The other day we watched the Spanish movie Recien Cazado (2009) on Netflix Instant Play.
No, Recien Cazado (Jaime Camil, Gabriela Vergara) is by no stretch of imagination a must-watch film.
It’s one of those movies you watch when you’re too drunk too drive to the Red Box or Blockbuster kiosk and pick up a newer and better film.
The clock showed 10PM and, as usual, we were sloshed on our postprandial Gin-Orange Juice cocktail.
So without further ado we turned on our Roku box, picked the Netflix Instant Play channel, selected Recien Cazado and hit the Play button.
Predictable Romantic Comedy
Set in Mexico, Recien Cazado is a romantic comedy written, directed and produced by Rene Bueno.
Mexican actor Jaime Camil plays the male lead Sebastian and Venezuelan beauty queen Gabriela Vergara is cast opposite him as the wife/researcher.
Our man Sebastian works as an oenologist (specialist in wines) at a vineyard but he’s also a dashing Lothario given to hard partying, drinking and bedding pretty girls, much to the annoyance of his boss and vexation of his dear mother.
Sebastian has a drawer full of girls’ panties that he keeps as souvenirs and as a mnemonic to remember them.
You see, our Casanova can’t remember the names of the girls who’ve ended up on his bed because they’re far too numerous and can recollect them only through their itsy-bitsy panties.
Obviously, Sebastian is not one who thinks kindly of the institution of marriage. And he makes it amply clear to his mother and buddy (played with great elan by Dino Garcia).
Hell Hath No Fury
All hell breaks loose when after a hard night of partying and heavy drinking he wakes up the next morning with a pretty and buxom girl Alexa who claims to be his wife.
Hey, there’s even a marriage certificate on the stand next to Sebastian’s bed. His buddy says he’s got the photos to prove the marriage happened.
Ha ha ha, what’s our dashing, debonair Sebastian to do now? Looks like his goose is cooked, eh.
Of course, he frets and fumes. But the girl is stubborn and insists that he can’t get rid of her easily like the other girls.
Still she offers him a way out – if she does not get pregnant in three weeks, i.e. if she gets her periods she’ll disappear from his life.
The fun starts now with the girl roaming around the house in the skimpiest possible attire and constantly showing off her huge bust and shapely derriere without giving our horny hero access to the hidden pleasures.
Of course, the inevitable happens with this short term marriage and they live happily together ever after.
Jaime Camil is a decent actor and delivers a more than acceptable performance.
But the girl Gabriela Vergara has miles to go in the acting department.
With a bust disproportionately large compared to the other parts of her anatomy, the woman lacked the class and finesse to carry off this role.
Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu – A Lift of Recien Cazado?
We’ve seen the trailer of Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu and also read the Wiki profile of the film.
From what we can gather, after a night of partying and drinking Rahul Kapoor (Imran Khan) and hair stylist Riana Braganza (Kareena Kapoor) wake up the next morning as husband and wife.
We suspect the Bollywood film also has a happy ending like the Spanish movie.
But what happens in between waking up as husband and wife and the ultimate happy ending remains unclear in the Hindi film because it has yet to hit the screen (debuts on February 10).
It’s possible that the stories of Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu and Recien Cazado are similar only at beginning, then veer off in different directions, and converge again at the end.
But given the ceaseless proclivity of our talentless Bollywood bozos to steal and steal unabashedly we won’t be surprised if Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu turns out to be a lift of Recien Cazado.
Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu’s producer Karan Johar has denied his film is a rehash of What Happens in Vegas but has been mum on Recien Cazado.
In any case, we don’t have high hopes from Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu because its heroine Kareena Kapoor is a curse on the acting profession, utterly worthless.
I think its the lift of a similar movie
the storyline from the link
Set in Sin City, story revolves around two people who discover they’ve gotten married following a night of debauchery, with one of them winning a huge jackpot after playing the other’s quarter. Unhappy pair try to undermine each other and get their hands on the money — falling in love along the way.
BTW.. an interesting religious link,9171,1902851,00.html Responds:
1. As we mentioned in the above post, Karan Johar has already denied it’s a remake of What Happens in Vegas (your IMDB link).
Karan Johar may get the benefit of doubt until Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu releases and we know for sure. After all, Karan paid for the remake rights of Step-Mom (and turned it into the crappy Hindi film We are Family). So he must have some honest blood running in his veins.
2. Regarding your second link, we’re against even the benign acceptance of Religious Pluralism mentioned in the piece as a Solomonistic good because it doesn’t last long and swings toward Religious Monotheistic tendencies sooner rather than later unleashing violence again.
wats ur opinion on this scene? Responds:
Nice one.
BTW, is that how Tamils eat?
“But given the ceaseless proclivity of our talentless Bollywood bozos to steal and steal unabashedly we won’t be surprised if Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu turns out to be a lift of Recien Cazado.” –
For every damn shitty film, a bollywood bozo makes, there are ten thousand people to watch. So, bollywood bozos will merrily continue with their act and not even worry, but ten thousands of bozos per show keep the losses away.
Btw, take a few minutes to read the article in this link. This chap is pretty pizzed off with Indian audience like someone, whom we know as SI Responds:
1. Read the piece in your link.
If we were in India, we’d have watched the guy’s film on Jan. 20.
One mistake these young Indian film-makers make is to have zero or near zero budget for advertising, an intrinsic part of film-making.
Then these bastards beg, cajole, curse and eventually cry that no one watches their films.
Failure to put in ad $$ is like making Masala Dosa without the Chutney or the onion-potato filling inside.
Instead of endless post-failure lamentation, they MUST find some money for advertising. The times we live in call for it.
2. All that said, the Indian audience is not ready (maybe they never will be) for quality films. They’re happy gorging on the shit featuring the likes of Salman, Akshay, Vijay etc.
More than the advertising bit mentioned in the previous point, this is the biggest hurdle independent film-makers face in India. Advertising/publicity can overcome this problem only to some extent.
Look at the Korean crime movies (I Saw the Devil, Yellow Sea etc) coming out over the last 6 or 7 years. Simply superb. So even though the Korean market is small, apparently there’s all-round encouragement for those quality films. Korean films are now releasing in American theaters, not the major theaters like Regal or AMC but in indie theaters like Ritz (Philly), Sunshine (NYC), Rave (Voorhees, NJ). And mainstream Americans are watching them. We watched Yellow Sea in Voorhees and found several Americans in the movie hall.
Nobody, nobody watches the Bollywood, Telugu or Tamil garbage in America except the Indian chutiyas.
Au contraire, there’s little support for new/independent film initiatives in Mera Bharat Mahaan. There are also no theaters supporting indie film-makers in India like we have in the U.S. (Ritz, Landmark, IFC etc).
Bottom line, as you indicated Indian movies are crap because Indian audiences insist only on crap or regurgitated (stolen) and Indianized versions of foreign films.
Now Bollywood has started stealing even Korean films!
BTW, the above is our longest piece of writing on the iPad.
Looks like that piece was meant to be an ad.. He is probably hoping that it will viral.
SI, you can catch ‘n watch that movie on Roku/iPad tomorrow. Responds:
We’ll try to catch it tomorrow. Thanks.
Started watching.. and stopped after 15 minutes. The whole movie is apparently a phone conversation.. don’t have the patience to sit through it – Sorry, Sudhish.. The part about The Matrix seemed kind of interesting, will rewatch it some other time.. ‘coz I wasn’t able to pay attention.
SI: from wikipedia – In the Transilvania International Film Festival, Cluj, Romania in June 2011, 86 voters from the audience rated the film 3.97 on 5 (slightly better than the Oscar nominated Winter’s Bone
and Venice-winning Somewhere). Responds:
1. Just finished watching Good Night Good Morning, the full film on TV. Seems to be missing on iPad Mela app.
Working on a short review.
2. Having seen both Winter’s Bone and Good Night Good Morning, all we’ll say is that folks in Transylvania should stick to basking in the reflected glory from the Dracula stuff.
Wow, just a casual comment made you write your longest post on Ipad. I guess the article really did provoke some thoughts
As you said, it is the fault of the Indian directors, who fail to invest sufficiently in advertising their movies. You perfectly put it when you said, “Failure to put in ad $$ is like making Masala Dosa without the Chutney or the onion-potato filling inside.”
But on the flip side, I guess the guy spent a fortune trying to complete the movie and couldn’t muster enough to advertise the movie, so can’t blame him.
Also, I would agree that you could have watched the movie if you had been here in India. I have not seen the movie, but I will surely support his future ventures if and when they are released in theatres. But for that, he really NEEDS TO MAKE MEANINGFUL FILMS.
It’s high time our Bollywood and Kollywood bozos spend some time creating quality scripts and making good films. Responds:
Our Bollywood and Kollywood bozos are unlikely to invest in quality scripts and making good films any time in the near future because the major chunk of the audience desires trash.
The exceptions are not large enough to turn a profit.