For U.S. Readers Only
Blockbuster is offering a great deal – FREE six-months one-DVD rental.
Being a cheapo desi, I signed up and ordered The Dark Knight.
Like most desis here, I do have Netflix Instant but canceled the DVD option since I was not renting many films.
It’s nice to have the DVD option as long as it’s free.
How to Sign Up
Click on the below link and enter your information (credit card required).
Blockbuster Deal Signup Link –
After signup, I went to the account tab on the Blockbuster site and found the below confirmation:
BLOCKBUSTER Total Access Premium
1 at-a-time, Unlimited mailings
Unlimited In-Store Movie Exchanges
Plan Price (after trial period):
$9.99 / month (plus taxes)
Next Billing Date:
January 18,2013
The deal also offers unlimited in-store movie exchanges.
Alas, there are no Blockbuster stores in at least a 40 or 50-mile radius of my place.
I still remember the days in the 1990s when Blockbuster was king and there were stores all over the U.S.
Now most Blockbuster stores have been shut down.
Blockbuster got completely blockbusted by Netflix.
The other good thing about Blockbuster DVD rental is that many of the new releases are available 28-days before Netflix or RedBox. And I think you can rent free games too. Cool!
Enjoy the Free 6-month Blockbuster DVD deal.
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