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A Cricket Record for the Ages
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Unfortunately it very difficult for me to celebrate this record, as it comes on the back of 4-0 drubbings from both England and Australia.
Wonder how the Indian diaspora- both within and without- feels about this record.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Wonder how the Indian diaspora- both within and without- feels about this record.
In the U.S., Sachin’s feat has been overshadowed by the Guilty Verdict in Dharun Ravi’s trial.
The jury verdict coincided with the final two overs of the match.. I was glued to CNN rather than the cricket.
So at least for me the Dharun Ravi trial overshadowed the match.
But can’t say the same about the Sachin’s feat. I woke up at 4 am (I only got up that early for the WC knockout matches) to provide spiritual guidance to him because I knew this was his best chance (against minnows, who turned out to be
giantnot-giants-anymore killers.) to reach this onerous record.And it worked.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Where are you streaming the matches, Roku or PC?
Cricket Country provides the following names:
1. http://cricket-matches.blogspot.com/
2. http://www.watchcriclive.com/
3. http://www.extracover.net
4. http://www.crictime.com
5. http://www.webcric.com
6. http://www.cricket-365.net/
Which one would you recommend?
We’re planning to hook up the small Acer Revo PC to TV and stream it.
Roku -> lankatv -> Prime TV – there is apparently a 1 month free trial – but setting up Roku doesn’t seem to be staightforwardd., but I use the clumsy 2 minute preview method. The channel plays for 2 minutes and then you have to press preview again
Roku -> lankatv -> Ten Cricket streams the Aus-WI series live.
Before this, I used lankajustin.com/link1 or lankajustin.com/link2 on PC. They seemed to have the least popups.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
http://www.crictime.com has been the most reliable for me but that too gives many streaming issues especially when it is a major game attracting more viewers. I saw most of the world cup matches and the recent dismal australian tour there and it worked ok for a free site.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Webcric was OK on PC.
But we couldn’t get it to stream from Acer Revo via HDMI to TV.
The Indian diaspora within and outside has a poor memory and is all too forgiving. After 8-0 drubbing in tests and several 1 day losses including one to Bangladesh all is well in Indian cricket after the 100th hundred and the win against Pakistan today.
It is hard for us mortals to even imagine the hell that Sachin must have experienced over the past 1 year. He is a rare shining star in the depressing universe of Indian sports.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Very true, the last paragraph particularly.
I’m pissed at people here. Sachin Tendulkar has achieved a milestone which no other player has even come close to achieving, his 100th international century, and these nincompoops are still complaining. And you know what they say?
“It’s because of Sachin’s century we lost the match”, “He is a selfish guy.. played only to achieve his personal milestone.. wasted too many balls to get his century. If he had hit one run per ball, India would have won the match”…!!
After hearing such words from people, I was like “Are you people FUCKING STUPID?”.. When so many legends like Vivian Richards for instance, are praising Sachin’s achievement, we pathetic Indians are too busy blaming him for the loss. 289 was a big total and if we failed to defend it, it’s because of the dismal fielding by the team, and not Sachin’s century.
Do these idiots even realize that if it weren’t for Sachin’s ton, we wouldn’t even have made it past 250???
These people need to get a life..!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
What have all the chutiyas who whine and moan endlessly about Sachin’s selfishness not playing for the country done for the country.