in the fucking US of A doing some fucking thing……. Anyway nobody in the Indian Government cares a fuck about it anymore, so let;s fuck it.
Hell,,,,,, let’s hang George Bush junior for waging war and slaughtering many muslims in Iraq……. No no, let;s leave him, he did it for the benefit of America…… Hey, what the fuck are we talking about, we invaded Iraq because it had Oillllllllll…………………. Ooppss Weapons of Mass Destruction hidden away by Saddam Hussain(Hey when did Oil become a WMD)
SI: You and your beloved readers seem to live in a UTOPIAN world, where only fair things happen……. I am sorry I live in a country, where i am forced to choose between the most corrupt and less corrupt choices……..and out of all the choices I have, I see that only people like Nitish Kumar and Narendra Modi fit the bill….
If you want to hang Modi, please do, but before that ensure everyone who has committed similar or greater crimes is sentenced to death as well………….. Can you and I do that………???
Instead of using your brain to come up with innovative ways of insulting your readers, use it to see Logic….. My logic is less faulty than yours… I am not saying Modi is innocent, but amongst the worst criminals in the country, he is the least worst…… If you have a better logic, good for you………. You don;t live in freaking India, you live in the fucking US…. Easy for you to say things……
Einstein, that was genius of you. Let me quote your lines again, “In any case, let’s not get too excited when a man does the job he was elected to do in the first place.” Wow, wow, wow………. ok, so what did Obama promise the USA before he got elected and how much did he achieve. How many electoral promises did George W Bush fulfill? What the f**king hell did Manmohan Singh do after getting elected????
Let’s be real, shall we….
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Regarding Iraq and George W.Bush’s heedless march of folly, the U.S. and Americans have paid and are still paying a terrible price.
The high cost of the unnecessary war is partially responsible for the dire financial state of the country.
Unless there’s a miracle or we invade Saudi Arabia, financial bankruptcy is inevitable for the U.S.
George W.Bush may not have paid a price but the American people are doing so every day.
2. Regarding Warren Anderson, as I’ve said earlier India erred in letting him go. By doing that India lost leverage and later got some paltry compensation, much of which was presumably pocketed by India’s corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and never reached the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy.
3. As for your point on Barack Obama, Obama has become impotent primarily because of Republican intransigence in Congress.
The White trash and corporations loath Obama because they see in him a challenge to the inequitable status quo. A lot of White people (particularly, the 55+ age group in the South) are motivated by deep racial hatred of Obama and refuse to even believe that he was born in the U.S. or that he is not a Muslim. When I went to see Premium Rush at a theatre here, the only ones I saw coming out of the hall screening Dinesh D’Souza’s 2016 Obama’s America was a large bunch of 55+ Whites.
@BoopalanJ: Nice joke buddy…. But has any of us ever gone to Gujarat and observed the mentality of the muslims in our state. What sources do we have to continually blamed MODI???? CNN-IBN News Reports, Indian Court Cases???, Minority Commission Report???????
Just let me ask you one question……
Jagdish Tytler, a Congress Politician, directly responsible for the massacre of many thousands of Sikhs in 1984 has been left to roam happily. While there is being action taken against him now, I am sure that he will still continue to escape the law. NOBODY seems to cry about it. Why, SI doesn;t even seem to care??
When Rajiv Gandhi was interviewed regarding the massacre of Sikhs, he supposedly, PLEASE NOTE THE TERM SUPPOSEDLY, said, when a BANYAN TREE Falls, some damage is prone to happen, thus justifying the massacre…
None of your people cry about that, why the hell, even MANMOHAN SINGH is happy to be a puppet at the hands of a woman, whose husband justified the Sikh Massacre.
When many Kashmiri Pundits were killed and asked to leave Kashmir, no news channel or Media choose to highlight the issue>>> Even today they act as if this is a non-issue.
Hell, you people cry hoarse on Modi. I don’t justify his actions, but you people don’t even seem to feel about the innocent people burnt in the Compartment of the train, the incident that directly lead to the Riots in the first place.
Can I call you people Hypocrites. I thought SI and its readers were people, who had enough knowledge to analyze facts and identify what is right and what is not? But you people seem to be no different than those indifferent buffoons, who sit before TV and keep judging people by what the news channels say>
Please remember that if NEWS CHANNELS were to publish the TRUTH and only the TRUTH, almost every politician would be under bars and every corrupt businessmen would be punished for their heinous crimes…..
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: When many Kashmiri Pundits were killed and asked to leave Kashmir, no news channel or Media choose to highlight the issue
More rubbish.
Then, how did the world hear about the plight of the hapless Kashmir Pandits who were driven out of their homes and forced to settle in distant places like Pune etc?
For Tytler, Modi etc, please see SI’s response to your previous comment.
SI said: “Then, how did the world hear about the plight of the hapless Kashmir Pandits who were driven out of their homes and forced to settle in distant places like Pune etc?”
Blah blah blah and blah….. The world only reported that such an incident took place…… Nobody cared to do anything after that… SI, there is a difference between reporting news and doing something about it……..
As far as I can see, Kashmir continues to be an unsafe place for the Kashmiri Hindu community…… and nobody in the Indian Government seems to be doing anything about it… Hell, even the CNN-IBN and NDTV bring this incident up only when they are debating the failures of the Congress Government and then forget it as if it never happened.
If you want proof, go to Google and search for Gujarat Riots, you will find many thousands of articles, but when you google for Kashmiri Pundit Exodus/Massacre, you will find very less links because nobody fucking cared to write about them…. If Hindus in India don’t care about their brethren, How can the News Channels and Newspapers be any different???
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Your initial point was that the media ignored the exodus of Kashmiri’s pandits/Hindus. That’s obviously not true.
Now you say, “Nobody cared to do anything after that.”
They’re two different things.
2. In Kashmir, the exodus of Kashmir Hindus is but one element of a complex, festering problem with many faces – India’s shabby treatment of Kashmir, Pakistan’s role in fomenting violence, excesses of Indian Army/Paramilitary forces in Kashmir, political failure, election rigging for many years, collapse of the economy etc.
I’d say the Indian media has covered all of these aspects in various degrees.
In the 2002 Gujarat violence, there were just two aspects: Godhra violence and the post-Godhra violence. So the media coverage was more focused unlike Kashmir where it’s scattered because of the complex nature of the problem.
Proof of my statement: I googled for Kashmiri Pundit Murders and Hindu Muslim Riots in Gujarat, I got 589, 000 results for the Kashmiri Pundits and 1,050,000 results for hindu muslim riots gujarat.
Go see for yourself… and also try the same in Youtube. Check the facts yourself and then say if I was wrong.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
I’d argue that 589, 000 results for the Kashmiri Pundits is an impressive number considering the exodus of Kashmiri Pundits is but one face of the Kashmir crisis.
For details, please see my previous response regarding Kashmir Hindus coverage.
Oh god! This does not seem to stop!
Is this how riots happen?
Someone ridicules a statement of a person; whoever hears take it offensive and as an insult to the person’s whole character and career; a debate is sparked; debate spans across multiple topics that was irrelevant to the original conversation; people join either side;
Good that this is just a cyber-riot
I’m tired, I tell ya.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You’re tired and want a change?
Here’s a priceless suggestion – Watch the first Tamil superhero film – Mugamoodhi & review it for the benefit of your readers.
You’ll even get paid.
Sorry for the delay in processing your comments – one of the hard-drives is close to failing & I was trying to figure out if it should be replaced or just junk the PC.
Another incredible India story -> http://www.sify.com/news/want-a-shirt-from-hitler-imagegallery-features-mi4u0ebafbd.html?fod=textonly&story=1#galname
Only possible in Modi’s Gujarat.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
whatever Narendra Modi does, it seems he can’t shake off riot taint. I often feel his achievements are overshadowed by his association and stupid ideology. …
Look what this sniveling moron says:
This is from an idiot who said “legalise bribery in order to eliminate it” a few years ago..
I laughed my ass off when he mentions “I gave a list of suggestions to Pranab Mukherjee “… Are we completely retarded to believe this sh*t?? That most of his suggestions would be with a vested interest in pertinence to his body-shop Infosys (Thank you chetan bhagat) is anybody’s guess.. With these idiotic statements, he only gives us further proof he is the stooge of Congress.
With H1b fraud taint still on his back, and his body-shop company being a beneficiary for all these years, he still has the balls to comment on such things…Even more ridiculous is when educated people ask him to directly involve in politics whenever he is on national TV channels..
I feel people like NRN, TATAs and Ambanis are a bigger menace than all these bureaucrats…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: With these idiotic statements, he only gives us further proof he is the stooge of Congress.
I have heard from a reliable Australian source that NRN was also buddy-buddy with Atal Bihari Vajpayee when Atal was Prime Minister.
NRN is an ‘interesting’ character.
Let’s be clear on one thing.
No one brought up the topic of riots / Modi supposedly (lets note, supposedly) being a butcher / Chidambaram supposedly being a ditcher.
I did not even refer the names of the people at debate but just mentioned their designations. It is just to make one realize, what and how rubbish people sitting in such posts should not speak.
Being one of the top leaders of state / central governments, they should not be making statements that are far from the truth which make them look like morons – who don’t have a good knowledge about the state of their subjects.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Just in case people missed it, as per the Wall Street Journal interview Narendra Modi’s government also “sponsors dental and cataract treatment for cows.”
Of course, that has nothing to do with Hindus’s abiding fondness for the ‘Holy Cow.”
More on Modi and malnutrition of Gujarati children from WSJ:
How do you say Modi massacred the Muslims in the state when no one has proved it so far?
And that too Congress being at the center.
He has been given clean chit by every court.
Then on what basis do you claim this?
Riots are not easy to control after all.
I’ve seen riots in Coimbatore after the bomb blast and many Muslims were killed in it.
So do you say, the then CM of TN, Karunanidhi massacred the Muslims of the state?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. SI has repeatedly said that Narendra Modi turned a nelson’s eye (blind eye) to the massacre or butchery of Muslims.
For top leaders and prominent institutions (church, politicians, bureaucrats etc), a crime can be act of commission (directly engaging in an act that is illegal/harmful to the public) or omission (an indirect action of not doing enough to prevent harm to people, like for example the complaint that the Catholic Church and Pope did not do enough to save the Jews from Hitler’s killing machine).
After the Godhra train compartment incident, the Modi government should have been on 200% alert because it was inevitable given the history of Hindu-Muslim clashes that there would be a ferocious response from Hindus.
But the Modi government failed miserably in anticipating and preventing the attack on Muslims.
Whether Modi’s failure to prevent the violence was wanton (i.e. an act of commission) is debatable.
In the absence of hard evidence like tapes, you’re left with Yes, No, and Maybes.
I’d say not preparing for a furious response from Hindus and nipping the violence in the early stages is an act of omission, i.e. turning a Nelson’s eye toward the inevitable prospect of violence/massacre of Muslims.
But what is not debatable is that the failure to prevent the violence led to savage acts of violence against Muslims.
Also, see Amicus Curiae Raju Ramachandran’s report on the 2002 Gujarat riots Chapter – 41. Ramachandran thinks a prima facie case can be made against Modi.
Source: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/full-text-amicus-curiaes-report-on-gujarat-riots/255578-53.html
Plus, the Tehelka story based on the SIT report also does not show the Modi government in a favorable light.
Source: http://www.tehelka.com/story_main48.asp?filename=Ne120211coverstory.asp
2. You write: He has been given clean chit by every court.
Ha ha ha.
Indian courts are notoriously corrupt and will say/do anything to be on the right side of the political and economic elite.
Top Indian leaders and Former Judges have decried corruption of Indian judiciary.
By the way, which are the courts that have given clean chit to Modi? You must be specific.
3. Modi is a member of the RSS, a militant Hindu organization, that has little love and respect for Muslims.
To expect fair play from Narendra Modi, a member of the militant Hindu organization, vis-a-vis Muslims or Christians is ridiculous.
4. You write: And that too Congress being at the center.
You are so naive in your understanding of politics.
Just because Congress is in power at the Center does not mean it’ll punish the Opposition regarding corruption or violence.
When the BJP was at the helm at the Center, did any Congress leaders get punished for corruption? Hell, No!
Tehelka had video evidence on corruption by the BJP govt on defense procurement. Did Congress prosecute BJP members when it came to power? Hell, no.
You must realize that at one level the fighting between Power Elites belonging to different parties is theatre, sheer drama to entertain the gullible masses.
Do you think Uttar Pradesh’s new Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav will prosecute Mayawati and send her to jail despite the ‘lady’ possessing assets disproportionate to known sources of income? If you believe that, you’ll also believe that ‘Ultimate Star’ Ajith is a better actor than Marlon Brando
I have had the pleasure (or displeasure ?) of catching a ringside view of the news from close quarters in India for about a fortnight.
First, News Channel TV in India is … crude, immature and uncivilized – no other way to put it.
Personally I thought it was better off when Doordarshan was the only outlet of TV news some 2 decades ago. Granted, there were no ‘Breaking News’ stories then, but babus in bureaucracy were moderating the output so we did not get knee-jerk drivel like they put out now in India.
Now – For anyone who has seen News TV in India on the commercial channels, you can’t fathom why every news reader is bawling out the headlines. Breaking News …. Unmukt Chand runs into trouble at St.Stephen’s…. Every channel trying to out yell the other at the top of their lungs… kind of funny actually.
Now this story was making some headlines in India, but the important and relevant story was that of the convictions in the Naroda-Patiya massacre. Many of the accused have gotten life sentences. Both camps – the BJP camps and the activist camps were on full force on TV arguing their side. Another funny thing on Indian News TV is that they put 4 speakers in 4 quadrants on the screen. Now imagine what can happen – usually these guys are trying to force a point or make their case heard, regardless of anything else happening. Now you have 4 guys talking simultaneously and no one wants be muted till the other guy finishes – it is quite a circus !! Now many of these guys have no clue about how to conduct themselves on TV is another matter altogether. I hope someone drops a hint to BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitaraman that she needs to drop her – 80yr old, demented, bitter, schoolmarmish grandma persona on TV. For heaven’s sake stop the obnoxious finger waving on TV, you are not talking to your kids.
Now, the activist community and other camps have been lauding the verdict in the Naroda Patiya case. The case of Mayaben Kodnani was garnering a lot of attention. She was accused of abetting, aiding and instigating the pogrom. One of the main arguments made by Human Rights activists was that Narendra Modi had rewarded her for her role by giving her a ministerial berth in her cabinet. It is hard to tell whether it was a reward or something else, but the fact that she was given a berth despite such grave allegations swirling around her is disturbing. Now whether Mr.Modi knew of the massacres and chose to turn the other way or if he had a direct role will never be known. However, post incident the BJP actions had not been remedial. Nothing was done to bring swift justice, in fact it has been largely the other way around – Do everything to block justice. Missing dossiers, transferred officers, life threats etc., – Why ? It took a SIT/Supreme Court intervention on behalf of the activists to get this far.
The BJP camp has largely been seeking refuge in technicalities that there is no direct evidence of the chief minister being involved. But given how hyperconnected politics is and how many cellphone calls were being placed during these incidents… he didn’t know, Really ???
For what it’s worth read this ghastly, gruesome story and see how you feel about the perpetrators,
It is justified to raise similar questions about the riots in ’84 post the IG assassination. It is shocking that no one has paid the price for that one except the victims.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. True, on the few occasions I’ve watched Indian news channels the reports and anchors are shrieking. To those used to the sober U.S. Channels like CNN (not Fox), the Indian TV News channels appear hilarious.
I watch it occasionally on the iPad.
2. To all those who defend Narendra Modi on the ground that his leadership is fostering Economic Development (forget the high rate of children’s malnutrition in Gujarat), my response has always been that the Fascist leader Mussolini made the trains run on time (at least, he was rumored to have done so).
3. The sordid story in Tiramisu’s Tehelka link (above) of the savage butchery and rape of Muslims in Naroda Patiya is beyond horrific.
I strongly recommend anyone still believing in the Mera Bharat Mahaan nonsense read the Tehelka story (above).
One of the many dark chapters in India’s inglorious history.