Singham has gotten off to a solid start.
$30 million on Day One.
No typo there. It’s T H I R T Y Million Dollars on the opening day.
Folks, it’s one of the greatest openings we’ve ever seen.
Really amazing.
We can’t control our excitement.
It seems like people are almost trampling each other to get a piece of Singham.
Have you schmucks ever come across such a great opening?
It’s got Blockbuster Hit written all over. is giving Singham 5-stars.
Great Direction
Singham has everything going for it.
It’s got top-class stars, a solid story, powerful muscles, pretty looks, a superb director, a great prequel and 100% sequel potential.
And the action scenes rock.
We haven’t seen such a superb director in a long time.
Not in our lifetime.
After all, how many directors can rightly boast that the Hardware and Software are made for each other.
How sweet!
Rarely, do we get to see matching Hardware and Software.
Oftentimes, in life if the Hardware is powerful, the Software is weak, worn-out or has too many holes.
Or if the Software is smooth and pretty, the Hardware is not powerful enough to take advantage of it.
But with Singham, if you believe the director, the Hardware and Software are made for each other.
Remember those old Wills Filter ad with the pretty couple and the tag line Filter and tobacco perfectly matched. Kinda like that.
Singham – Stunning Visuals
Man, the action scenes rock, the visuals are stunning and, hey, it’s got Multi-Touch too.
Multi-Touch, isn’t that awesome?
We mean you can just ‘pinch, swipe, and tap your way around most’ on top.
But Singham director left out one thing – Sadly, you can’t squeeze on top.
Oh well, we’ll settle for pinching and sweeping the software, if you get our drift.
Expensive Tickets
Mind you, Singham does not not come cheap.
To see Singham, be prepared to fork out $29.95.
But few fanboys are complaining. One million purchased Singham tickets on Day One.
It seems fans are buying Singham tickets faster than any other……Operating System release in Apple’s history.
Directed by Steve Jobs, Singham oops Mac OS X Lion is Apple’s eighth major release of its operating system. It’s available for purchase at the Mac App Store for $29.99.
Unrelated Posts:
Singam Review – Sin to Watch Such Trash
It looks like you are a fan boy too.
If I had a Mac system I would be buying this too. No wonder why everyone is going after it. Do you have one?
$30 is not expensive. I would say it is cheap for an apple product. Responds:
No Singhams here, only iOS, Palm OS and Windows.
off topic: here’s something for your “weird” section Responds:
We knew Christianity had problems but who’d have ever guessed it was, well, so anal!
Crazy SI! Confusing Readers Hmm.. Responds:
What happened?
Have you seen the excellent reviews for Singham?
Boss!!!! Are you caught in a time warp or something???? Singham released years ago??? I hope you are indeed speaking about the Hindi remake of the Surya Starrer???????. Is it released????? Responds:
You write: Boss!!!! Are you caught in a time warp or something???? Singham released years ago???
No. no.
Singham released only on Wednesday, July 20.
More than 1 million people have already downloaded Singham.
BTW, it’s receiving excellent reviews.
You almost got me.
I still haven’t read the Singham (Ajay Devgan starrar) review on your site, but I thought you were actually talking about Singham in this article.
I’m like, wow SI praising a Hindi movie in this manner Responds:
Sure, blockbuster.
Here’s an Unrelated Story about some stupid Tamil movie called Singam:
Singam Review – Sin to Watch Such Trash
The only reason I would want to see these bolly, kolly & tolly alive and well is because thousands of people have a job because of them.
Otherwise I would have wanted our embarrassing movie industries to just rot and die for torturing millions of people. Responds:
You write: The only reason I would want to see these bolly, kolly & tolly alive and well is because thousands of people have a job because of them.
Some people are better dead than alive.
They foul up the Earth through their mere existence.
99.9% of Indian movies are either stolen or unwatchable trash. Our movies are an affront to all notions of art and taste.
Would anyone miss rabid mongrels when they die!
My jaws dropped after reading this… Even doubted if SI was hacked… Then I clicked the link. Responds:
BTW, how’s the Duplicate Singham (Ajay Devgn version) doing in Mera Bharat Mahaan?
Singham is off to a good start, biggest opener for Ajay Devgan, second biggest opening day after ready this year (although 40% lower than Ready). Responds:
The Tamil version was unwatchable!
Will u watch Ajay Devgan’s Singham or not! Responds:
No, since we have seen the trashy Tamil version.