When it comes to web programming or any kind of programming, a lot of people tend to instinctively think of the Coolies aka Indians.
The fraud-laden H1B, B1 and L1 Visa programs, large-scale outsourcing to India and Coolie factories like Infosys, Wipro and TCS have made Indians synonymous with programming skills.
Increasingly, Indians are held up as the ne plus ultra of programming skills in the world (of course, we’ve never believed in that nonsense and, by the way, Indians are second only to the Chinese in stealing others’ intellectual property).
Myth Exploded
But a new study has shattered the myth of the superiority of Indian programming skills, specifically Web Programming skills.
A study of 1 million tests taken by nearly half a million developers has found that Americans lead the world in web programming skills.
These skills are valued by pioneering web companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter.
Conducted by the GILD social network for technology professionals, the study found American programmers outperform Indian programmers on mainstream programming languages including C (U.S. 8% higher), JAVA (9% higher) and SQL (9% higher).
American programmers also scored higher than Indians on web programming languages: 53% higher scores on advanced PHP; 27% higher on advanced HTML.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that American technology professionals are 33% better skilled than their oily-haired Indian counterparts at English communication skills.
Where Indian software developers did better than Americans in the GILD study is on analytical skills like math and logic (by 11%), skills in demand at U.S. technology companies like Oracle, Salesforce.com and eBay.
If the Coolies are getting better at any kind of programming, it’s owing to the despicable H1B and L1 Visa programs and the wholesale outsourcing by large U.S. corporations that are working to the detriment of American software professionals.
Because of outsourcing and the flood of Coolies on H1B and L1 Visas into the U.S., Americans are finding it hard to land entry-level and middle-level programming jobs.
So, not surprisingly, a lot of young Americans are staying away from computer science courses in universities. This has now emboldened large American corporations including IT companies like Microsoft and Intel to shout “shortage of software engineers’ and call for increases in H1B and L1 Visas. These are the same outfits that have set up large operations in India.
SearchIndia.com strongly advocates curbs on Coolie Visas and the initiation of special programs in American universities to support students taking up computer science courses.
If Americans have any cojones, they would pressure their Senators and Congressmen to cut the H1B and L1 Visas, investigate the Coolie factories like Infosys, Wipro and TCS thoroughly for visa fraud and repatriate the foreign earnings held by IT companies like Microsoft, Apple and Oracle.
Related Stories:
New York Times Slams Indian Coolie Factory Infosys
looks like the search india guys are the following:
1.must be some engineering grads from some 3rd rated dote 2 colleges in tamilnadu who came to america as a h1-b coolies in early 2000.now they must have got the green card.
2.started newly watching hollywood/english movies and struck awe by the nudity in it.
3.think all indians are fools
4.think living in america is great.
5.put down all indians except them.
6.must be some fuckin tamil brahmin cohort
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Wrong on all counts.
Why this vitriol against Tamil Brahmins? Did one of them b*gger you?
BTW, the next time you post the same comment 7 times we’ll delete you in less than 7 seconds. Once is enough, Comprende?
The typical mind of our oh so great Indians with the shining culture and whateve.. always the first to retort, not thinking much of what the nation is becoming, away from the so high up many people think it is.. anyway doesnt want to discuss this topic, ’cause I’m a little weak in well.. discussing.
but I can still learn by my experiences.. A friend of mine, who unlike me was a good student, and graduated his M.Sc and went to the US for Phd. the first thing he said about the place was… here we have to really study.
He studied hard even here but there are somethings well soaked by us Indians, the shortcuts, the alternatives to hard work, that even the most disciplined ones think are legitimate, which actually are illegal in real study situations.
Eg: Phds cook the data of their research here at the universities.. proof is self… I’ve dictated random numbers to a lot of Phds. they do a quarter of the research and cook up the rest. not that they dont have the brains, but our system dictates that its ok to cook up if you can getaway with it and damned be the public who depend on the research, when the Phd will mint money somewhere.
So when my friend said that he has to really study, he meant the same thing, we can cook up our data..
I for one, talks of rules everywhere and all the time. but I wouldn’t be surprised if I break lots of rules in some European country. Like a friend of mine who skipped a red light when there was no traffic. Yeah he did get fined. but would we find it an offense to skip red when there’s no traffic, I don’t think we would.
dearie, I think the term coolie refers to the software professional, who has gotten into it after 2002 when there was a boom in the job market. I consider even the ones working over here in India to be coolies. and getting a green card is not an easy process.
Your comment only shows your own prejudices, aspirations and intent on watching Hollywood movies than that of SI. My comment shows mine, I’m sure.
Thanks for publishing my comments.
I have keenly watched your website for years and it is in my favorites. i just had the time to comment on your site.
1.the haste you guys show in curbing the h1b visa for the it guys is pathetic.(iam not an it guy by the way and i am not affected by it).but it just shows the crab mentality of indians .the h1-b visas are given by the american govt.so if a bunch of indians benefit from it,what is the problem.who are we to be judgemental to decide who is eligible to come to america.even if it is a poor person who gets benefited by it,so be it.it will eliminate poverty in india.so stop suppressing a co-indian and feel happy if a indian comes forward by his own effort.
2.iam one of the person who reads the reviews of all the movies in your site.i have the following comments
a.ur reviews on kamal hassan is correct
b.not all hollywood movies are good.u guys will realise this if u guys watch it for more than 25 yrs like me.
c.the recent trend in tamil movie making has improved a lot lately and some seriously good tamil movies are being made.
d.the fun with which you guys write is good
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. As we’ve said in the past, it makes no sense to have H1B/L1 or exploit B1 Visas when official unemployment in the U.S. is over 9.1% and unofficial unemployment rate hovers at almost double the official rates. It’s like Tata or Reliance in India giving the best jobs to Bangladeshis.
2. We’ve never said all Hollywood movies are good. See for instance, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Review – Left Us Cold or Adjustment Bureau Review – Plain Rubbish.
Add Tranformers: Dark of the moon to it…. :D…
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Oh, have you seen it already?
Just got back from the crap and yet I don’t remember anything from the movie.
IMAX made it watchable at times. May be I should have waited for the reviews.
I just wanted it to end but it kept on going and that too for a freaking 2 3/4 hours of explosion.
But I don’t have any doubts on this becoming a blockbuster. Michael Bay sucks!!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
“Because of outsourcing and the flood of Coolies on H1B and L1 Visas into the U.S., Americans are finding it hard to land entry-level and middle-level programming jobs.”
So? Companies know what they are doing. They want less expenditure, so they outsource. Matter finished. This is how
Capitalism works. This is how human brain works. Even I could cry out loud saying all American companies in India
are destroying India’s textile and food industries and blah blah blah.
I mean we are the people who cry if we spend a little more unnecessarily on a movie, then why should companies spend
a little more if they get a cheap labour?
There are pros and cons of Outsourcing.
Indians work as coolies, they don’t bother about innovation.
Americans who don’t get jobs, and in general possess entrepreneurial abilities start their own innovation companies.
Indians who are getting into USA are as desperate as people who went to California during “Gold Rush” from all parts
of the world. (Except that there was so much violence in the latter).
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Let’s see if you sing the same tune when your job goes to the Chinese.
Infosys and Wipro are already ramping up their investments in China.
It’s time we all learn to use protectionism the way the Chinese do unabashedly.
2. While it’s true that Americans possess entrepreneurial skills and often are behind the innovative startups, the jobs provided by these fledglings is too insignificant to compensate for the wholesale decimation of jobs in mature industries.
We can’t wait to see what happens when you sign all those patent laws as per the U.S. diktat and your drug prices soar by 1000%. Make hay while the sun shines, albeit for a short while.
The concept of Free Trade is bull.
The priority of every nation is its citizens. Unfortunately, corporate lobbying (an euphemism for bribing and campaign contributions) has killed U.S. industry and now the service sector through outsourcing and H1B/L1 Visas.
Anyone can tell you that the skills that matter, are the analytic / math ones. You can figure out how to code something in C / Java / SQL with the a book, or almighty Google will help you. Doesn’t matter if you are good in a programming language; you need to have skills to analyze and solve problems. Languages are just for reference!
SearchIndia.com Responds:
The Japanese are prized for their math skills and their analytic strengths is nothing to be sneered at. Yet, Japan has been in a funk for the last 10-15 years. Our point is that whatever be the perceived or real advantages of a group, appropriate government intervention is crucial for a citizenry to advance. Dysfunctional Japanese governments for over a decade have brought Japan to its knees. Ditto in the U.S. where, as Ralph Nader once said in a debate and all sensible observers would agree, both the Democrats and Republicans have abandoned Americans. Our economy comes to near collapse and all we (and Preet Bharara) can prosecute is a Tamil immigrant chutia for insider trading! If outsourcing and H1B/L1 Visa infusion continue at their current pace, over the next two or three decades the only programmers in America will be the Gurujis and Doppalapudi Srinivasa Reddys.
Look, if you look from an American’s point of view, you’ll realize that it’s right. What if the Chinese/Bangladeshis come to India and work here leaving Indians unemployed? It’s the same situation for them.
And regarding the article above, in America and generally the western society, the learning process is more structured and generally the way in which they learn is much better compared to Indians in general (Doesn’t apply to every Indian). The methods that we Indians mainly use is Trial and Error – reactive. That’s why our learning of programming is limited – therefore not as good as the Americans. I am from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu – I studied in Australia for 2 years for my masters degree. I learnt much more, and I had to adapt to their system of learning – which is much more effective and disciplined.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Our views on outsourcing are based purely from an American viewpoint.
“Let’s see if you sing the same tune when your job goes to the Chinese.
My answer would be, ” If NRIs are really concerned about fellow american jobs, probably they should *donate* their jobs
to the same americans and settle in india happily.” Let me see how many will do that.
If an Indian and Chinese talent is almost equal then the expenditure decides where the job goes. I don’t think having
an Indian at the job increases the production cost than having a chinese.
If Wipro and TCS are opening investments in China, it is good for them and that is how the system works.
These are private companies and their sole purpose is profit maximization. (Like you and like me, like everybody).
If a public company like OIL employs chinese labour, then that is a different issue.
@SI:”It’s time we all learn to use protectionism the way the Chinese do unabashedly.”
It’s not easy especially in America. In fact this will ruin the American Industry more than anything else unless
there is decline in consumerism.
@SI:”The concept of Free Trade is bull”
It’s just not about Trade. If you work a little, you will realize that Trade and Individual rights are closely related.
And takes a few min to realise that Socialism/Communism are the most flawed economic philosophies ever invented. The flaw is their assumption about “Selflessness of a Man”.
In the end i say, There is nothing unusual about American govt increasing H1B visas to Indians, Chinese and Filipinos.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. Since altruism is hardly a ubiquitous trait, we don’t expect NRIs or NRCs or NRBs to donate their jobs to Americans. So government intervention is the need of the hour.
2. Untrammeled capitalism always works to the detriment of labor and, again, strict regulations are necessary to prevent its ill-effects. To argue that business will go where labor is cheap is to take too fatalistic a view that ends up abandoning a nation’s citizenry to the wolves. When regulations are weakened or don’t exist (case study – America over the last two decades), the economy collapses causing whole destruction of many lives and forces bailouts of those same capitalists who bleat incessantly about the virtues of free markets and non-intervention.
3. You write: The flaw is their assumption about “Selflessness of a Man”.
Since man is not selfless, you need government intervention.
And government intervention on behalf its citizenry is hardly the same as Socialism or Communism. Many Western European countries (best example is Sweden) have had a socialist outlook and we can’t recollect any of them faring badly. Au contraire, they do better by their citizens. In contrast, look at the current plight of Iceland and Ireland. Desperate Irish citizens have again started migrating to Australia, NZ and elsewhere. Another example of a government with a tradition heavy intervention is Singapore. Well, no one can say Singapore has not done well by its citizens. Of course, size matters
and what can be accomplished in smaller nations like Sweden and Singapore is harder in larger nations like the U.S. but size is not an argument to inveigh against intervention.
Bottom line, unless there’s strong government intervention on behalf of its citizens the corporate and other wolves will devour the citizen sheep. This is true of all nations.
The concept of ‘Laws’ was not devised merely to protect life and personal property. It’s maximum well-being of maximum citizens.
OT: Watch this series called spartacus – blood and sand. An intriguing one with extreme nudity and violence. Its about gladiators. Too much of sex, violence and exposure, so I guess you’ll love it
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You write: Too much of sex, violence and exposure, so I guess you’ll love it
For your edification.
We’ll watch Spartacus (Season 1 & 2 – 2010-2011). It’s on Netflix Instant Play.
Didn’t you promise for V for Vendetta?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Yes, getting it soon. Very soon.
Instead of waiting for Netflix, maybe we’ll go to Blockbuster & pick it up today.
hype is too much for ‘V’, you shouldn’t expect much of it. did I say about ‘Gattaca’ its worth a watch.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Just finished watching V. Review in about an hour.
Gattaca? No.
In design, programming, and architectural skills, americans, for the most part, have always been ahead of Indians – be it web programming, or anything else.
That is, they are trend-setters, and Indians just follow it. Whether it is a new design concept, or architecture model or a best-practice, it first gets established there, and Indians just follow it bullishly until they’re told by their american counterparts that ‘the practice is really outdated’. [The case is different, if a really-bright indian mind gets education somewhere where free thinking is allowed. But that comes as a rare phenomenon.]
I’ve seen this. When we work with american / Canadian developers, the design skills and understanding are far superior. After getting a thorough understanding from them, Indian developers would be able to follow their steps.
But, there are always good / bad coders at both sides. May be, Indian offshore contributes more for the bad side. [Blame it on Indian population and lack of practical understanding of concepts during education?]
For ex., You see a text on iPhone’s back side – “Designed in ‘California’. Assembled in ‘China’. ” While this is the case for a hardware manufacturing [obviously low-cost, rapid production in china], the same can apply to India in Software field. [For ex., Microsoft outsourcing the testing part of its flagship products to companies such as Infosys, etc. retaining the major design with them]
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Indeed, the iPhone back has Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China inscribed on it.
So, it looks like you too have jumped on the iPhone train. Can you buy music/videos/apps from iTunes and AppStore from India now? There were some geographical restrictions earlier.
mention iphone to SI and they go off in tangents.. where were we… it was about the assembling of iPhone and assembly line software engineers etc in India.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Nice phone barring the occasional issues.
I second the opinion of following the herd, headed by Europeans.
I’m from the multimedia industry and have interest in special effects, as spoilt by Speilberg and Cameroon. When we go to learn special effects, they teach the same outdated effects, and no concepts of the maths and physics and drawing involved, visualization as taught here is naught. They always bank on the latest blockbusters and I’m like, damn.. these films are in production for at least 4 years and someone has wrote the plugin for the effect, now they are teaching to use it and not even teaching to make it. Think that will take much more to make people learn to make something than make a living out of whatever is already there.
This is a really telling stat. You just have to look at the open-source CMS world to see how true this is.
Most open-source projects such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal have predominantly American core developers. I will be surprised if the number of Indians contributing to the core is even 5% of the total.
A lot of this comes down to entrepreneurship. Most Indians working with software are happy to use something that someone else has built, then make a factory process out of it. But they generally lack the skills to put something kick-ass out there, not because they are deficient in coding to start off, but because they lack the ability to experiment. And from what I have seen, once you release something for mass consumption and start receiving feedback on it, your skills automatically go up. But if you stick to mundane software development activities working for your employer you will never really pick up the advanced stuff. Sure, you might know what an “EJB” is and what it does and you might even code one, but you would never be able to come up with the concept of an “EJB” let alone write the technology behind it.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We agree with the above explanation.
But there’s also another non-IT explanation for open source projects having mostly American core developers.
Our hypothesis is that cultures/societies that are still in economic development mode are more into extracting than giving back.
At one time, we had some exposure to the Linux development process. We subscribed to a mailing list that included several key people such as Linus Torvalds. Most of the key developers/contributors were non-Indians. A lot of Americans, some Brits, a few Germans….This was a few years back and, it’s possible, things might have changed now.
Its sad reality. I second our readers opinions on Indians just following the established methods. It owes a lot to the bad educational system we have in india. Most of our curriculum restricts the students to be bookworms and curtail their ability to think out of the box. Colleges aren’t too different. Some of my friends say even IIT which is widely believed to be the best of a lo,t lacks infrastructures for research and development. Though I dont have much of an idea of how IIT is, someone like Kreacher who studied in IIT can throw some light on it.
one of an exIITian doesn’t seem to have a good view of IIT
Come June every year, companies such as Infosys, wipro, CTS, TCS recruits nearly more than a lakh candidates collectively. They recruit candidates from all streams of engineering including the ones who dont even have a idea of computer. Ideally, education should happen in colleges not in company campuses but new recruits spend upto six months honing their skills and that too most of the times project specific and they are made to use the existing standards and methods.The question of experimenting falls flat. Unless we have some drastic reforms in our educational systems, this sad reality is bound to prevail
No response from Kreacher about IIT. Would love to hear from kreacher about IIT.. could you please convey this to him?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
We see him logging on every day.
Let’s see if he does a post on What I Didn’t learn at IIT.
@SI: I do not agree to your calling Indian programmers Coolies. Coolies by definition means unskilled laborers from India, China and other such Asian countries.
By no means are the Indian programmers unskilled. In this highly competitive world, there is no place for unskilled people, nor time to train them and do the what the project demands. If you are using the word coolie to say cheap labor, then also it may not be right, because, then all the working class in the world (with the exception of entrepreneurs) are coolies. For example, now if you demand a raise in your salary and your boss cant do it, then he will replace you with another person for the same salary. So the person replacing you, is technically speaking working at a cheaper wage than you and hence a coolie by the earlier definition. The companies keep them not only for their cheap wages, but also for their dedication, loyalty and hard working nature.
Their hard earned money has helped them pay off debts, support their families back home and raise the standard of living in so many families in India. I personally feel, the context in which you use the word coolie is derogatory.
So refrain from referring to the Indian programmers as coolies.
SearchIndia.com Responds::
Get real. There would not be any outsourcing or H1B/L Visas but for
cheapCoolie wages.You can call the Coolie a programmer or consultant or developer but at the end of the day he/she/it is a Coolie.
Are Americans programmers better than their Indian counterparts? IMO YES
Are the American programmers expensive? YES
Do American (or whatever) companies need the best programmers for all their roles? NO
Does it make financial sense to staff average roles with a highly skilled (& expensive) resources? NO
Do highly skilled programmers like roles that requires average skills? IMO NO
So, how do companies staff roles that require average skills? OUTSOURCE! or use LOW COST OPTIONS (Coolies in SI parlance). Using low cost options help companies stay competitive. If Indian / Chinese / African / South American / Whoever provide that alternative then that is where things will go. There is no point in debating it.
Is IT the only industry that is oursourced? hey wait… I don’t see any shirts or trousers in Macy’s Target, Wal Mart etc. that is “Made in America” Why not cut all of that and bring those jobs home? I am sure that will reduce unemployment.
How about any gift shop in a tourist attraction? Whoa!! Made in China! Some more jobs you can bring home!
ok ok.. there should be some thing that is made here… How about home improvement products? or furniture? well, that is also Made in China?!!?!
I guess everything in America is outsourced and not just IT. What % of the 10% unemployed are directly due to H1/L1 visas? That would be interesting to know!
IMO Protectionist policies are like incestuous families. It will only increase the probability of poor offsprings with shorter life spans.
“Coolie” – I know SI uses that derogatory term to vent and SI will creatively find ways to defend it. No point even debating the use of that term.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
1. You write: Are the American programmers expensive? YES
What is expensive?
And what is the frame of reference?
The standard of living for an American is far different, much higher and more expensive, compared to a H1B/L1 Coolie shacking up with three other Coolies and sleeping on newspapers (we swear, we’ve seen one Tamil doing that in Queen’s).
Health insurance costs, a major headache for any U.S. employer, is so much more expensive here compared to India.
2. Protectionism is an F-word these days for proponents of free trade who are its beneficiaries.
As we’ve said ad nauseum, ad infinitum, the principal task of a government is maximum happiness of maximum citizens. If protectionism is one such mechanism, so be it.
People shout themselves hoarse about intellectual property, patents, trademarks and the like. Does China give a flying f*ck? No, Chinese knockoffs are as common as desis on Devon Ave (Chicago) or 74th St in Jackson Heights (NYC) or on Pioneer Blvd in Artesia (Los Angeles).
Much as we
hateloath theChineseYellow monkeys, their government knows what it’s doing compared to our administration (the U.S., we mean).3. When Agriculture left our shores (U.S.), we consoled ourselves that we still had industry/manufacturing left.
When industry started moving to the Far East, China and the Maquiladora countries we gushed that we were turning into a service economy.
When even service jobs migrate to India and Indians, Phillipines and Filipinos, what’s left in this country?
@SI: You have not answered Naveen’s point that why not cut all the manufacturing being outsourced to China and create more local jobs?? Blaming only a particular section for the large scale unemployment is not right! The only thing that will continue to be made in USA will be I guess more and more sophisticated weapons which they can sell it to anyone who is of help to US and only to use them against it when they are no more required (remember why Al-Qaeda was created??)
SearchIndia.com Responds:
You ask: Why address IT services first, why not take up Manufacturing too?
It’s easier to fix service sector jobs plus China owns a huge chunk of our debt! Fixing manufacturing is harder and will take longer. Also dealing with India/Philippines is easier than dealing with China.
Some work toward addressing the IT crisis has already started here (for instance, the increase in H1B Visa fees last year) but more needs to be done.
Service sector is not a full-blown crisis yet but heading there. IT and Tech Support/Customer Service call centers are gone, pharma, legal, investment banking, patent/trademark filing, copy editing, animation ….are in the process.
Eventually, manufacturing will also have to be addressed.
Correction: Expense: Low cost option reduces significantly the employers responsibility and quality of benefits provided to the low cost resource. Both in terms of direct pay and additional benefits. There is no dis-agreement on your comment on standard of living and health care expenses. But, when there is someone who agrees to sleep on paper for lower pay+benefits then there is no competition. It isn’t fair… but so is life.
If the American government is serious about creating an even playing field in IT then they should do the same things that India does to encourage the environment for companies to thrive.. for example tax breaks for home grown software, an STPI equivalent, technology parks and most importantly establish a sense of parity on wages so low wage is not the only reason to go for H1/L1 visa holders.
SearchIndia.com Responds:
What the U.S. ought to do but will never do since it’s captive to vested corporate interests is to cut the number of H1/L1 Visas, further hike H1/L1 Visa Fees and impose a tax on outsourcing.
A family decided to save on the electricity bill as they were struggling to make both ends meet. With an air of superiority the stultior asino wife declared that henceforth the night lamp shall be switched off before sleeping, adding “why do we need a night light while we are asleep?” The “thalaiyatti boom boom” (tamil) vacca stulta husband meticulously went on switching off the Zero Watt night bulb every night for a month, blissfully unaware that the power guzzling two ton air-conditioner was running at full blast all night long !
Well, you can imagine the stultior asino wife’s expression when the electricity bill for the next month arrived !!!.The above humorous incident of a friend always comes up, during our friends families get-togethers – to pull his legs.
Whenever I read SI’s posts on Coolies, HIB/L visas, somehow,the above incidence comes to my mind.
Cepe indicum SI ! The H1B/L are the Zero Watt night bulbs of your economy. The real problem lies elsewhere.
On another topic, it is rumored that at South Block, New Delhi, some US officials seems to have said that “there is a lot of pressure from Senators and Congressmen after reading the posts from one of your ex-citizen, we have do something now”
The Indian officials seem to have discussed among themselves, “Äb Kya Karega ? Chalo ! Yaar! Lets give them an order for Ten C-17 Globemaster III transport aircrafts for about Four Billion $$$ which should sustain tens of thousands of jobs there and keep their families afloat, this is in addition to the Half a dozen C-130J aircrafts about a Billion $$$ which is already under supply. Yaar Teek kehara hai ! Think it should keep them mouths shut for a while and also them worrying about getting Bangalored.”
Lorem transiit Wednesday. Ubi is the Latino erotica scriptum mirum test
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Coming soon to the skies near you – F-18 bomber and C-17 Globemaster III transport aircrafts manufactured by HAL Bangalore at 1/2 price!
SI, can you please change the fonts to normal, except for the Latin (to remain in italics) in my comment.
Anything to say on the last line?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Eureka (now, that’s Greek), we were flummoxed for a few minutes, then got it!
It’s not the Wednesday but will happen on a Wednesday!
So, the Wednesday is also a surprise but nil desperandum.
It’s hot here and nunc est bibendum Guiness Extra Stout.
@SI: You had written “The Japanese are prized for their math skills and their analytic strengths is nothing to be sneered at”. But, I think Japanese are not known for their maths skills. They are at awe of Indian math skills and the Chinese math skills. I would agree to a certain extent with analytical skills.
One of the defining attributes of a Japanese is punctuality, patience, resilience and their eye for detail. You can never ever dream of beating the Japanese at testing skills.
On another note, saw this program on a Japanese TV 2 days back. The program was about Indian way of education and how good Indians are at Maths and how early we start learning multiplication and division. They showed a stat saying that 36% of engineers in NASA are Indians and 34% of employees in Microsoft are Indians.
Now, this stat used to come in various forwarded mails too, did not believe them till I saw the program mentioned above.
How far is it true?
SearchIndia.com Responds:
Some years back, we remember reading that Georgia (a state in the south here) planned to adopt Japanese math standards to reform its schools. So we assumed Japan was pretty good in math.
But it appears Japan has been slipping in Math ranking over the last 8 years.
dpak.shimpo (thinking after watching the programme): “Oh, these stats used to come in various forwarded mails too, I did not believe them until I saw this program!!!”
Japanese TV Program director (thinking looking at his mailbox): “Oh, I used to hear this (thing about MS, NASA, etc) in many Indian TV channels. But I did not believe it until my associate forwarded this mail to me.”
By the way, just kidding