We know, we know.
All ye 64-letter, Twitter-constrained schmucks consider reading to be a cardinal sin.
For desis, books are the new pariahs to stay away from.
Let not even the shadow of the printed word fall on your Fair-and-Lovelied, Hennaed, Attared body. Who knows what dangers might lurk in the pages of books.
God Forbid that your limited mental horizons expand beyond Salman-is-great, Will-it-be-a-boy-for-Ash or Ajith-is-sooper.
For the deviants amongst SI readers who can read beyond a Tweet and consider books as their soulmates, hey, this post is for you.
Borders – Big Discounts
With Borders book stores in the final days of the big liquidation sale, we headed to the nearest store today and picked up a bunch of books at pretty good insanely cheap prices.
Our purchases today include:
* Modern Times by Paul Johnson
* A Mountain of Crumbs by Elena Gorokhova
* Ka: Stories of the Mind and Gods of India by Roberto Calasso
* John Stuart Mill by Richard Reeve
* 9/11 Commission Report by 9/11 Commission
* Interpretation of Cultures by Clifford Geertz
* Crossed Swords: Pakistan, Its Army, and the Wars Within by Shuja Nawaz
* Life of Samuel Johnson by James Boswell
So, all ye desi bibliophiles if you enjoy the printed word as much as we do head to your nearest Borders for some awesome deals.
Term Bibliophile Indian is an oxymoron. Books in India will sell only if it has half-nude pics of women all over it. Even ToI, Yahoo India, DC are soft-porn stuff.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Oxymoron or contradiction in terms?
oxyMorons of India. My GMAT score is pathetic
on the topic of books, I tried to finish reading through Part 2 of “We the Living” but the damn thing was so boring and depressing that I ended up putting it down altogether. Now reading Descartes, might try and read “The Fountainhead” but only if it’s more interesting than that dark (depressing) as night book (We the Living).
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Persevere, persevere, persevere, my son. Compared to her later books like Atlas Shrugged, We the Living is a breeze.
Now, with your permission we’ll get back to our ice-cold FrooGin (SI’s cocktail of Gilbey’s Gin and the Indian mango drink Frooti).
will renew it,thanks for the encouragement