As we were desultorily scanning Bloomberg News on our iPad while lying in bed, we stumbled upon some rather interesting news:
* Facebook is banned in China.
Yes, the country of 1.2 billion hackers, low-wage slaves, destroyer of American jobs and nemesis of Indians can’t access the social networking site.
Maybe, it’s all for the good. Less time squandered on ‘Liking’ and ‘Disliking’ each other.
* Facebook is growing by leaps and bounds in India. Active Facebook Accounts in India is up 85% this year to 32 million.
* India is second only to the U.S. (153 million) and Indonesia (39.2 million) in active Facebook accounts.
* Indian idiots have clicked ‘Like’ on Pepsi’s India page 1.4 million times while MTV India has garnered 2.9 million ‘Likes.’ Now, you know why we say India has no hope.
* Facebook has an office in Hyderabad, capital of the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh to work with developers, users and advertisers.
* By next year, India will have the second largest population of Facebook users.
* SI suspects a lot of Indians are accessing Facebook on their phones although the Bloomberg story doesn’t expressly say that. Phones are cheaper than PCs and notebooks and access charges are still fairly low.
* SI has a Facebook account too.
Facebook Comes Before Tap Water as Indian Shanty Town Kids Get Smartphones
Aamir khan is about to fetch 3.7 million (currently being 3.68).
Even Salman khan has 3.1 million fools in his kitty! Responds:
The country has no hope.
Apply for an Exit Visa soon.
The like/dislike option is taking the shine off SI (my personal opinion, but I’d given 2 likes) Responds:
You write: The like/dislike option is taking the shine off SI
Well, some folks repeatedly asked for it.
Just was watching this on Facebook!
Sivaji Balleilakka by American choir
Nice and funny too
Liked that background chorus! Responds:
Old hat.
This is the third or fourth time someone’s posted a link to this shit.
Hey seems this song is famous! There are quite few videos in youtube with different choirs singing it.
Maybe if people spent less time on these (anti)social networking sites and more time learning history,we would have less infanticides(see link) and higher test rates!,news-8512.html Responds:
No hope for humans!
Where’s Jesus, Allah or Rama (the real one) when you need him.
according to erich von daniken,allah was an “extraterrestrial” who visited earth long ago (despite the fact that the koran says he never did and had to depute jibrial in his place) and wont return for a while, ramchandraji was, according to the jains,a renounced king who attained kevala nirvana and is in the siddhaloka indifferent to worldly activities,hence one must seek out worldly gods like saraswati, ganeshji, indraji for worldly help Responds:
And pray what Erich say about the pretty Sita?
not much about sitaji but the bozo says that garudaji is actually a fighter jet from space(remember luke skywalker’s x-wing fighter?) and that the “snakes” that he eats are actually fuel hoses:
the link above contains pics of the “snakes” garudaji eats according to erich Responds:
Wonder what Erich used to smoke?
Offtopic: Here’s a nice and simple video about Financial Crisis with good use of animations and a excellent narration… Responds:
Watching it. Looks good so far. Currently at 3.36 min.