Here’s the much anticipated app that promises to bring Nirvana to billions of itchy, scratchy heads.
Folks, a new iPhone application has debuted that provides real time alerts of lice outbreaks at the local level and provide tools to combat it.
The new app The Facts of Lice is available free of cost at
And all you schmucks thought the iPhone could only stream porn.
Now, is there any way that your Android can step up to this ‘Lice’ challenge from the world’s numero uno smartphone, the iPhone.
Coming soon to an iPhone in your pocket: A new ‘Size Matters’ app to boost your length, an app to cure cancer and finally, a much desired app to provide a desperately needed hit for Abhishek ‘Loser’ Bachchan. The last one is in beta but Steve Jobs is said to be taking a special interest in it as part of his work to improve the lives of mentally handicapped children.
By the way, we just downloaded the Lice app with plans to report an outbreak for the entire South Indian state of Tamil Nadu but unfortunately the app is U.S.-centric.
Here are details from the iLice oops Lice press release:
“With 85% of school districts reporting head lice, busy parents need to be informed about outbreaks in their own communities as quickly as possible,” said Risa Barash, Founder of Fairy Tales Hair Care. “The Facts of Lice app allows parents to track lice outbreaks in their own neighborhood so they’ll know when it’s time to increase prevention efforts at home.”
With a few simple clicks to the iPhone, the app provides parents with a centralized database for outbreak notifications, as well as the tools needed to prevent, combat and report outbreaks. Locations are organized by state and zip code, allowing parents to easily keep tabs on lice outbreaks in local communities across the U.S. Features include the:
Outbreak tab, providing real time alerts on reported lice outbreaks. Simply search by state and zip code and the app will instantly confirm if an outbreak has been reported in that area within the past four weeks
Report tab, allowing parents, caregivers and school nurses to report current outbreaks by zip code in real time
Prevention tab, providing easy guidelines on how to prevent and check for lice if an outbreak has been reported in your area
Removal tab, featuring instructions on how to remove nits and lice if an outbreak has already occurred in your home News tab, reporting the latest lice news and information from Fairy Tales Hair Care
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